- Good news indeed! I'm thankful for David Deleiden's victory against Planned
Parenthood and the state of California. It would not have happened with a Harris/Walz administration. And neither would the pro-life activists be free. There is much for pro-lifers to cheer about in this brief beginning of Trump's
California Settles with David Daleiden, Pro-Life Activist who Exposed Planned Parenthood:
"After enduring nine years of weaponized political prosecution, putting an end to the lawfare launched by Kamala Harris is a huge victory for my investigative reporting and for the public’s right to know the truth about Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby body parts,” Daleiden said in a statement Monday.
- The weatherman said yesterday today's high would be 61. It's 2:30 and the thermostat just hit 50. Ain't no way this cloudy dismal day is going to hit 61. Makes you think. They tell us what happened on the earth 100 million years ago (Right, they really know!) and they tell us the world will end in twelve years from global warming, oops! climate change, but they can't accurately predict the weather for the next 24 hours. By the way, climate change is normal and the hysteria over it is a hoax using fear to control people and earn big bucks for the likes of Al Gore and John Kerry. Just stop listening to these con artists already!
- Lent will be here soon and it's not to early to think about it. How will you make that 40 days a pilgrimage and a closer walk with Jesus? Here's an article to help.
I'm absolutely terrible at fasting, but I hope to do better this Lent. I'll need to make a plan and then work hard to stick to it. I'll be praying for all my readers this Lent and beg you to pray for me as well.
After church yesterday, a friend gave me a book on "Pio Nono," Blessed Pope Pius IX. I've read his encyclical, Qui Pluribus: On Faith and Religion and the Syllabus of Errors. I've only just started the biography, and am finding it fascinating. Pius IX was seen as a "progressive" before he was elected and that mistaken notion was magnified when one of his first acts was to give amnesty to all exiles and prisoners who had fomented revolution against the papal states. The loss of the papal states during the reunification of Italy made the Church more vulnerable to state control. The independence of the Vatican was only protected later by the Lateran Treaty of 1929 which recognized the Vatican as an independent sovereign city. After the reunification of Italy, the pope called himself a "prisoner of the Vatican." The declaration of papal infallibility at the first Vatican Council was, in part, a defense of the papacy being controlled by the state. History tends to repeat itself. Pope Pius IX's election was greeted with enthusiasm and great fanfare. He had the longest papacy in history during a very turbulent time and by the time he died "Pio Nono," whose papacy was welcomed with great fanfare was ridiculed as the negative no-no pope. People along the route of his funeral threw mud on his casket. I wonder what will happen when Pope Francis dies, another pope welcomed with fanfare. There is certainly a monumental difference between the two. Unlike Francis, the Church wrecker, Pius was a great reformer and we have much to be thankful for that he was the pope during one of the more difficult times in Church history. Sad that Francis has not followed in his footsteps. Blessed Pius IX, please pray for us.
And that's enough for one day's musings. I just ran off Quanta Cura, Pope Pius' encyclical condemning current errors. Many are the same ones we face today. The more things change, the more they stay the same as the adage says. Pray and do penance for our Mother the Church. That would be a great resolution for the upcoming Lenten season.
Maybe try to postpone breakfast as long as possible/reasonable, so you don't break the fast of nighttime too soon.