I offer the observations below for your consideration:More Hispanics were killed by Planned Parenthood abortionists on August 3rd than were killed at the El Paso Wal-Mart that day. But Catholic pro-abortion politicians publicly and repeatedly assert that one can support the continuing slaughter of Hispanics in the womb and still be a faithful Catholic. Thus they seem to be saying that it was not the slaughter of innocent Hispanics that was wrong, but rather where and how they were being slaughtered.

And so it is that the “social justice” agenda embraced by such Catholic politicians
proclaims that we need to subsidize Planned Parenthood efforts so as to ensure
that more Hispanics be slaughtered before they can migrate out of their mothers’
wombs and become citizens. There seems to be some veracity to their claim, though, since the refusal of bishops to publicly reprimand, much less discipline, those making such assertions indicate that such bishops are acquiescing to the legitimacy of such assertions. In addition, note how the Hispanics who were killed in El Paso were widely remembered in the General Intercessions last weekend, whereas Hispanics killed by Planned Parenthood that Saturday were rarely, if ever, specifically mentioned in those prayers.
The “dog whistle” message being sent out by Catholic proponents of aborticide thus seems to be:
After all, why should Hispanics be illegally slaughtered at a Wal-Mart when they can be legally, quietly and profitably slaughtered in the womb at a local not-for-profit Planned Parenthood clinic?
Apparently, Planned Parenthood’s well documented efforts to target the Hispanic
and African-American communities for “affirmative action” aborticide is not to be
considered as a form of racism. (cf. Maafa21.com and blackgenocide.org)
God save us!
Fr. Tom Collins
Well said, Fr. Tom Collins! Thank you for exposing the hypocrisy of the left.