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Saturday, May 20, 2023

Celebrate Friendship!

 We’re on our way to a get together with a group of aging square dancers some of whom we’ve known since our children were babies. This morning during my prayer time I went through my rosary box filled with funeral cards, ordination and anniversary mementoes, and handwritten prayer requests. The box is almost full. Soon the cover will hardly close. So many friends one collects over the years! 

Who among them influenced my life most? My 8th grade teacher, St. Germella? This minute little nun was a model of kindness. How I loved her. My friend Florence who ran a pregnancy help center? We were in court together more than once. What a servant of the Lord.  

Every card in the box bears a story of a life. Some are tragic and remind me to pray that the person repented before death, especially pro abortion relatives. Many more bring joyful memories. How many who helped at mailing parties for the Les Femmes newsletter are gone now. We laughed over a simple meal of chili dogs before setting up our assembly line to fold, tape, label, and stamp. How I miss Dolores, Kevin, and other pro life friends like Betty Ann, Mildred, Gloria, Anthony, etc.

Friends represent one of God’s greatest gifts especially our friends among the angels and saints some of whom we’ve no doubt known on earth. 

Let us never fail to express our gratitude to God,  And expressing our gratitude to our friends for the blessing of knowing them reflects our gratitude to God. Today is an opportunity to do that. Our square dancing friends have been a gift to us. Today I plan to tell them so.

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