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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Surprise: Bart Stupak Traded Babies Lives for Obama's Empty Piece of Paper

Well, what can you expect from a Democrat? Notice the last three letters of the word.

Is Bart Stupak really so stupid that he believes Obama's executive order means a single thing? Of course not. It just gives him a little cover to play the game. But did Stupak ever intend to let the pro-life issue be the overriding element for his vote? A YouTube video from a town hall in Cheboygan, MI shows exactly where Stupak was going all along. Af the end of the day, he said, if abortion remained in the bill and he had had his say he would vote for it anyway. Hey, that's how government works. Nothing is non-negotiable (except the salary, perks, and privileges of politicians).

Let's face it. Stupak was a fake from the beginning. His amendment had exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. As things stand, there is no way abortion will not be funded by this evil bill. There is no way medical personnel will be protected from being coerced into participating in moral evil. There is no way the elderly will not suffer.

No matter what happens, it's still not over, but evil is having a heyday. Keep your rosary in your hands and never give up. The revolution is just beginning.


  1. "My Immaculate Heart will triumph." Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.

  2. You're right. This is not over.
