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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Psychological Bioterrorism is being used to manipulate and control us! WAKE UP!

Take the red pill and stop letting the liars and fear mongers manipulate you!

I received an email today from Dr. Robert Malone promoting his book on psychological bioterrorism. It included chapter 3 of the book which I'm copying here for your information. It's pretty obvious that we've all been victims of the health fear-mongers. COVID provided a clear demonstration that the entire world can be manipulated using fear. It wasn't the first time, but it certainly was a widespread, hysteria-provoking operation!

My own experience during COVID included being attacked by relatives for questioning the effectiveness of the COVID jab and the mandates. My niece and a grand nephew and his friends engaged in a continuous barrage of attacks on my blog and social media. My niece's mom called and yelled at me, calling me insane, then hung up before I could say one word in response. I was hoping to have a reasonable conversation with her. Unfortunately, there weren't many people using their reason at that point.

Parishioners called those of us who didn't mask up uncharitable and the pastor seemed to agree. There was even a blasphemous comment from one woman at an online meeting that those of us who didn't mask should be given goldfish for Communion. 

I was refused entrance at some stores and was repeatedly told that, "You want to kill people!" Since the jab was supposed to be a 100% guarantee against getting COVID, it was puzzling that people said those things. After all, if the info they had was correct, the only person I was endangering was myself. But logic flew out the window when the fear mongering flew in. I couldn't believe the gullibility of some of my friends and acquaintances.

It isn't just fear mongering about diseases, however. The hysteria over climate change is another significant example of manipulating people through fear. Interestingly, these things always end up enriching those who are encouraging the hysteria. Look at Al Gore and John Kerry. Look at the CEOs of Big Pharma, the media enablers, and people like "Dr. Science" himself, Anthony Fauci. If you think they care about these things or believe what they say, you need to get red pilled right away. I suspect that Fauci's "shots" were actually saline solution.

Dr. Malone is illustrating in his book how psychological bioterrorism is a political tool for control. Check out this chapter from his book which is available at Amazon. And please, stop listening to the fear mongers. Do the research. 

Psychological Bioterrorism 

Play it again, Sam. Play "Bird Flu".


  1. I received Dr. Malone's book for Christmas. I just started reading it.

    I do genealogy and discovered my great grandfather's sister died at 30 in 1919 of bacterial pneumonia. She'd only been married 5 months. This piqued my interest in that pandemic. Seems we could've learned from it but didn't.

    I still see masks being worn. I'd love to know what these people are thinking. But I know if I were to ask I'd get yelled at and not get an answer.

    I saw that CNN was ramping up the fear mongering over the flu recently. My husband had the radio on today and nearly every ad was for the pneumonia vaccine.

    The funny thing about these people their masks and endless vaccinations is they really believe that they came tPfizero these decisions on their own. They weren't influenced by Pfizer (etc) but we were by MAGA! Lol

  2. My grandfather died at Quantico in 1918 of the Spanish flu which had turned into bacterial pneumonia. Penicillin had not yet been discovered (1928). I wonder if it had been discovered, would it have been given to save lives, or withheld like Ivermectin was 5 years ago.

  3. Re "Robert Malone"

    Malone is an establishment shill who sued a doctor, Peter Breggin, who had worked FOR DECADES TO REVEAL corruptions/frauds of the allopathic governmental-medical establishments while Malone has worked FOR DECADES TO SERVE the interests of the same criminal establishment. Guess whom you should trust?

    Malone is a shill EVERYONE can see that just read the info at these sites:

    Malone supposedly "suddenly saw the light" (=he was stupid all his former life yet he's now the entitled "enlightened" smart person everyone should trust/follow) and entered the public space out of nowhere, and then SELFISHLY presents HIMSELF as a "victim" of those ruling "bad guys" ( he's been serving for decades ( &, and wants you to believe he's on your side.

    He knew in 2019 (!) that the “Spike Protein” is highly toxic yet he did nothing to prevent its inclusion in Covid jabs ( & Since he knew at least since 2019 that the “Spike Protein” is highly toxic we can be certain that his publicized events of him getting a Covid "vaccine and a booster are fraudulent staged fake events. In fact, a partner of Malone revealed that Malone did NOT get a Covid jab in 2021 (!

    If you have been injected with Covid jabs and are concerned verify what batch number you were injected with at

    1. Sounds like there is a lot of infighting with everybody calling each other frauds and bringing lawsuits for defamation. I do not put uncritical trust in anyone including Dr. Malone. But I found this article interesting and amusing.

      I've lived long enough to see the infighting in almost every movement I've been involved in: pro-life, natural family planning, Cursilo, Christian Family Movement. Regardless of whether Dr. Malone is all the things he's accused of here, the chapter in his book seems spot on to me. (I'm not buying the book by the way.) I saw an interview with a Soviet KGB man who defected to Canada a few years ago and he was saying a lot of the same things. I wish I could find the interview and remember the man's name. Maybe Malone is trying to recreate himself to stay relevant. I have no idea, but the truth is the truth no matter the source. I've done some posts on mob psychology and manipulation as well, which also affirms the strategies described in the chapter.

  4. Could it be Yuri Bezmenov?

    1. Yes! Thank you so much for identifying him. I've watched a number of interviews and I think he was a powerful witness against communism like Whittaker Chambers.
