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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Will the Real Barack Obama Please Stand Up

Does anyone really know anything about Barack Obama except what he's saying about himself? We all know he is the most unqualified president in our nation's history. His only verified credentials are as a community organizer, a state senator who mostly voted "present," and a friend of radicals like former Weatherman Bill Ayers. Who is Barack Obama? Who knows?

Investigation reveals numerous bogus claims on Obama resume


  1. He's not a Christian (probably a Muslim), he's a Marxist, and he has no love of America. Everything that he does is aimed at diminishing this country--politically, economically,morally, diplomatically, and militarily

  2. Let me ask another question. "Will the real Barack HUSSEIN Obama please take himself and all his little alter egos, leave the White House, and go away where he cannot wreck any more havoc?"
