A few days ago my husband and I drove the Cabot Trail on Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. We were amazed at the large number of Catholic Churches we saw. We stopped at several in towns along the way. They all advertise no more than one Mass a weekend on either Saturday or Sunday. One church had a sign seeking offerings since their congregation is so small and the church needs repairs. They depend on visitors, the sign read, and would appreciate any help. At one church there was a sign on the bulletin board advertising one daily Mass A MONTH! The others may not even have that.
Cape Breton clearly had a large French influence in its history and the number of old churches reflects what must have once been a vibrant Catholic community. Clearly, it's a thing of the past. We stopped at a church cemetery to pray our rosary and I couldn't help thinking that the cemetery was a pretty accurate metaphor for the faith in so many places. The churches are empty and all the Catholics are in the graveyard.

Poor Jesus. Millions of people go out searching for Pokemon Go while the Lord of the Universe is left alone and abandoned in so many tabernacles of the world. Remember Jesus' sad words, "When I return will I find any faith on the earth?"
Let us pray for a restoration of the faith. Young Francisco of Fatima was devastated by the neglect of Jesus. "Love is not loved," he often lamented. His one desire was to comfort Jesus. Blessed Francisco, pray for us and for our poor, abandoned Jesus.
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