It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that a way of life that has an entire vocabulary to describe older men (chicken hawks) going after young men (chickens) has a problem with targeting adolescent boys for abuse. Of course homosexuals don't consider it abuse. They consider it initiating the youngsters into the joys of homosexual sex: like fisting, golden showers, sodomy and fellatio. If you don't know what those terms mean, I didn't either until I was expecting my third child. I learned about it at a pro-life convention in the 70s hosted by Fr. Paul Marx. Already the gays were linking up with the feminists (a lesbian movement) to legitimize their depraved lifestyle which is all about using the body in any way one desires. That's the connection betwen abortion ("control" of the body allows one to kill the child) and homosexuality ("control" of the body allows one to abuse and molest the child).
But homosexuals aren't alone in their depravity. Planned Parenthood, founded by a depraved heterosexual woman, Margaret Sanger, sings the same song - Anything Goes if it gives pleasure. The perverts at PP believe in teaching kids how to diddle from the cradle. Just ask the Girl Scouts who helped distribute Planned Parenthood's brochure at the U.N. called "Healthy, Happy, and Hot." Makes you really eager to put your girls in those green uniforms. Also makes you wonder what's in the cookies.
Cardinal Bertone has become the latest target of the homosexual-friendly mainstream media, but he was absolutely correct in what he said. And every Catholic on the planet with any sense should be defending him. The media plays a game when it calls the clergy sex abuse "pedophilia." For the most part, it was not. Pedophiles go after children who haven't yet reached puberty. And they go for either sex. Homosexual ephebophiles go after adolescent boys. They want that developing male body not the undeveloped body of little children. And the lion's share of clergy abuse was perpetrated by homosexual ephebophiles.
The claim that there is no link between homosexuality and abuse is just plain wrong. And the statistics on child sex abuse demonstrate it. Brian Clowes and David Sonnier have researched this issue and provide impressive data showing the link between homosexuality and child sex abuse.
A little historical perspective is in order here. The mainstream media played a major role in legalizing abortion by hopping in bed with the abortion lobby. They are doing the same thing now with the homosexual lobby. They aren't journalists but propagandists with the integrity of snake oil salesmen. Notice that whenever the media report a crime involving a homosexual as a victim, his inclinations are revealed and a hate crime is claimed. On the other hand, when a homosexual is the criminal, particularly when it involves a sexual assault, his inclination is hidden. When you consider the number of homosexuals in the media it isn't surprising. Just consider one outlet, The New York Times. Richard Berke, NYT's national political correspondent addressed the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association in 2000 and said three-quarters of the those who make decisions about the front page articles are "not so closeted homosexuals." Is it any surprise that the media is attacking Cardinal Bertone? Or was it inevitable.
Excellent post, Mary Ann.
ReplyDeleteEvery practicing Catholic should read Brian Clowes and David Sonnier's report that you mention. The scientific data used to support their analysis is incontrovertable evidence that there is a link between SSA (disorder) and the se*ual abuse of children.
Now, why wont the USCCB *stop* calling the se*xual abuse crisis in the Church a pedophelia issue? Over and over again they use the P word - never the H word!
Cdl. Bertone is absolutely correct - it is a homose*ual problem. Good for him.
Don't you think it's rather a consequence of both? Celibacy and homosexuality. Although not all homosexuals are attracted to teenagers, I do agree on the fact that a vast majority of the homosexual community has an obssession with beauty and teenager idolatry. Regardless of that, you are forgetting something: such behavior is also present in the heterosexual community, but it is not seen as something wrong: whenever an older man marries or gets a girlfriend in their teen years, everybody celebrates and congratulates him. He becomes a "macho", a "stallion". Furthermore, it was a common practice for very old men to marry girls in their early teenage years (12, 14 years old) not so long ago. Just so you know, in case you didn't.
ReplyDeleteBut heterosexual attraction is normal unlike the disordered attraction of the homosexual.
ReplyDeleteI certainly think for an older man to marry a minor or these incredible weddings of little pre-pubertal girls in some cultures is child abuse, but for an older man to marry a younger adult woman is their decision. I'm sure some women trade security for love. I wonder how common it actually is, however. Do you have any data?