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Friday, October 11, 2024

Tulsi Gbbard Nailed It....

When she describes her reasons for leaving the Democrat whore-house she succinctly nailed the disaster that the party has become. Read her commentary and, if you're Catholic and Democrat, isn't it time to leave too? She doesn't mention abortion, but in 2020 when Tulsi was still a Democrat, she introduced two pro-life bills. That took courage in a party that cancels any politician who won't embrace their abortion sacrament. Let's pray that many other Democrat politicians follow her example.


  1. I add to that list of Tulsi’s, that the Bolshevik Democrats hate Catholics. For instance …

    Trump plays a beautiful Avè Maria at his Butler PA memorial political rally to honor the fallen Corey Comperatore.

    Gretchen Whitmer makes a sacrilegious funny for her Bolshevik pals by mocking our God and the RCC by profaning Holy Eucharist (I won’t link or describe it … it’s disgusting).

    Trump is a Catholic ally, and respects our religion.

    Kamala with her Bolshevik pals is an enemy of our Catholic religion and hates everything for which we stand … literally everything.

    One may be an imperfect ally.
    The other, though, is a perfect enemy.

    1. How does Trump respect YOUR religion when he doesn't respect (fear) God? And I'll just cite his position on abortion, sodomy, divorce, birth control etc. Trump closed the RNC in 2020 "Following the firework display, Trump's guests were given a performance by opera singer Christopher Macchio, who sang "Nessun Dorma," Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" and "Ave Maria" in front of Trump and his family. The full video of Macchio's post-Trump speech performance can be watched below:"
      One of the reasons S Pius X wanted to change Catholic music back to chant was that mass is not a feel good performance. Moving one's lips while heart is far from God is the way to displease God and end up in hell for all eternity. What chumps he must think Catholics are -- they claim to be prolife but vote for him because he plays a Catholic song!

      Just like Clintons were at Trump's wedding' to Melania (his first and 2nd wives were still living), Trump has donated to K Harris campaigns twice. If you donate, don't you support the candidate?
      What has Trump done for Ashli Babbit or any of the Jan 6ers still in jail/facing trial/jail because of him?

      I think you are engaging in rash judgment to say that K Harris/Democrats are perfect enemies of God while Trump/Republicans are imperfect allies. Labeling people "bolshevik" is as easy as them labeling you "fascist." None of us have the mind of God. Tulsi supported Sanders who is a communist in 2016 and Biden in 2020. Some of her reasons for leaving the Democrat party: anti-2nd amendment, "illegal" immigration, free speech/censoring, targeting people of faith and spirituality could all happen under a Catholic regime.

      I left the Republican party in 2012 when Romney announced he had been working for sodomy in the boy scouts since 1994 and had introduced the model for Obama Care in Massachusetts before Obama. It was not the party I joined in 1980 and it has only gotten worse since 2012. I am suspicious of anyone campaigning for the current Republican party.

  2. These are not Democrats, nor do they stand for a liberal vision of governance within our constitutional framework.

    These are Bolsheviks. They are *not* smart. They *are* single-minded, and they never stop in pursuing whatever it is that motivates a Bolshevik - violence is almost always an element of it.

    This brilliant movie, Death Of Stalin, though somewhat violent like its true to life subject matter, is perhaps the best depiction of the current condition of our “Democrat” leaders. Hilarious and pathetic, dangerous and lethal, all rolled into one … a Bolshevik.

    Death Of Stalin trailer … a bit violent, profane … but brilliant in depicting history and our current government (imo)

    This is the state of our current government.

  3. When Tulsi was in the House, I recall her giving some interviews where she wasn't afraid to admit illegal immigration was a "crisis" and she has "common sense." About her being a Democrat, I felt in the 2020 primary that she and John Delaney were "sane" Democrats in the race and the party threw them under the bus. I also didn't like how social media tried to censor Tulsi.

    Tulsi also seems like someone you can have a conversation with even if you don't agree on certain things.
    Unfortunately that's something lost today. A few weeks ago I was at a work meeting and a few co-workers shared that our place of business people can disagree without taking disagreements too personally. Many places have different personality types and you have to figure out how to work together. (Sidebar - my dad used to say every outfit has a Frank Burns).

  4. In Mass today, in his sermon on election considerations, our Priest said that there is no place for prudential judgement when a candidate directly supports an intrinsic evil. There is no such thing as “lesser evil”. It is either intrinsically evil or it is good or some place in between. But at the intrinsically evil pole, there is no debate - a vote for a candidate that is all good, with one intrinsically evil position is itself a mortal sin that will doom us to hell as a participant.

    And so … I can rationalize (explain in prudential judgement) all of Trump’s candidate positions *except one biggie*:

    *Trump specifically supports IVF*

    And that seems to be game over, based on how my Priest put it. Trump’s direct support and institutional intent to advance an intrinsic evil means a *no vote* on Trump.

    His personal views on abortion are not going to nationalize abortion. Fine.

    His official candidate views on IVF are going to nationalize abortion through IVF procedures, not to mention fetal (baby) tissue experimentation and stem cell medical uses. Not fine.

    I would very much appreciate your opinion on what I said about this. It kind of changes everything, unless I’m missing something.

  5. So you can’t distinguish between two candidates one of whom supports abortion on demand for all 9 months and one who opposes abortion with a rape/incest exception? Sounds crazy to me!

  6. Anonymous 3:32
    You didn’t address the question.

    1. And to answer your statement more fully, since the host supports your position, I will say this as well …

      I have a problem with any candidate that can’t defend life as a matter of principle from the moment of conception to natural death.

      It becomes matter of grave sin to me, however, (according to my Priest as I understand him) when that candidate’s inner belief is translated into a matter of public policy he is proposing to be elected to advance and for which policy he is specifically asking for my personal support and vote - my complicity *by assent* in something specific.

      Your statement doesn’t address that. A candidate’s personal opinion is not the issue. The issue is specific pro-death policy the candidate promises to enact.

  7. I think the comment did address the question, Aqua. If the priest is right, then there is no distinction between the intrinsic evil of supporting abortion on demand for all nine months and abortion exceptions which also are intrinsically evil. I agree, that makes no sense. I couldn't have supported a single candidate except Ellen McCormack (Ever heard of her?) since I became eligible to vote at age 18. That's 59 years of being disenfranchised or having to do a write in at every election, a write in who could not win. I've done that, but rarely.

    I don't see the person voting as choosing the intrinsic evil, they are choosing the candidate who will either do the least harm or the most good. Are we allowed to buy items from a pharmacy or grocery store that sells the abortion pill? They are involved in an intrinsic evil. All the other good stuff they sell doesn't erase that fact. I think this gets into the serious debate about cooperation with evil. I'll be doing more research on this, but I think the priest is in error.

    1. Mary Ann, respectfully you are missing the point.

      There has been no Republican candidate, or Party Platform, that has promoted abortion as a matter of policy, promoted IFV treatment *as a matter of policy*. Failed to defend, yes. Promoted and advocated, no.

      *This is different*. If Trump is elected, and I helped put him there, a major part of his platform is federally funded and institutionalized IVF treatment which means *INDUSTRIAL SCALE ABORTIONS* , *FETAL CELL EXPLOITATION* by definition of what IVF is.

      I can ignore that and say “for the greater good”. But, unless I’m wrong (I have a clarification email request in to him), that justification is a mortal sin.

    2. And one further comment, as this has been a topic of conversation with my wife over the last 24 hours -

      IVF, we’ve discovered, aborts more babies than the abortion industry itself. Not only that, but once you get into what the medical procedure is that produces the IVF “products” (plural) you will discover it is disgusting, hellish even, in multiple levels. IVF is really, really bad. And Trump is a strong advocate, promising to advance the egg and organ harvesting, fetal cell experimenting industry and institutionalize it.

      As much as I fear the Bolsheviks, I don’t see how I can square that direct link between my vote and intrinsic grave evil.

    3. I think the point is formal vs. material cooperation with evil. I need to do more study on this. We are all guilty of material cooperation with evil because of the societal evil of our culture. Is a parent who sends his children to public schools committing a mortal sin? Many school districts have policies that impose DEI. Some schools conspire with the trans ideology and actually deliberately deceive parents. Some even have clothes closets letting kids change when they get to school. I'm going to do a post on cooperation with evil because this is a serious question that deserves more attention. If parents know about these education policies and sees them being implemented in the local school is it a mortal sin to keep the children in the schools? That's just one example, but there are many other similar situations.

    4. Been talking a lot about this topic this morning with my wife.

      Yes, in your example in reference to DEI school issues, if a parent *knows*, it is material cooperation with grave evil.

      And to return to IVF, knowing now what this satanic industry is, to accept this and directly cooperate by my vote and assent to institutionalize it for whatever my practical reasons happen to be … I have to answer to God for that transactional assent (this for that). And the devil always wants more, after the first milestone on the spiritual descent is past (gay marriage perhaps … “to keep the Bolsheviks at bay”, of course).

      The counsel from my Priest in his sermon was a clarifying moment. Like all good counsel, it makes intuitive sense and is very simple and good once you see it for what it is. A direct link between the candidate and grave evil is game over. A candidate’s personal beliefs are not the issue so much as the specific policy he is proposing in his elected Office.

    5. Here are a couple links, my wife and I have been discussing, on the topic of IVF.

      IVF is a deceptively innocent phrase. It connotes life. Nothing about it stands out as obviously evil. Parents want life - Doctors cooperate to help them. Then … when you see it for what it is, it’s actually several levels worse than “generic” abortion (infanticide).

      Link to SSPX Podcast, the speaker is Fr Palko, my Priest I referenced above in Dallas:

      Link to a non-Catholic medical study on IVF (my wife has read it, I have not) - informational and a good resource, according to her:
