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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Islam kills Christian family, but they're still alive

Look at this family. Look at them! Do you see how incredibly beautiful they are? THIS is human beauty. THIS is the earthly bodily trinity - man/woman/child. The FAMILY. Fueled by love, decency and care for one another. Powered by the Holy Spirit Who is LOVE.

But in Islam this cannot be. This family must be destroyed. These three people must be decimated, their living hearts ripped out, love annihilated, their family butchered, massacred, obliterated. Only grief and misery must remain in total anguish and unhappiness for the rest of their lives. Because they are Christians, infidels, heretics, converts from Islam, therefore the worst of the worst of people, their 2-year-old adoptive special-needs child must be taken from them, even though the child has a strong bond with her parents.

THIS STORY will make your blood boil. I am outraged and hate Islam even more than I hated it before. This story indicates Islam’s ruthless emotional cruelty residing in the innermost depths of Satan’s hatred for mankind. Satan HATES THE FAMILY since the family – man/woman/child – represents the earthly bodily trinity of love. The emotional ripping apart of this family delights Satan and his Islam.

For the rest of her life the child will be without parents – no father, no mother – to love and care for her. She will be in a state institution. The parents will forever be emotionally scarred and will always wonder where their little child is and what is happening to her. How soon will the state tire of caring for this child and rape then murder her? This is one more despicable example of Islam. This is the MURDER of a family. The killing of LOVE. This is Islam.

In Islam no one is allowed to be happy or well adjusted. One must always be miserable, filled with fear, absorbed by hatred. Life and everything in it must be brought to the lowest common denominator, nothing can be whole, everything must be ripped apart and destroyed. Cruelty reigns, hatred abounds, beatings, torture – both mental and physical – must must MUST be an absolute.

I hate hate HATE HATE FILTHY Islam and its FILTHY demon possessed founder and its FILTHY word of FILTHY Lucifer printed in its FILTHY Quran.

Like the Inca and Aztec cultures ripping out the hearts of living people on their satanic sacrificial altars to Lucifer, Islam likewise rips out the hearts of living people as a Satanic sacrifice but is even more cruel in that the people don't die; they are still alive and for the rest of their lives must live in abject misery, devoid of anything ever again being whole for them.

I cannot tell you how much this story has made me hate Islam even more than I hated it before. My mind is empty of words to describe how much I despise Islam and what it does to inflict pain and inhuman torture on people – people that Islam destroys, forever making them into living empty shells.

As in their photo above, the father will no longer hold his little child's hand, he will no longer be the protective husband and father of his wife and child - the handsome and proud head of their family. The beautiful wife will no longer possess her smile of happiness. The gorgeous child will no longer feel safe with her daddy holding her hand. All three are now destroyed by Islam, crucified non-stop for the remainder of their days because they are Christians.



  1. I'm sorry, but what are the circumstances of this tragic event? I live in the UK and don't
    remember learning about this at all.

  2. The only good Muslims are bad Muslims -- the ones who don't embrace the evil teachings of Islam: honor killings, stoning women taken in adultery while he men get off scot free, lying to anyone who's not a Muslim.... It goes on and on. This story is truly horrifying. I imagine many Muslims would be opposed to the court's decision.
