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Thursday, October 3, 2024

Medjugorje,: Good Fruit from an Ambiguous Tree?

I visited Medjugorje in the early 90s with a friend. We'd spent two weeks exploring Ireland and she wanted to make a return visit to Medjugorje. She had been practicing the Wednesday and Friday fasts and attributed her return to the faith to Medjugorje. So we joined a group of Irish pilgrims and spent the last week of our trip in the little village which was already beginning to experience a tourist boom. 

The week was like a retreat with many hours in the church, confession, and climbing the mountain. I knew several people who'd been there and heralded the "miracles" of their rosaries changing to a gold color and seeing things in the sun. Their enthusiasm seemed a little superstitious to me. I didn't see anything special on oour trip, but I had already told the Lord I didn't need signs and wonders to increase my faith. 

After we got back to the states, I went to a few of the big Medjugorje rallies which always made me a bit queasy. They reminded me of the tele-preachers and they always took up a collection. As time went on, Medjugorje seemed to me like a cash cow, all about organizing trips and raising money. 

And then there were the incessant messages. Mary, the silent woman of the gospel, the silent lady of other apparitions who spoke sparingly or not at all (Our Lady of Knock) was suddenly a chatterbox who ended every new "message" with "Thank you for having responded to my call." 

I read and reviewed several of Donal Foley's excellent books evaluating the authenticity of Medjugorje which increased my skepticism. Mary seemed not only to thank the visionaries but answer to their beck and call. There were continuous announcements of the appointments with Our Lady. Pilgrims were almost guaranteed a seat at an apparition.

I don't want to cast any aspersions on the alleged visionaries. The National Catholic Register did an article on them in September. They seem like normal practicing Catholic families. Nevertheless, it seems like they have all made a lifetime career out of Medjugorje. And the difference between their experience with on-going apparitions for decades is unlike any approved apparition that I know of. 

To cut to the chase, I'm still a skeptic. And I offer this article from Fr. Raymond de Souza for your consideration. 

My personal advice for what it's worth. If you have money to go on pilgrimage, go to Lourdes, Guadalupe, or Fatima. Perhaps even more affordable, make a pilgrimage to the many shrines here in the U.S. including the one site of confirmed apparitions, Our Lady of Champion in Champion, WI. And check out Fr. de Souza's article. It's worth the read time.

Finally, pray the rosary every day and follow Mary’s plan for peace from Fatima. That and the sacraments will bring you safely home.

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