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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Study History and Fight the Ugly Americans among Us!

"Rachel" Levine and Sam Brinton, are among the "ugly Americans" destroying our country.

Have you ever read The Ugly American? You should. It details failed U.S. foreign affairs around the world due to greedy, corrupt, ignorant, and incompetent ambassadors and foreign service members. The way elitists are assigned plum roles around the world reminds me of Cromwell and his stooge, Richard Rich, in The Man for All Seasons. Some things never change. Power continues to corrupt and many are willing to sell their souls for both power and money.

Most people pay little attention to what's happening across the globe. And, even when they do, they often trust the incompetent and greed-driven politicians and their lackeys in the media who are willing to lie, cheat and steal from the American people.

Remember Benghazi under Obama? If you don't, you need to read 13 Hours or check out the film. Obama went for his beauty sleep to prepare for a campaign fundraiser the next day while the American consulate was attacked by Islamic militants. He did, however, before he went to bed, order that all should be done to assist. It was Hillary Clinton, our incompetent Secretary of State, who blocked the order. The military were told to stand down while ambassador, Chris Stevens, and others were murdered in the ensuing firefight. 

The Congressional Select Committee that evaluated what happened came to some devastating conclusions. The Hill reported:

As described in great detail in the Benghazi report, a “Deputies Meeting” was convened by the White House at 7:30 pm shortly after State learned that the Pentagon was “spinning up as we speak.” Participating in this meeting would be Hillary Clinton and deputies from State, the Pentagon and the White House, while both the President and Secretary of Defense were absent.

The transcripts and emails of this meeting read like a Roman tale of betrayal and treason....

The Select Committee’s report provides the first evidence that Hillary obstructed a direct order from the Commander in Chief during the 7:30pm deputies meeting. The delay in launching a rescue mission was not due to the “tyranny of time and distance.” Rather, it was the total failure of Secretary of Clinton to lead even after receiving the news, around 3am Benghazi time, that Ambassador Stevens was dead.

Who provided help when Hillary blinked? 

The Benghazi report further reveals that the Libyans who responded to the frantic calls for help from the Americans at the Annex were former Gaddafi loyalists (called Libyan Military Intelligence) not affiliated with the Libyan government. These Libyan men were deposed and forced into hiding following the death of Gaddafi, and yet they were the only ones who answered the mayday call from the Annex.

In less than two hours they organized a formidable force of some 50-heavily armed vehicles to rescue over 25 Americans. Had these Libyans not acted, the remaining Americans at the Annex could have been massacred in a follow-on attack. Meanwhile, American forces were directed to remain in a “stand-by posture” awaiting resolution of Secretary Clinton’s bureaucratic obstruction of the order to deploy..

And then there was Afghanistan under Joe. Not only did we abandon the Afghans who assisted us and our own people. but we left behind billions in military equipment some of which is being sold to other terrorist groups around the world. This is part of the legacy of the incompetent and evil Democrat party. Invaders and foreign countries first, American families last.

These are the kind of debacles we can expect to continue if Harris/Walz win in November: more wars, more dead Americans, more tax dollars stolen or wasted, foreign governments put first, and more persecution of citizens especially pro-lifers and conservatives.

It's that simple. And those who don't study history and remember it are part of the problem. 

In the book, The Ugly American, one of the only good guys is a physically ugly American. He respects the poverty-stricken people of the Asian country and tries to get a simple and cheap program started to provide families with chickens. One of my favorite scenes in the book involves his wife. She notices that many of the older women in the community are stooped from using short reeds as brooms requiring them to bend over. In a masterpiece of psychology, she has an idea. Instead of lecturing the women, she simply gets a long reed and attaches it to make a long broom that doesn't require her to bend over. Then she ostentatiously uses it to sweep around the outside of her humble house. Soon. all the women in the village are imitating her.

The title of the book is ironic since the real ugly Americans are the beautiful people, the elitists who are assigned their positions as political rewards and enjoy living like kings amongst the poor. Most never bother to learn the language or customs of the people which results in actions that insult the host countries. 

Do you think anything has changed today? How many political appointees are DEI selections like Pete Buttigieg, Sam Brinton (fired after stealing luggage), "Rachel" Levine, and Raggedy Ann look-alike Karine Jean-Pierre? What Democrat cares about competence when wokism rules? 

Study history. Rome collapsed from within because of its vast and perverted sexual immorality and its accompanying vices. The French Revolution morphed into Napoleonic tyranny for similar reasons. The  instability of the sexually perverted Weimer Republic contributed to Hitler's rise to power.

We're well on the way to collapse ourselves. We need a miracle of conversion to turn our ugly American culture around if it isn't too late. Pray the rosary and please use your vote to push back against the darkness.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.


  1. It is impossible to convert the world, and thus save the world from its own destructive path, and souls from everlasting suffering in hell, without the evangelistic zeal of the RC Church with Christ crucified on His holy Cross boldly proclaimed: “Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved”. (Acts 4:12)

    Absent that, our destruction as a civilization is guaranteed. It’s just a matter of when and how.

    Interestingly, Acts 4 is a description of evangelistic outreach very much like that required in our day. St Paul was preaching to the religious Priests and teachers (Pharisees and Saducees) of the ancient Jewish religion who considered themselves the inerrant possessors of the ancient Covenant of God. St Paul told them that the Jews had broken the Covenant, even as God had faithfully kept and fulfilled His Covenant according to all ancient prophecy. They lost God. God was there, now in fulfillment of everything they ever knew, and they rejected Him and His Covenant … because of the hardness of their hearts.

    Acts 4

    And now, in the same way, the Catholic Pope, Bishops, Priests and teachers of the Catholic religion (the fulfilled Covenant) have largely, though not entirely, left God. God remains. We (the RCC collectively) have turned our backs. What remains is judgement.

    “Going out to the peripheries”, as Pope Francis said at the beginning of his calamitous Papacy has it all wrong. We need to evangelize the heart of our own Church, starting with ourselves and working outward from the core. We have lost Christ. We must regain our Crucified and Risen and Reigning Lord at our core. Only then can we dare to go out into the world with only one singular purpose: to “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Because “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” (Mark 16:15,16)

  2. After wokeism comes this. How many times did I say the same thing?

  3. Vietnam was abandoned under Nixon ("Peace with Honor")/Ford (sprinting down the tarmac with kissinger to avoid reporters). "Whether the evacuation had been successful or not has been questioned following the end of the war. Operation Frequent Wind was generally assessed as an impressive achievement—Văn Tiến Dũng stated this in his memoirs and The New York Times described it as being carried out with "efficiency and bravery".[97] On the other hand, the airlift was also criticized for being too slow and hesitant, and it was inadequate in removing Vietnamese civilians and soldiers who were connected with the American presence.[citation needed]

    The U.S. State Department estimated that the Vietnamese employees of the U.S. Embassy in South Vietnam, past and present, and their families totaled 90,000 people. In his testimony to Congress, Ambassador Martin asserted that 22,294 such people were evacuated by the end of April.[98] In 1977, National Review alleged that some 30,000 South Vietnamese had been systematically killed using a list of CIA informants left behind by the U.S. embassy.[99]

    911/DHS/WMD Lie/20+ year Global War on Terror launched under Republican George Bush (like Covid launched under Trump).

    Donald and Melania Trump are both exemplars "of vast and perverted sexual immorality and its accompanying vices." (like porn, abortion and blackmail)

    "It appears the First Lady is rather proud of the images: the new White House website lists the cover shoot as one of her greatest achievements." ..."Sixteen years ago we profiled Donald Trump's then-girlfriend Melania Knauss. Now his wife, Melania featured in our naked profile shoot on his customised Boeing 727 wearing handcuffs, wielding diamonds and holding a chrome pistol (it was the lads mag era after all). It makes for some interesting reading today, considering Donald Trump's success in the US election…"

  4. Political-Social Kingdom of Christ.......true in every age.
    .....What do you do when you do not attack your neighbor who attacks Our Lord Jesus Christ? If you do not attack the evil, you are not really good even if you are Catholic in other points. You are semi-good.

    If we would destroy the wall of the semi-good that surrounds evil, the evil would be annihilated.
    .....(excellent example of voting for ‘lesser evil’, and why this God given country continues to be Protestant).
