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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Reaping the Whirlwind: Abortion is on the Ballot in Ten States!

I received this email today from Chris Bell in New York who has spent his life protecting little ones in the womb and offering aid and shelter to their moms. His wife, Joan Andrews Bell, is currently in jail for offering help to women at abortion killing centers. The proposal on the New York ballot is just one of many popping up across the country. Maryland's question one would enshrine abortion and other sex-related issues in the state constituttion. Abortion is on the ballot in ten states: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, and South Dakota. Murder of the innocent is one of the sins that cries to heaven for vengeance. Fight these evil propositions if you live in these states or know someone who does.


(Called the Equal Rights Amendment is anything but.)

Proposition One in New York State falsely claims to be about equal rights when it will permit men in women’s sports, allow your son or daughter to receive surgery without your knowledge or consent, force churches and faith-based charities to promote abortion.

My entire adult life has been helping the poor.  For the past 40 years I’ve offered housing and help to homeless pregnant and parenting women in New York and neighboring states. I rarely speak out politically. But seeing how Proposition One will harm women and young girls, keep parents from knowing about their own child’s health and attack charities and churches, I have to tell you Vote No 

Proposition One puts “gender” and “age” as new “protected classes” in the State Constitution. 

Those words allow the government to have boys and men compete in girl’s and women’s sports.  That would allow men into female-only spaces (like bathrooms and locker rooms, stripping New York girls and women of their privacy and safety).

Those words would give schools and state health care clinics permission to have your child receive gender surgery or an abortion without your prior knowledge or permission.

Once put into the State Constitution, churches and faith-based charities will be forced to pay for abortions of their employees and counsel for  abortion to those we help now with life-saving alternatives.  

Please Vote No on Proposition One.

Please pray this Proposition is defeated.

God bless you.

Christopher Bell +

1 comment:

  1. This is why Dobbs was the briar patch feminists (and their men) wanted to be thrown into. Strip "inalienable" from the right to life by allowing states to decide, instead of banning it federally like they banned slavery.
    Now they've got us prolifers running around like a chicken with its head cut off, swatting off threats state by state.
