What a laugh! Exactly what church is Kung concerned about? Certainly not the Catholic Church since he hates most of her doctrines. Because of his heresies, "theologian" Kung has been banned from teaching at Catholic universities since 1979. Reading his open letter you can see how much he opposes Catholic doctrine.
The late Fr. John Hardon, well known and respected Jesuit theologian (a REAL theologian) described Kung as a "charlatan":
The pope met with Kung in 2005 (Kung says he requested the meeting). The media used the event to speculate that Kung was being brought back into the fold. How could he be since he continues to defy the Church? but it was a nice photo op for the heretic. As Fr. Hardon said, the man is a charlatan like so many other betrayers. But even more than that, he is an adder striking at the heart of Holy Mother Church. Pray for his conversion before he is crushed by Christ's heel. At 82 he doesn't have much time left to repent.Sinners by definition are opposed to the truth. Why? Because they dread it, they fear that their works will be made known. Quote John, “Whoever does evil hates the light.” How often over the years I have consoled myself, for example; it is almost ten years now that several television stations in Chicago have been trying to engage a debate, they call it dialogue, between yours truly and the notorious Hans Küng. Hans Küng hates the light. He has consistently refused, he knows he’s a charlatan pretending to be a Catholic.
During this year of the priest why not spiritually adopt a heretic like Hans Kung. Where there's life, there's hope. No one alive is beyond God's grace.
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