The moral cliff is at the end of the wide road that leads to hell. The road is level and pleasant at the beginning, filled with sinful pleasures along the way, but, as St. John Bosco saw in a dream, the farther souls travel on the road the steeper the descent becomes to the point it's so steep turning back is almost impossible. Imagine yourself sliding toward a precipice. Faster and faster you fall reaching for anything you can grasp to save yourself. You see the cliff below you and there is no way to stop. That is what Don Bosco saw in his dream of sinners on the road to hell. They literally slid down the incline and fell off the cliff into the hell fires below.
Sobering thought, isn't it? Of course, you can laugh and say you don't believe in hell, but what a surprise if you die and find out you were wrong. Pascal's wager still applies today. You have nothing to lose by acting like you believe in God and living a life of service and love of others. You have everything to lose, if you live a selfish, sinful life and find God's justice waiting for you on the other side.
Yep , there you have it ...people are falling off the moral cliff and not thinking anything of it.
ReplyDeleteWhy , becuase people do not believe in sin , hell or God (just my take ) and surely a good God who is merciful would NEVER send anyone to hell ...why we are good people ..better think again folks !
Remember Fatima and Our Lady showing the three shepherd children HELL....where poor sinners go! Wake Up folks and get right with God and repent and turn to HIM : GOD ALONE
I have a question re: Pascal's wager. If you believe in God and even live that way only because of the wager - i.e., because you are hedging your bets - do you really believe in God?
ReplyDeletePeople aren't static. A person who lives as if God exists is very likely to move from doubt to belief. In the Act of Contrition, Catholics tell God they are sorry for offending Him because "I fear the loss of heaven and the pains of hell." That is not the best motivation for avoiding sin, but it is sufficient. Hopefully, the penitent moves on to the next level of avoiding sin "because I love you, My God, who art all good and deserving of all my love."
ReplyDeletePascal's wager isn't an end, but a beginning.