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Saturday, September 10, 2016

The next kinky thing: sex with robots in the culture of despair

Talk about the ultimate sex toy!

The world's first ever conference on robotics and sex will take place in England where robot brothels will likely become a reality. I wonder what Chesterton would say about all this. Talk about nihilism and the fruition of Sartre's belief that "hell is other people." So if you want a paradise on earth -- eliminate other people from your life replacing them with robots.

My take on all the insane goings on we are seeing is that many have lost the sense of their own humanity because of the pursuit of pleasure and the desire to avoid suffering at all costs. Think of the many problems that beset or culture: pornography and sex addiction, drug and alcohol abuse, screen addiction, gender ideology, etc. What do they all have in common? Escape from the pain and difficulties of reality. And, underneath, a distrust and hatred of other people.

Think about it. When you interact with people you experience relationship problems and pain. How much easier it is to love yourself without complication (explains sologamy to some degree) by interacting only with yourself or with a gadget that: doesn't talk back, is always available to you day and night, fulfills your every lustful desire, etc. Men (and women to a lesser degree) indulge in easy sex through pornography, self-satisfaction using sex toys, paid sex workers who will do sex talk and whatever else you want for a price.... It goes on and on. Lust makes the world (that belongs to prince satan) go round. So sex robots in our culture were inevitable when you look at things from that perspective.

The devil's ultimate duplicity is to convince people to throw off their dignity as children of God and descend to the level of, not beasts which are alive and can, on a simple level, interact with us, but to the level of inanimate objects. Can't you imagine Satan laughing at God and saying, "Look at what these people you love are doing. Now aren't you sorry you ever thought of this insane idea of making humans in Your image and likeness?"

What can one say about someone who pretends to "interact" with a robot which is essentially a box with mechanical works made to look like a person and programmed to do whatever the maker wants it to do (or the customer orders). You can talk all you want about artificial intelligence, but a robot is not intelligent. It's a programmed machine. Think of a cult where people are brainwashed by the cult leader and you've just about put your finger on the reality. The dupes surrender their intelligence and humanity to the leader who manipulates them. A person can pretend all he wants, but a machine can't love and love, true love, is what we all seek.

The conference on robots and sex might as well be called a conference on despair. The restless heart, made for the love of God, will never be satisfied with all the pleasure objects available no matter how sophisticated they become. Let us pray that, as we enter the year of the 100th anniversary of Fatima, God will send sanity back to our world.

Sometimes I think the fearful EMP attack will be the new flood God sends to cleanse the world. Scientists say nine out of ten Americans would die in such a scenario from starvation, lack of clean water leading to disease, lack of hospitals and medicine, civil unrest, etc. I dread to think of it, but I am sure we cannot continue on our merry way without ghastly consequences. And a God who desires eternal life, can use catastrophe to wake people up. As they say, there are no atheists in a foxhole.

If you aren't following the messages of Fatima, I hope you will begin at once. I doubt we can prevent an ever-more painful chastisement, but we can mitigate it through prayer and sacrifice.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.


  1. The one blessing is that the sex is sterile. Tends to remove the sick and demented from the gene pool.

  2. Watched the videos which show that even the robots have botoxed lips. There were different women's robot heads hanging on the wall which infers, I suppose, that men can pick the robot face they want to see on the robot they have sex with.

    Robot brothels? Here's a name for one: Madame Lucy Fur's Robot Brothel. And what will real human prostitutes do? This will put them out of business.

    (And to post this comment, wants me to prove that I am NOT a robot.)
