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Fr Tony Maione of Albany, NY, known as Mr Tony Maione in Orlando |
One of Bishop Hubbard's presumed sodomite priests was "shuffled" to Florida and hired by the Diocese of Orlando as the Associate Diocesan Director of Religious Education in charge of Youth and Young Adult Ministry. No one in Orlando, least of all any of the Orlando priests, knew that Mr Tony Maione was indeed a priest...except Bishop Dorsey, (RIP), and Sr Linda Gaupin, who was at the time the Diocesan DDRE who hired Maione.
Rev Anthony J Maione was a priest in Albany, NY, where he was known as Father Tony Maione, yet in the Diocese of Orlando he was called Mr Tony Maione because no one here knew he was a priest (except the bishop and the DDRE) and where, after his death, Orlando's own diocesan priests were astonished to learn that Mr Tony Maione had also been a priest, Fr Tony Maione from Albany, NY. Mr Tony Maione was hired by Orlando's Bishop Norbert Dorsey (d 2013) and Sr Linda Gaupin, DDRE, as Associate Director of Religious Education in charge of Youth and Young Adult Ministry in 2001.
In 2010, 4 years after his death in 2006, never mentioning that at the time of his death he was known as MR Tony Maione and had been living undercover in the Diocese of Orlando, Bishop Howard Hubbard (retired 2014) of Albany, NY dedicated the new chapel at Saratoga Central Catholic High School to Rev Anthony "Tony" J Maione, "a former campus minister at the school who died in 2006." Note that Bishop Hubbard does not mention that Fr Tony Maione had died in Orlando known as Mr Tony Maione.
Below is the article from the 2006 July/August issue #49 of The Orlando Truth exposing the cover-up and lies of both the Albany Diocese and the Orlando Diocese who were complicit in shuttling a possible predator priest and lying about his history - a prime example of the gay mafia currently running the American Catholic Church of which the now disgraced ex-Cardinal, Mr Theodore McCarrick was a member destroying the faith of the laity and integrity of the Catholic Church.
SECRECY and COVER-UP: Business as Usual for the Chancery in the Catholic Diocese of Orlando
The Diocese of Orlando once again proved itself unworthy of being a vehicle for transmitting the Word of God to Central Florida. Against Vatican directives on the Rescript of Laicization (that is if he was laicized), the Diocese willfully hired Fr. Anthony (Tony) Maione for the position of Associate Director of Religious Education in charge of Youth and Young Adult Ministry. In Orlando where Fr Maione was known as and referred to as Mr Tony Maione, he served as chief assistant to Sr. Linda Gaupin, the Diocesan Director of Religious Education at the Orlando Chancery. He also taught at Bishop Moore High School in Orlando. (As a result of faulty doctrinal teaching, a young friend of Fr/Mr Tony’s referred to Jesus Christ as "HIM/HER".)
Yet his personal credentials were seriously flawed and shrouded with mystery and secrecy. These disqualifying personal credentials of Tony Maione were obviously known to Bishop Norbert Dorsey (Bishop of Orlando 1990-2004, d. 2013) who initially employed him, and to Bishop Thomas Wenski (Coadjutor Bishop of Orlando 2003-2004, Bishop of Orlando 2004-2010, currently Archbishop of Miami) who continued Maione's services, which became clear when their cover-up was exposed at Tony Maione’s untimely death on May 23rd (2006) at age 48.
The glowing obituaries of Fr/Mr Tony Maione that appeared both on the Diocese of Orlando's website and in the Florida Catholic newspaper, as well as Bishop Wenski’s homily at Maione's Memorial Mass (also on the Diocesan website), consistently referred to the deceased as Mr Tony Maione, never as Fr Tony Maione, a priest or ex-priest. This important information about his background was omitted, hidden from view, and never mentioned even once in any of the formal Orlando Diocesan notices surrounding his death.
This Diocesan cover-up was exposed, when other obituaries in leading publications HERE, HERE and HERE specifically referred to the fact that Maione had been ordained as a priest and served in that capacity for at least 15 years in the Bishop Hubbard's Diocese of Albany, New York, since his ordination in 1985. Consider that:
- The Orlando Sentinel newspaper published an obituary that printed obituary emails referring to the deceased as Fr Tony, yet the Orlando Diocesan obituary did not print any emails referring to the deceased as Fr Tony until AFTER The Orlando Truth notified Bishop Wenski that we knew that Mr Tony Maione was actually Fr Tony Maione who was an ex-priest or still was a priest at the time of his death. The fact that no Orlando Catholics referred to Tony as FATHER Tony proves that the cover-up by the Orlando Chancery was successful.
- The Evangelist, Bishop Howard Hubbard’s official publication of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, New York, titled its obituary in bold letters as: REV ANTHONY MAIONE, (age) 48. This obituary stated: "Father Maione once wrote an opinion piece...Father Maione died May 23rd at the age of 48...Father Maione had begun his ministry working with youth…(Father Maione) served at several parishes in the Albany Diocese...Father Maione also faced challenges...Father Maione believed that his life was an adventure…"
However, the Diocese of Orlando is persisting, even after Maione’s death, in making no reference to his priesthood. On page 6 of the Florida Catholic newspaper’s June 9 (2006) issue, a detailed list of Maione’s educational record was presented, along with various religious programs Mr Maione initiated in the Diocese of Albany and in the Diocese of Orlando. The Orlando Chancery had to know that he was a priest. They KNEW and they HID that fact. WHY? Was it because they did not want his Church-financed education to go to waste? Or was it because Maione was a staunch dissenting progressive Catholic active on the gay scene and very much in tune with the religious educational policies of his immediate supervisor, Sr Linda Gaupin, and the bishops for whom she worked?
This is how the sex scandals started. The American bishops moved sex abusers around, hid the facts, lied to the people, then turned around and blamed it on the laity so that the laity have mandatory fingerprinting to secure employment within the Diocese to protect their own children! It is impossible to believe that the Diocese of Orlando either did not request a background check on Maione or was unaware that Maione was a priest.
How did FATHER Tony Maione leave Albany, NY in 1999 and, after a brief layover of 2 years in the Diocese of St. Augustine, end up as MISTER Tony Maione in Orlando in 2001, just before the sex abuse scandals broke in 2002? The highlights of his official priestly background are readily available, and summarized below. Since anyone can easily obtain this information from printed sources, it’s deceptive that the Orlando Diocese continues to pretend ignorance of these crystal clear facts.
1957 – Born on Long Island, NY
1985 – Ordained at age 27, after completing the seminary in Washington, D.C.
1986 through 1992 (age 28 through 35) – specific assignments within the Diocese of Albany, NY, including associate pastor in various parishes, and also member of the faculty of Saratoga Central High School.
1993 through 1998 (ages 36 through 41) – removed from specific pastoral assignments, and placed on "Special Assignment" with no specifics. This part of his career becomes increasingly clouded with a significant lack of information. Was Maione involved in a sexual scandal? Credible allegations to that effect have been made.
According to John A. Aretakis, a prominent Albany, NY attorney, a boy whom Aretakis represents has made a legal claim against Father Anthony Maione. Aretakis claims the boy knew Father Anthony Maione died of HIV and is petrified to have that stigma. Aretakis further claims that other priests, one who died at age 52, are among several Albany diocesan priests who have the disease in Bishop Hubbard’s troubled diocese.
As a result, it is not unreasonable to suggest that Father Anthony Maione also died of AIDS, considering his young age at death, and his previous association with several similarly diseased priests. (For further reading on the Diocese of Albany’s problems with Bishop Hubbard, his priests, and the vast homosexual network in the American Catholic Church, order Agony in Albany from Roman Catholic Faithful, rcf.org.) The Diocese of Albany printed that Father Tony had a "rare neurological condition known as Ramsay-Hunt syndrome" but not that he had necessarily died from it, since, unfortunately for that theory, practically no one dies from Ramsay- Hunt Syndrome. The Orlando Diocesan newspaper does not mention how he died.
1999 through 2001 (ages 42 through 44) — at St. Peter’s Parish in Saratoga Springs, Sacramental Minister at Skidmore College, and Chaplain at Samaritan Hospital in Albany.
2001 through 2006 (ages 44 through 48) — on official leave of absence from Albany Diocese. Then assisting in the Diocese of St. Augustine, Florida in an unspecified capacity for about 2 years, before being employed by the Diocese of Orlando.
The numerous shifting assignments, and long periods of unidentified assignments do not instill confidence in the personal record of Fr/Mr Maione. Rather it is logical to infer that the reverse is true, namely, that there was a serious problem with the background of Maione, which disqualified him from employment within our Diocese. If this were not the case, there would have been no reason to have secretly hidden the fact of Maione’s ordination to the priesthood in his obituary on Orlando's Diocesan website and in the Florida Catholic newspaper.
Moreover, he may well have been an ex-priest, having been formally laicized for serious personal infractions during his priestly career. Interestingly, Bishop Wenski, during his homily at Maione’s Memorial Mass, said "Tony never betrayed the trust that Bishop Dorsey placed in him." In other words, this means they knew the facts, but nevertheless placed their trust in him anyway. Indeed, he did not cause a scandal here – at least until he died when it came to light that the Orlando Diocese had hired a credibly accused sex abuser from Albany, NY, and placed him in charge of Orlando's Youth Ministries to guide our children and young adults.
Their glorification of Maione does not pass the smell test. The homosexual network sees him as a martyr for dying of AIDS. They adjust the words as needed, but they must honor him - and they did so by brazenly dedicating Saratoga Central Catholic High School's new chapel to him in 2010.
Samaritan Hospital is in Troy, NY (Albany diocese)
ReplyDeleteSusan you're spot on about how it all works. Our cross dresser pastor who was a bi ritual ( Latin and Byzantine Rites) did not have his contract renewed and was placed on leave by his own Melkite Bishop ( now deceased) . New Bishop almost 20 years later and he is back in action . This time as the new Bishop's personal secretary.
ReplyDeleteIn the interim I was told he allegedly worked in an all boys Catholic school and was also picked up as choir director for a Roman Catholic church.
A dear friend. who was employed by the former RC Diocese we lived in, retired after spending the last five years with an open homosexual pastor ( only in the rectory and at the gym) who hired his own boyfriend to teach First Grade in the parish Parochial school. My friend was astounded when a young FSSPX priest came for a private dinner with her pastor employer. she asked him what they could possibly have in common.....( one being Traditional TLM in the Society of Pius the Tenth and the other a Diocesan Novus Ordo priest.
Her very "gay" and fashion conscious employer replied to her with a smirk , "We have more in common then you could possibly know." My poor friend ,along with other rectory employees were required to attend his breathless Marilyn Monroe renditions prior to his regular gourmet dinners for other Diocesan priests. They were there to applaud.
......big sigh, anyway ,they all KNEW who each other was and kept their mouths sealed so very disappointing . Eventually thanks to one older priest who was the exception, I was informed they were all either part of the group or complicit.
Perhaps next time you post something as ridiculous as this, you’ll seek information from people that knew the person, were positively affected by the person, or that knew the truth about them. Until then, let me say as someone that qualifies as the above, that this is some of the worst trash I have EVER read on the Internet, and you seriously need to consider the level of defamation you’re conducting here. The conjecture level is not appropriate.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, he remained a member of the faculty and Peer Mentorship program through and beyond my graduation in 1994. So, you may need to check your facts on a number of issues here.
ReplyDeleteFrank Rossi, I did see Mr Tony Maione, as he was called here in Orlando, and was not "positively affected" by him since his little side-kick Sr Linda Gaupin (all dressed up in a red suit, high heels, coiffed hair and earrings), tried to make my friends and me leave the venue since we "were not welcome there" as she frankly told us. Here in Orlando Mr Maione was known as just that - "MISTER" Maione. No one knew that he was or had been a priest from Albany except Sr Linda Gaupin and Bishop Dorsey...and possibly Bishop Wenski, now Archbishop of Miami.
ReplyDeletePriests here were astounded to learn that Mr Maione was indeed, FATHER Maione. Even his obituary here never referred to him as a priest. So you need to check YOUR facts on these issues.
The comments are now closed on this two year old post, however I will be posting a new article on this in a few days so if you want to continue commenting, you may do so there. Meanwhile, you might have someone in Albany explain the facts of life to you as to exactly why Fr Tony Maione was shuffled under the radar to Orlando and here was never known to be a priest. Here he was MISTER MAIONE.