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Has Rick told us yet whether he's a man or a woman? |
Uh...excuse me..."If HE says HE'S a woman, then HE'S a woman? That doesn't even make sense. It's an oxymoron! What if he says he's Napoleon or a two-humped camel or Superman or Jesus Christ?
We used to recognize when people make statements like that they need psychiatric help. No more. If you can imagine it, you can be it... even when you can't be it. And everyone will go along with you no matter how insane your belief is because that's the definition of tolerance and compassion in Wacko World.
Bruce Jenner is a man. If a doctor examined his DNA without knowing whose DNA he was examining, would he say it was the DNA of a woman? Heck no! Unless he was totally incompetent. If the cops took a DNA sample from the fingernails of a murder victim would they have to wait to catch the suspect before identifying the suspect's sex? Maybe in today's loony-tune world that will actually happen. I can just see the press conference. "We have the suspect's DNA but we can't identify the sex until we catch the suspect and ask him/her whether he/she is a man or a woman."
Get real!
We may live in a "let's pretend we can be whatever we want to be" world, but reality still exists. That a Catholic like Rick Santorum would sink to this level of LGBT nuttiness....well...it just demonstrates that with politicians truth takes second place to political pragmatism. Santorum illustrated that bigtime when he supported Arlen Specter and he's illustrating it again. He tried to fix his comments later by saying he knows Jenner is a guy and was just trying to be compassionate, but that just doesn't hold water. Embracing untruth is never compassionate. Bruce Jenner is clearly a tortured soul. Let's pray for him, not lie to him.
I can't imagine ever voting for Rick Santorum for president. His brains are too scrambled by his politics to live in the real world. We sure don't need another man like that in the White House!
Nope....I wouldn't vote for him either! That said, it seems as though lots of people in high places have sort of a 'scrambling of brains.' I am calling it 'Diabolical Insanity.' Kind of scary to watch it happen in real time.
ReplyDeleteBruce has not yet requested that people call him anything other than Bruce or that they use female pronouns. Santorum referring to Bruce as "he" is perfectly fine. I'm a queer Catholic woman and I take my faith seriously. I know that God loves me regardless of who I love. I don't know what God you're trying to worship, but it's definitely not THE God.
ReplyDeleteOf course God loves you. He loves all of us unconditionally. But He also expects us to obey His commandments. If you are in a sexually active lesbian relationship, He does not love what you are doing. He says to you what He said to the woman taken in adultery. "Go your way and sin no more." If you continue to engage in lustful practices, you cut yourself off from God. He continues to love you and waits patiently with His arms outstretched on the cross (where our sins put Him - yours and mine) praying we will return. But He is a gentleman and will never force us. If I want to defy Him, ignore His commandments and thumb my nose at Him, He will let me go to hell because He respects my freedom even though He gave it to me so I would choose the good. Listen to John the Baptist who was preparing the way of the Lord. "Repent and hear the good news." Lust is mortally sinful whether it is heterosexual or homosexual.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am a tiger. Roar! That is what Senator Santorum should have said. Some of these guys are just trying to see how many people's buttons they can push and how far they can go in making us all look like idiots catering to them.
ReplyDeleteLet's not mince words. Both are mortally sinful, but the latter is worse because it is unnatural and intrinsically disordered.
I'm not simply "doing" queer things. I am queer. It's who I am, not an act that I do. And I'm still a virgin by choice, I've never even kissed another person of either sex except relatives. I'm not lusting after anyone, so don't you dare accuse me of doing so. Also, I'm not a lesbian. I'm pansexual (aka "queer"). This means that I can love anyone regardless of gender, from those who are non-binary to transgender to people who have no gender at all. God created me in His image, and He loves me, and I love Him. I will not repress myself because you and a worryingly large number of people think I'm confused, or "lustful," or ill. I am queer. That's not something I can confess to. What commandment am I disobeying? My faith has been shaken once, and that is only because I was told by someone holding similar beliefs to yours that God would never condone my orientation. It took two years for me to rebuild my relationship with Him, and I'm all the better for it, queer or not. You should be ashamed of trying to use the Bible to condemn me. I dare say my faith is stronger than yours, because I know God wants His children to love each other and treat each other with respect, not threaten each other and treat each other like trash, and the former is exactly what I'm doing, while the latter is the only thing I'm seeing you and your kind do. I'll be praying for you for a long time, I feel. Have a blessed day!
ReplyDeleteRick's response should have been that he that he is less concerned about their sexuality than about their morality.
ReplyDeleteMichael Dowd
I didn't condemn you or accuse you of anything. I used the preposition IF deliberately. You, unfortunately, by your words implied that you are acting on your inclinations. I'm glad you aren't.
ReplyDeleteBut they Bible is very clear. "Male and female He created them." There are no other "genders."
We are all "oriented" in a dysfunctional way because of original sin. No one is condemned for disordered inclinations whether they are the ones you describe or an inclination to lie or steal. But I think attributing our disorders to God is stretching it. I don't blame Him for my disordered inclinations and temptations. Do you really think you get a pass because yours happen to involve a confused sexual identity? And yes it is confused.
I appreciate your prayers and will certainly pray for you as well. As for condemning, you are doing a pretty good job of condemning me.
I just wonder if Rick is not trying to align his Catholicism with the new motto" Who am I to judge?"
ReplyDeleteI think confusion touches a lot of people, me included at time!
Now we have to get on our knees to venerate the poor. Really?
Mary Ann,
ReplyDeleteThank you. You are absolutely right. I am tired of this sudden GiBLeT nonsense. Male and female he created him. Anything else is disordered and an insult to the complementarity that God has given us.
There are some people who are born with ambiguous genitals, but they are rare, and that is not the case with Bruce Jenner as he fathered children. When some of the poor of the world, through no fault of their own, cannot even get basic health care just to remain alive, it is a serious sin that some would cater to the expenses of people involved in so-called sex changer operations, which really cannot change ones gender (DNA). It is basically paying for someone's mutilation unless they were born with defective organs.
ReplyDeleteSo much for his self-proclaimed "devout Catholic". He wasn't going to get my vote anyway but now, hopefully, he won't get other Catholic votes.
ReplyDeleteGreat article Mary Ann. Rick is so desperate to be accepted that he has indeed "lost his mind" and he would be doomed to have others lose their way to a personal relationship with Christ. Thanks for sharing sanity on this issue.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless.
I believe REAL love requires us to see Bruce Jenner as a man. It is not love to just go along with Mr. Jenner's misguided and sad opinion of himself.
ReplyDeletePope Francis who he? Man, woman, priest, pope, bishop? Heretic Pope, now that IS an oxymoron but true according to New Order Catholics