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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Make Your Charity Dollars Count -- Our Lady of the Poor, Pray for Us!

USAID isn't the only government "welfare" organization targeted by the new administration. Catholic Charities (CC), a well-funded NGO, is also on the chopping block these days. No tears from me, that's for sure! I'll be happy to see them get the boot. 

"But they do a lot of good," you say? I won't deny that, but it doesn't change a thing. Would you drink a glass of water, something absolutely necessary for life, if it had three drops of cyanide in it?

Catholic Charities been enabling the border invasion for years and the Church has raked in billions during that time. In 2020 alone, Catholic Charities picked taxpayers pockets for $234 million. Multiply that by the past ten years alone. Biden funneled BILLIONS to his CC enabler to further his border schemes! And look at the annual salaries paid to CC executives. Wringing your hands over the poor while you enrich yourselves is cynical and disgusting in my opinion.

Not only that, but I have some shocking stories from friends -- like the mom, a dear friend, expecting her sixth child who asked Catholic Charities (in my own diocese) to help with midwifery fees. They would only help if she agreed to give her baby up for adoption! Read that again. They wanted this mom to sell her baby to them in order to pay for the child's delivery. Some charity, eh? "What am I supposed to tell the other children," she asked. 

They were also enabling contraception at the time. That happened several decades ago. One can hope things have changed, but in view of so many scandals revealed by Michael Hichborn's Lepanto Institute, they can't be trusted. Neither can a lot of others. Check out Lepanto's list of "safe" and "not safe" charities.

Dymphna shares her own experience with CC's resettlement program and points to other people's experiences with a link:

Let me tell you what Catholic Charities did for me and my old neighbors.

Go visit her excellent blog today and make it a habit. She doesn't post as frequently as I do, but every post is a gem especially her random thoughts. I love the lady and hope meet her some day and discover her real name. I'd love to meet her husband, "Rocky," as well. 

Let's pray for all those who are actually charitable and aren't using the poor to line their own pockets with gold.

Greed is one of the seven deadly sins and there appears to be plenty of it at many of the so-called charities run by the Catholic Church. It grieves my heart because I love Holy Mother Church. But I won't give to any of the official Catholic Church charities these days. I'd rather send my dollars to groups like Aid to the Church in Need and to secular organizations like Mercy Chefs and Tunnels to Towers.

Visit their website at 

Merciful Jesus Who loves the poor and commands us to help them, bless us with the grace to give wisely. 

Our Lady of the Poor, pray for us.

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