You will never hear the term "illegal alien" from the U.S. bishops. Every law breaker violating our borders is a poor "refugee" and we must "welcome the stranger." But don't expect them to be welcomed into the bishops residence or the chancery.
No! No! No! Taxpayers are obliged to pick up the tab to put them in nice hotels, provide free cell phones and other goodies, etc. etc. And who will help advise them how to avoid ICE and having to pay the piper? Why Catholic Charities (CC) of course.
The bishops, needless to say, are incensed that DOGE cut off the billions. Catholic Charities, of course, agrees. No surprise since many of CC's CEOs make $300,000 - $500,000 a year "helping the poor." The bishops are suing in D.C. district court where liberal judges run roughshod over justice. It is one more burden laid on the taxpayers who will, through the federal government, have to defend against the lawsuit. Shame on the bishops. Why don't they create their own DOGE to clean house in their so-called charities that support organizations promoting intrinsic evils at home and abroad. Catholic Charities, Catholic Relief Services, and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development all spread the poison of mortal sin!
As for the "refugees," the reality is that many of those breaking the law to invade our country are not fleeing persecution. Their lives are not endangered at home. They see the U.S. (reasonably, considering policies under progressive administrations) as a bottomless money pit. They want their share of the goodies being offered.
One problem. Providing all the goodies entails robbing taxpayers in order to redistribute income. That is a sin and is not charity. It violates justice. If a person wants to give one tenth or one half his income to charity, he's a philanthropist. If someone robs him to give that money to "charity" he is the victim of a criminal. The poor of America and the middle class are now primary targets of the pickpockets at the USCCB.
Not only that, but we all know now that the border invasion involves drug and human trafficking. The bishops are complicit and help to enable these evils.
The Lepanto Institute has an archive on Catholic Charities which is eye-opening. they also provide a safe and not-safe list of charities. Check out both pages.
The Catholic Herald recently reported that the Catholic Charities ball broke fundraising records. Great for those who have no idea what they are supporting and want to contribute. That's their business and their choice. Robbing the taxpayers is not!
And shame on the USCCB. They have been undermining the faith for decades. I look forward to the day their monstrous bureaucracy disappears and that their building in D.C. is put to a more moral use like a new college that actually defends the faith and instills zeal for Christ in its students, unlike the faux Catholic university across the street, my own alma mater, Trinity College (now university).
Really! It's time for the few good bishops we have left in this country to get out of the USCCB. It could be the model for the evil bureaucracy in C.S. Lewis' That Hideous Strength. Follow the example of the good nuns who created their own Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious in opposition to the heretics in the LCWR (Leadership Conference of Women Religious). If you want a laugh compare the photos of the old ladies in perms and pearls at the LCWR with the beautiful young nuns in habits at the CMSWR. The only beads you'll see at the CMSWR website are rosaries!
Archbishop Vigano on the USCCB and the Deep Church:
ReplyDelete"For years, the USCCB, had always been most careful to keep the utmost silence in regard to Democrat administrations, even when matters of Faith and Morality have been at stake. But lo and behold, now it even goes so far as to challenge President Trump's executive decrees, accentuating the already polemical tones with which Bergoglio has cried out against “mass deportation.”
"The Bergoglian bishops have one consistent motivation: money and power. They were silent before because they were sponsored by the government on the condition that they pander to the woke Left, and they are shouting now because Trump has cut them off and unveils their intrigues. This is typical of mercenaries, "who do not care about the sheep" (Jn. 10:13).
"If the USCCB truly is not concerned about getting government funds and cares only about charitable works, it will have no objection if the President orders a forsensic audit to find out how the funding it has received has been spent. At that point - we can be certain! - what we have seen so far will seem like negligible trifles compared to what will emerge.
"The USCCB is a body totally subservient to the deep church, both in intra-ecclesial relations and in diplomatic and institutional relations with the government. Those in charge of it - encouraged by Bergoglio - are dragging the American Church into a confrontation from which the USCCB will emerge miserably defeated. Who knows whether other bishops will distance themselves from McCarrick's heirs, or whether they will prefer to sink with them. The faithful expect clear answers."
Pope Trump for a few months could take care of the Deep Church real fast.
ReplyDeleteHe can't even stop the Ukrainian war, much less deal with the matters of the good religion. That incompetent buffoon went into a conflict that spanned more than 3 centuries with the bravado of a 5-year old child ("I'll end it in 24 hours!"). In the end, he can do nothing without doing a deep kow-tow to Moscow first. "Krasnov" - his call-sign as bestowed upon him by his KGB recruiters - is a way for Moscow to directly rule the United States of America, which is evidenced by Moscow now openly deciding NATO and US policy - and Krasnov (and his team) meekly agreeing to their demands and obediently reading the Moscow script, word-for-word.
DeleteRussian hoax take 2?
DeleteAh, yes. "Russian hoax" - even as the faithful vassal faithfully and cheerfully bestows primacy upon Muscovy when it comes to narratives and actual decision-making power about America and NATO. I've heard of propaganda being used to make people see hell as paradise, but this illogical attempt to excuse an obvious weakness into a position of "strength" is ridiculous.
DeleteBy the way, the people that identified Trump as a KGB asset were the former head of Kazakhstan's KNB - Alnur Mussaiev. And Yuri Shvets, a former KGB agent. Eric Trump openly told everyone that his family relies on Russian funding (which is how Krasnov was originally saved from his bankrupcies) - and every Russian bank is de-facto state-controlled and thus linked to Russian intelligence services.
And commies never lie. After looking up your "sources" my only comment is Whittaker Chambers they ain't!
DeleteI don't know about a Pope Trump (not Catholic), but we sure could use a few Cardinal Homan's about now.
Delete"Whitaker Chambers" - who? Ah, a low-level punk that didn't even go to Muscovy, that got afraid of a purge and who got laughed at. Of course Shvets and Mussaiev weren't like him; they were as beyond him in matters of competence and importance as an eagle is beyond a flea. They were real KGB agents - and USSR far outstripped America in terms of ideological warfare and spy quality; if they say that Trump is an asset, than they're right. This is nothing to be suprised at, either - Americans are incompetent at spywork and always discover actual threats when it's too late. Happened with McCarthy's list, happened with Hiss, happened with Oswald, happened with Osama... Why not with Krasnov? Democrats were stupid for not noticing the links earlier; Muscovite banks bailed Krasnov out in the 90's and all Muscovite banks have FSB crawling across their entire management structure. It's obvious and fits with the Muscovite modus operandi (same as sending Anna Kikina to sleep with Musk). Anyone who deals with those banks is likely compromised.
Mary Ann,
ReplyDeleteI'm on your side of the fence.
Please read:
Interesting document from our State Department related to the Vatican:
Archbishop Vigano fails to see (Our Lord darkens the vision of the proud), that both the Deep State, and Deep Church have a left, and a right wing to them, but conservative as well……. which is exactly how many (especially, Catholics) are being seduced, and conned by the forces of the Antichrist. Archbishop Vigano should know better than that, his worldview is ‘uncatholic’. Many are overtaken by the spirit of today, forgetting that history is our best teacher, that the world is a book…..every book has its theme, accordingly with the times. The fact is that contemporary Catholicism is cowardly, and ignorant, willfully……to get along with His enemies.
There are so few that have the grace to see such truths.
“OUR task is not one of producing persuasive propaganda; Christianity shows its greatness when it is hated by the world.”
— St. Ignatius of Antioch
Our Lady of Fatima pray for us Catholics, for we’re living in a diabolical disorientation!
Deport all the bishops to the Vatican. Revoke their citizenship and arrest any that try to enter the country again.
ReplyDeleteThe Holy Roman Emperor used to have wars with the pope. Now we see why!
ReplyDeleteMy opinion? Abp. Vigano is a foolish attention seeker! IIRC, within the last several months
ReplyDeletehe's referred to President Macron's wife as a "transvestite" and Michelle Obama as a "man."
This suggests to me His Eminence is mentally off balance. Oh, and I recall seeing somewhere
that he's planning on starting a new seminary (not sure where I saw that).
And Bergoglio was not installed rather than elected? And Biden was not installed either?? There are none so blind as those who are determined to not see. Oblivious much?
DeleteStop trollin' Bum!
DeleteHe’s right on Macron, wrong on Michelle.
DeleteThere are plenty of images of "Michelle's" unusual physique, wearing less-than-modest tight dresses, for those that don't yet see the truth in what Archbishop Vigano revealed. Don't see it if you prefer, at your own peril.
DeleteThe temporary restraining order was denied; the request from a preliminary injunction is still on the table. Read the. order here:
ReplyDeleteOrganized crime
ReplyDelete"You won't pay me to break the law anymore so I sue." Real good look.
ReplyDeleteSt Paul writes that charitable giving should result from an individual making a decision in his own heart as to how much to give.
ReplyDeleteSt Paul also writes that charitable giving should not be done out of compulsion.
Government social spending to 'help the poor' is a Marxist distortion of the Catholic concept of charitable giving. Government social spending is of course always done with tax dollars, which the government compels citizens to provide. But not only do our bishops not teach that this is not real charity, they are in on the game themselves to get tax monies for 'charitable giving'.
For what it's worth a news story reported ten days ago that Catholic Charities in Houston (TX) began a reduction in forces. More to come seems predictable for other locales. I haven't given a dime to Catholic Charities in years.
ReplyDeleteThe charity dinner for the Dallas area charges something like $300 a ticket - that's out of range for several middle class men and women.
many years ago Michael Voris exposed all of this; details, receipts.... what was done -absolutely nothing !!!!
ReplyDeletePS I pray for Voris who has lately 'fallen off the path'
What we need here is a Catholic DOGE
ReplyDeleteOur bishop was so far on the Trump train that our diocese gave $$$ to ballot issues trying to restrict voter turnout. It was pretty embarrassing. Now he’s ‘concerned’ and ‘dismayed’ that Trump is doing what he said he would do. As my grandkids say: Mess around and find out! The church should stay out of politics. There is no candidate that represents God. My fellow Catholics trying to deify the liar in chief are fools. Vote your conscience and research, research, research!
ReplyDeleteWow! Must have been the only bishop in the country! Trying to figure out who the "liar in chief" is (or was). Plenty of options: the pope, the head of the USCCB, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer before the election. But I suspect you mean Trump. Seems he's doing exactly what he said he would do. Of course, those with TDS make him a demon which is just as bad as "trying to deify" him. I don't believe in putting my trust in men. We have one Savior and He's not a politician or a pope or a bishop, etc.
DeleteI’m not sure where anon is from but here in Ohio, all of our dioceses donated over $3 million dollars to ballot issues in the last 3 years. While I was actually of the same stance as our bishops, the active campaigning (HUGE election sign right in front of our beautiful church) and the $ spent sure gave me pause. Then the annual Catholic appeal letter came… and I threw it away. Our pastor read a letter from the bishop saying that there was only one moral way to vote. I sure don’t think either party represents morals any more.