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Sunday, September 27, 2020

Fr. Tom Collins: Where Are the Catholic Bishops?

In a modern version of “Where’s Waldo”, try to find, in the link below, a Catholic bishop in the crowd gathered in Washington DC yesterday to pray for the restoration of morality and virtue in our nation. Apparently, the absence of bishops may be due to the fact that Trump is not capitulating to the leftist “social justice” and “class warfare” agenda of arousing and appeasing perverted resentments.
Note how Trump’s honoring of St. John Paul II was called “reprehensible” by the Catholic Archbishop of Washington DC and how he was condemned as a “racist” for dramatically opposing the burning of a church by a leftist mob.

Then again, such vehement opposition to Trump makes sense, since facts brought to light in recent investigative reports indicate that many powerful prelates are also concerned that Trump’s current decisive campaign against international human trafficking and child sexual abuse may soon lead to indictments, fines and other penalties being directed against high-ranking bureaucrats in the USCCB, and even the Vatican.

Bishops are also upset that Trump and Barr, unlike the USCCB, took the initiative of asserting two facts – 1) it was discriminatory for governors to decree that worship services were “non-essential”, and 2) to limit gatherings for Church worship to levels lower than those permitted for liquor stores, gambling casinos and abortion clinics was wrong.

May God purge all evil from the Church’s hierarchy through sincere repentance. To date, though, the “repentance” of our bishops seem to have been motivated more by the fear of the lawsuit than by the fear of the Lord. Even their much flaunted Dallas Charter appears to have been merely a knee-jerk damage control campaign, made necessary by the courageous and well-documented reports of clergy sexual abuse in the Boston Globe two decades ago. And, more recently, more updated damage control campaigns were required due to secular news reports of the McCarrick case, which Vatican officials had been able to successfully suppress long after the USCCB’s Dallas Charter decisively guaranteed us that there would be “zero tolerance” for clergy sexual abuse.

As one parishioner commented about the hierarchy’s handling of the clergy sex abuse scandal, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, welcome me aboard the Ship of Fools.” After all, with bishops willing to concede that the redemptive sacrifice of Jesus, made present at every Mass, is “non-essential”, why should anyone take our Catholic Faith seriously?

God save us!

Fr. Tom


  1. There should be an internal ban on bishops taking government money.

  2. Every one of these damned Judases will go to hell, and take millions of CINO's with them!

  3. This is why I often listen to sermons of nonCatholic preachers on the radio. I greatly admire Franklin Graham.

  4. Who needs the Swishops, anyway! (Spelling is intentional)

  5. Our bishops drop to their knees at the rail of social justice and wag their tongues for the world's sacrament: Reception of unholy government funds.

  6. We do need the bishops which is why their status as MIA is so heartbreaking. A friend and I were discussing their abdication during the Wuhan hysteria and their silence on the politics of abortion. Our best guess is that it has to do with the close ties to government money. Billions of dollars buys an awful lot of silence.

  7. After a hard day of campaigning for Harris/Biden, bishops, priests, and church employees hide behind 501(c)(3) to explain their absence from prayer events or pro-life rallies.

    It is apparent, from comments I see all the time, that both laity and clergy are unaware that, in 2017, Trump nuked 501(c)(3). Clergy and churches are ENTIRELY FREE to endorse both candidates and parties. There is NO threat to their tax-exempt status--which, btw, has always been protected by the Constitution, regardless of the IRS Code.

    But more than finances is involved. The fact is that many bishops, priests, and church employees are just plain pro-abortion.
