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Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Do Virginia Parents Have Rights? Virginia Democrats Don't Think So!

It's time to turn Virginia red again and we have a chance to do that next year. There's only a one-seat Democrat majority in the House of Delegates. Sadly, the Democrats are a pathetic party who won't even protect a baby born alive after an attempted abortion and usurp the rights of parents over their minor children. I received an e-mail this morning from Sheriff Timothy Carter, who heads up the Shenandoah County Republican Committee:

With regard to SJ 247 [Reproductive Freedom Amendment to the Virginia Constitution], the Virginia State Republican Caucus tells us that "EVERY SINGLE Democrat in the Virginia Senate voted to reject an amendment that would guarantee a baby’s rights to life if born ALIVE." and further, "Every single Democrat voted against requiring parental consent for minors seeking abortions." See:

The Democrats hate little ones in the womb and they hate parents. Their highest goal is to play God with the right to control every aspect of our lives including who lives and who dies. They talk of "reproductive freedom," but the freedom they want is the freedom to legally murder. They have exported and imposed their diabolic policies on the poor of the world through (among others) the USAgency for International Development (USAID). That evil organization has funded and pushed contraception, abortion, and forced sterilization on the Third World for decades using bribes and coercion. I pray that Trump will be successful in shutting it down!

Tied down and sterilized: Peru’s dark history of family planning

If you are still voting Democrat, you are either ignorant or share their hatred for God's little ones and the rights and authority of parents over their children. The Democrats protect the rights of those who abuse their children imposing gender transitions on babies and toddlers, but champion those who steal children from homeschooling parents and others who dispute their ideologies. Remember parents like these who lost their children when doctors misdiagnosed symptoms or presumed abuse without evidence. The children's services agencies are filled with Democrats who happily bring police to the door and demand to interview minor children without parents being present. 

Hundreds of parents say kids wrongly taken from them after doctors misdiagnosed abuse

Legalized Kidnapping 

There's big money for the kidnappers. The more children in foster care, the more money fills the state and county coffers.

This could have happened in my own family when a pediatrician reported as abuse an injury to my grandson when his mom, suffering from the flu, lost her balance and fell against the bannister coming downstairs bruising the baby. I still remember going to the meeting with the social worker who came to investigate. Fortunately, she was a sensible woman and closed the case. 

Not every Republican is a superhero, but the GOP is not the "evil party" as Catholic columnist Joe Sobran described the Democrats. It's time for everyone to stand up to these purveyors of evil. To be silent is to become their accomplices. 

Our Lady of Victory, call on your legion of angels to fight for truth and justice. Help us to join that army with courage and fortitude.

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