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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Get Out the Barf Bag; Little Boys Playing Dress Up a la Gucci!

Would you want one of these guys for (take your pick):

  • your dad?
  • your date?
  • your husband?
  • your son?
  • your grandson?
  • your male friend?
It's pretty clear that Gucci is pandering to the homosexual/ transgender crowd. That should sell really well considering they represent a small fraction of customers. Talk about pandering to the Zeitgeist and making yourself and your models ridiculous. Do any of those guys look happy? Versace's fashions are ridiculous too, a medley of the Darth Vader Circus look.

We are made in God's image and likeness, male or female. It's in our DNA. Whatever the reason for rejecting the sex assigned to us by God, Who does not make mistakes, it is not the path to happiness.

As for the Gucci and Versace fashions, can you see your dad dressed like that? I can't even see CNN's gay guys, Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon, choosing that fashion look. Okay, maybe Johnny Depp. But even his style is more homeless chic than gay grotesque.

The fashion industry is not only sick, but is the canary in the mine. Camille Paglia, no voice of conservatism, says the promotion of transgender/androgynous culture (a perfect description of much of the fashion industry) is a late phase on the timeline of cultural collapse. She also points out how abusive it is when it targets children. "Anyone who collaborates in the intrusion of a developing child's body and mind is guilty of child abuse, a crime against humanity," she says, "because that child is not prepared to make such a decision [to chemically and surgically alter sex characteristics]." 

She goes on to point out that, "It's become a fashion. The transgender definition has become a kind of convenient label for young people who may simply feel alienated culturally for many other reasons....I think that the collaboration of the bureaucratic machinery with it has to do with the assault on masculinity." 


She and Christina Hoff Sommers, author of The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men, have  both criticized the "orthodox feminists" who are committed to male bashing and whining victimization. They've been fighting this type of feminism for thirty years. In fact, they are at the heart of a family feud in the feminist camp, especially in academia. Unfortunately, their extremist sisters are the ones who've been winning -- who get tenure, professorships, etc. while they promote all the myths about how persecuted women are, while men are the ones passed over and excoriated as abusers and rapists for simply acting manly.

Obviously, I don't agree with a lot of things Paglia and Sommers say, but they are totally on target about the "junk science" and the myths promulgated by the male bashing feminists who created the lie about men raping their wives and girl friends on Super Bowl Sunday. Their criticism of the "speech is rape" wing of feminism is on target as well. I got a few wolf whistles in my younger days and never even thought about accusing the men of harassment. 

But let's return to Gucci's fashions which continue the assault on masculinity and on young people who may actually embrace this sick garbage, like that poor little boy, Amazing DesmondWe live in an evil age -- the attack on masculinity is matched by the pornification of little girls. Just one example: the horrifying Netflix film Cuties. Porn ain't cute! And neither is dressing guys up like girls with eye makeup, dangly ear rings, mary jane shoes, etc. ad nauseum. Got that, Gucci? 


  1. Add in to that mask fashion and you realize that they have us by our cerebral hemispheres.

  2. Remember... a few years ago Gucci pandered to Islam when models carried replicas of their own heads. Right smack in the middle of the video above at 4:18 the message on the oversize WHITE T-shirt - which BTW costs $490.00 - says it all about what Gucci thinks of men and masculinity, as well as their effort to demean men, WHITE men in particular.

    It says IMPOTENT....which, when looked up in a dictionary, means "powerless, ineffective, ineffectual, inadequate, weak, useless, worthless, vain, unsuccessful, profitless, fruitless, lame, futile, effete."

    THAT'S what Gucci thinks of men and masculinity, and every one of the male models in the video - EACH ONE - is dressed as, modeling as, a living representation of each one of those words.

    The word under "impotent" is "impatient" which can mean "desirous, yearning, longing, aching"...for???...change. Impatient for CHANGE.

    In addition a few of the shirts and purses the boys wear/carry say "mon petite chou" which means "my little cabbage" - a French term of endearment which applies only to males or little boys. What the phrase actually conveys is "my favorite one."

    The elites ridicule people who shop at Wal-Mart. I think we should ridicule Gucci.

  3. Homosexuals have taken over the world, such that even non-homosexuals are dying to pay homage to their new gods, as Gucci is here. This is homo-fashion, it wouldn't appeal to anyone else. Satan is an imitator, he can't create, only mock and imitate. This isn't "fashion" in the sense of interesting fashion, it's look, even accompanying sound, is off, on a minor note, like Stravinsky's Rite of Spring. It grates, leaving you disturbed, but that's a draw to those who love Satan or reject God.
    Today it is actually black culture that is king. Most young movers today watch black culture for trends, not Gucci. So watch the NBA players, those anti-American imbecile pituitary cases for what guys and girls will be wearing, because they are the rulers as white people rush out to buy whatever trend they create. Unfortunately for white people, once whites discover it, black culture starts to reject it, as no matter how hard they try, white ain't cool, not in today's world. Too bad, they want so badly to be accepted. After all, didn't they raise their fist and put Black Lives Matter on a sign outside their house? all-homosexual fashion industry, BLM, a very sick and confused culture, it's all of a piece.
