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Monday, February 10, 2025

Random Thoughts on Monday

  • In the traditional Catholic calendar, tomorrow is the Feast of the Apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes. Interesting coincidence: I'm readinga biography of Pio Nono, Pope Pius IX so I checked the shelf where I keep encyclicals of the popes. Among those in the rubber-banded stash for Pio Nono I found Ineffabilis Deus, the Apostolic Constitution defining the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. I happen to have two copies. While I was reading my Benedictus today, I noticed that the feast for tomorrow is Our Lady of Lourdes. Then when I came in to check out my email and news on the computer, I saw that I left both copies of the apostolic constitution front and center on the desk. What a great time to re-read the pope's declaration about Our Lady. So I will invite my dear husband to do an after dinner reading before we pray our daily rosary. It will be a gift to ourselves and to Mary, the Immaculate Conception. How I love that dear mother. I will use one of my mom's many rosaries. I think she had a rosary in every coat and jacket pocket she owned. Mom, please join me today in glorifying the Blessed Mother, whom you taught me to love so much. 
  • I had no idea the difference between an apostolic constitution and an encyclical so I looked it up. Maybe you're curious about it too. So here's the explanation:
An apostolic constitution represents a very solemn pronouncement issued by the Pope on a doctrinal or disciplinary question. For example, Pope Paul VI’s apostolic constitution Missale Romanum (1969) promulgated for the whole Church the new missal to be used at Mass. (A less weighty matter may also be addressed by a motu proprio which is similar to an executive order.)

A papal “bull” is a very dramatic way of presenting such a solemn pronouncement. Written on parchment, a lead seal (bulla) is attached with cords of silk. On one side of the seal would be the image of the reigning pope, and the other side would bear the images of St. Peter and St. Paul. For example, the dogma of the Assumption of our Blessed Mother was issued through the apostolic constitution, Munificentissimus Deus (1950) in the form of a papal bull.... 
Broader in scope and less solemn, an encyclical denotes a pastoral letter written by the Holy Father for the entire Church. This document focuses on a pastoral issue concerning a matter of doctrine, morality, devotion, or discipline. Since the earliest days of the Church, Popes have issued this kind of letter. [If you're still curious, more here.]
  • We're scheduled to get a significant snowstorm tomorrow and Wednesday. While I'm not fond of winter and dread the snow, which I hope will be short lived since rain is called for on Thursday, it is an invitation to slow down. Perhaps I'll use the time to write some valentines to our grandchildren and spend extra prayer time -- or just sit and watch the birds at the feeder. They are extra active in the snow. Love for the birds is another gift from my parents. Daddy was diligent about feeding and mom could identify even the most unusual.

  • With longer days and more daylight, the chickens are laying well. Yesterday, six of our nine laid. We are flush with eggs at present. Maybe I'll make a pound cake. I have a wonderful recipe that takes ten. If you're ever in Woodstock, come for tea and a treat. We love company and a few readers have actually taken me up on the invitation to our great pleasure!


  1. Mary Ann, I would still like to bring my family by for a visit sometime.

    1. We would love it - a beautiful ride when the redbuds and daffodils start blooming. You would be most welcome. Come for lunch some weekend.
