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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thought for the Day: Real Men Don't Kill Babies!

Show me a male chauvinist pig and I'll show you a man who says, "She can always get an abortion." Real men don't kill their children!

Support a pregnancy help center today and plan to participate in Life Chain and 40 Days for Life. Abortion is a crime against humanity. Babies and their moms deserve better.


  1. Mary Ann:

    What do you think about a campaign to convince the Catholic Church (Vatican, USCCB, individual bishops) to excommunicate publicly before the election abortionist politicians masquerading as Catholics?

    I believe it is something that has to be done, but the Church seems to be willing to live with the killing of unborn children for the foreseeable future without making much of a fuss.

    I have posted some comments suggesting this at some websites such as American Life League and Priests For Life, but do not know how to proceed with this. I would love to know your thoughts on this matter. Maybe you could write a piece on this.

  2. I'm all for it, Joe. There is something pharisaical about the Church imposing automatic excommunication on a woman who has an abortion and those who facilitate it while a legislator who champions millions of abortions walks arm in arm down the aisle with a cardinal.

    Ted Kennedy and Nancy Pelosi are the poster boy and girl for this scenario. That Kennedy could be practically canonized at his funeral and Nancy continues to scandalize with almost no response from the bishops is a sad commentary on the state of the Church in the U.S.

    I agree with you, but I have little hope that we will see things change until the current crop of aging cowards retire. Let's pray for apostles with zeal who care enough about the souls of the elitists to call them to account.
