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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

"Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste!" How Long, O, Lord?

If there's one thing ingrained in the liberal heart (It often isn't love -- except love of money and power.) it's Saul Alinsky's principle to never let a serious crisis go to waste. Alinsky didn't put it quite that way. That was left to his philosophical descendent, Rahm Emmanuel, who often seems to be channeling Alinsky.

The Alinsky tactic is front and center in the Democrats' political posturing following the El Paso murders. The killer left a manifesto that indicated he supported the border wall and Donald Trump, so liberal media outlets like the New York Times and every progressive politician on the planet are blaming Trump for inciting the violence. What an opportunity to posture and get face time on TV! Beto O'Rourke was particularly disgusting. Not to be outdone, Blase Cupich and Wilton Gregory were among the pathetic political bishops hopping on the blame-Trump bandwagon.

And then there's the inconvenient truth about Dayton.

The shooter in Dayton, a registered Democrat, favored Elizabeth Warren and tweeted pro-Satan and pro-Antifa comments as well as advocating socialism. So while Beto O'Rourke and his liberal cronies attack Donald Trump for inciting violence, he and his fellow Democrats aren't blaming Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, much less themselves, for the Dayton massacre. Ah...the hypocrisy of the double standard!

Democrats have fomented and encouraged violence so many times calling on their allies to attack Republicans at restaurants, gas stations, and movie theaters. (See here and here.) They appear to think of themselves as an army of god (Molloch perhaps?) and his righteousness! They are the pure ones who luv the poor and minorities, but will happily rip poor and minority babies limb from limb in the womb or kill them after birth. As for conservative, don't let them enjoy an evening out because they are the epitome of evil and must be confronted everywhere. Just ask Maxine Waters.

Frankly, I"m sick of it. Watching the news about the latest massacres, I got the feeling the talking heads were excited about the event. Oh...I don't mean they were actually happy, but what an opportunity! "If it bleeds, it leads!" And there was plenty of blood in the sensational tragedy. What an opportunity to boost ratings until the next episode of slaughter. Am I being cynical?

I'm not watching any more of it. I'll take the victims and their families and the killers to Mass this morning and every morning and remember them in my daily rosary intentions. The one thing these tragedies emphasize is that none of us knows the day or the hour. Which of those individuals shopping at Walmart or enjoying an evening out in Dayton expected to die that day?

If there's a lesson here, it's the absolute priority to be prepared at every minute to meet our Maker. Not even the next moment of life is guaranteed to anyone. I pray that the victims had time to call out to God for mercy in that final battle. Let's all pray today for the grace of final perseverance in the face of death.

"May the divine assistance be with us always, and may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen."


  1. Like I said.... Never let a crisis go to waste. The Dems are already fundraising off the the blood of the murder victims. They are totally shameless!

  2. And another.

    It's ironic that Elizabeth Warren is making the money pitch in view of her being the presidential choice of the Dayton killer. No mention of that in the fundraising appeal!
