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Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sunday Meditation: The Relationship Between Feelings and Sin

I've been reading selections from St. Claude de la Colombiere's writings: letters, retreat notes, diary entries, etc. He often writes about the correct approach to feelings and how to deal with them. In our age, when so many people have tossed reason to the wind and act mostly on their feelings, St. Claude's wisdom is much needed.

Fr. Claude was sought out as a spiritual director during his lifetime and was, for a time, advisor to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, apostle of the Sacred Heart. When I read this entry, I could only think of my lifetime project of controlling my feelings instead of letting my feelings control me. I think many people share that same weakness, so I offer this as a Sunday meditation and urge readers to look to St. Claude as a holy spiritual guide:

Letter 89, London 1678

As for feelings of resentment, I can only say one thing: anything which is not voluntary is not sin, and great charity may exist simultaneously with strong indeliberate feelings of hatred and revenge. All that is required is that in spite of them you do not give up praying for the people for whom you feel an aversion, that you speak and act toward them as if you liked them, and that in the depths of your heart you desire to have all the charity that God wishes those who really love him to have.

Charity is everything. "Love God and do what you will," St. Augustine said. But one needs to understand what to "love God" entails. "If you love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15) There is no mush love in the Bible. Love is strong and virile to the point of being willing to give up one's life. We have the witness of the martyrs to prove it.

We all have daily opportunities to "die to self," a form of white martyrdom. May we have the courage and the will to do it.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.


  1. Thank you, Mary Ann, for this reflection. I need that particular reminder. Where can I find St. Claude’s writings? Are they in a particular book?

    Anne :)

  2. The book I quoted from is from Ignatius Press: The spiritual Direction of Saint Claude De La Colombiere translated by Mother M. Philip, I.B.V.M. It's a selection from his letters, retreat notes, spiritual reflections, etc. Short book. I also have a much longer book of his writings titled Faithful Servant translated by William Young and published in 1960. Amazon has both books.


  3. Thank you for this! Much needed, short and to the point! God bless!

  4. Agree with the person who posted above 🙂. Many thanks!
