I don't like the terms conservative and liberal when speaking of Catholics. I prefer orthodox and heterodox. But I guess you run into a third category because the orthodox can be split into the orthodox who prefer the traditional Latin Mass vs. the orthodox who prefer the novus ordo or are equally comfortable in either setting.
It does seem these days, though, that those who love the traditional Mass are under major assault. And, frankly, I get pretty sick of the nasty remarks on Catholic blogs about "rad trads" and other disparaging comments about my sisters and brothers who prefer the Latin Mass. What's wrong with that? I generally attend the novus ordo, but also attend an annual Ignatian retreat led by a priest from the Fraternal Society of St. Peter. I love the retreat: the silence, the reverence! What a break from the social hall setting after the novus ordo Mass in my little country parish. (However, the Mass itself is always reverent.)
I find it unsettling to feel like we are living the Chinese curse of "interesting times" since Pope
Francis mounted the papal throne. He seems like a "people's pope," but at the same time some of the people (i.e., orthodox Catholics) seem to be getting the rod, while others (liberal Catholics, liberation theologians, Protestants, etc.) are getting the gentleness. Are some of the sheep smellier than others? I wonder what St. Paul would think.
"Shall I come to you with a rod or with love in a spirit of gentleness?" 1 Cor. 4:21
Throwing others under the bus is nothing but a tactic to 'make friends.' And the current trend to cast faithful Catholics as Pharisaical is a great tactic if the only sheep one cares for are those outside the flock.
ReplyDeleteBut even in the business world, attrition can be a pernicious little bugger. So while the push seems to be for 'new' talent, the old talent, that is those seasoned to know the job, are being lost.
This either or mentality of the hierarchy is so disheartening. Like having to choose between mom and dad in a divorce.
I concluded some time ago that orthodox Catholics I know are trying way too hard to give Pope Benedict the benefit of the doubt while all the solid evidence tells them otherwise. They desperately need to take the blinders off. Meanwhile, Cardinal Dolan is proving to be a very accomplished chameleon and that's no surprise.
ReplyDeleteThere is another article on the daily Traditional Mass at Holy Innocents (in NYC) here as well:
This article gives more the point of view of the very concerned parishioners.
Pope Francis is not the problem. The problem is the Catholic Church in New York has a weak management team under Cardinal Dolan. His is a rigid modernist orthodoxy molded during the peace and justice heyday. Despite his supersized ego and attraction to play in the political swamp, he comes off as completely ill-prepared to handle provocative challenges from media lightweights like David Gregory. It is embarrassing to see him used as a pawn of Schumer, DeBlasio and King – our elected Democrat pagans. As a decisionmaker: he relies on consultants and chancery advisors to present him their recommendations – his is the “difficult” job of signing off and taking responsibility for what the pros suggest. And as for shepherding the whole flock, he is quite thinskinned with the sheep not of his own orthodoxy. Not even a pretense of dialogue here. Rather, he ignores, dismisses, bullies or punishes those not sharing his progressive ways. This is a small-time manager in a big time place.
ReplyDeleteI would think DisturbedMary, that Cardinal Dolan wouldn't be quite so inclined to throw his weight around with more traditional Catholics (Holy Innocents sitch) if Benedict were still in the chair. Maybe he wasn't the total knight in shining armor for the trad group but at least he threw some bones their way allowing the TLM and to some extent encouraging it. He would look glaringly out of step with Benedict had he been pulling the garbage he's pulling now. With Francis he is absolutely in lock step. Dolan changes colors with whatever way the wind is blowing. I have totally lost all respect for the man.