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Thursday, June 18, 2020

Who Cares about the Flock? Do Souls Matter? Who is Challenging Caesar's Discrimination against Religion?

Hint -- It's not your local bishop with all the money and power backing him up. Actually, I'm not too surprised about that. When you get buckets of hush money from Caesar it has a chilling effect on your willingness to challenge him -- especially when contributions from the flock are AWOL due to your abandoning them to the apocalypse that wasn't. Sadly, many of our bishops these days are more committed to liberal politics than to the faith. Their priorities are more in line with the godless pro-abortion, pro-sodomy, anti-Western culture, liberal Democrat party than the faith, so why not bow down to the gods of climate change and open borders? 

El Paso Bishop Mark Seitz bends the knee to Black Lives Matter an organization committed to destruction of the nuclear family  and  promotion of  sexual depravity. Read their own website if you doubt it! They are a Marxist organization bent on destruction of society including the Church.
Thank you, Pachamama and Gaia, for all your benefits. Save us from coronavirus and from privileged white people who are all racists from the moment of conception due to their skin color. Let's all bend the knee to Black Lives Matter.

Meanwhile, in the midst of all this angst -- who is challenging Caesar to open up the churches and halt the discrimination against people of faith?

The SSPX and orthodox Jews. 

In New York who's suing Cuomo and DeBlasio? Two SSPX priests and a trio of orthodox  rabbis. (Read the complaint here.)

Where are our bishops and the USCCB during all of this? Hunkered down in their chanceries social distancing themselves from the stinky sheep except when they are out joining the protests like Bishop Seitz of El Paso and Wilton Gregory of Washington, D.C.  They have shown us very graphically that our faith is non-essential and we can all watch the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass live-streaming on TV forever and ever, Amen. We are encouraged to be shut-ins and the Sunday obligation is kaput! Will we ever see it reinstated? Who knows? Not for the foreseeable future it seems since the god-like Dr. Fauci is predicting a second wave of cornonavirus.

In my own parish, we've been waiting now for First Communion for six weeks. Every child could have received Communion by now at a daily Mass with their entire family in a pew.

Didn't happen.

It's been announced now for July. But wait -- only parents can attend: no siblings, no grandparents, no extended family. That would violate Caesar's rules on how many may gather (unless they're holy patriots protesting with Black Lives Matter). Besides, all but nine pews in the church are restricted so there's no way more than about 30 people can be there at one time. And if things are as they are today, little Johnny and little Mary will be masked and encouraged to receive the Lord of the Universe in their hands.

My daughter, needless to say, is looking for an alternative for our granddaughter to receive her First Holy Communion. 

As for me, I've become a pilgrim going to daily Mass elsewhere most of the time. Today I went to Sacred Heart in Winchester where I was able to kneel for Communion at the Novus Ordo Mass. On Sundays my husband and I continue to go to the fairground for an outdoor high Mass in the ancient form offered by priests from a Maryland SSPX chapel and the seminary in Dillwyn, VA. I have no intention of depriving other parishioners at my own parish of the limited seating in the church. Besides, some in the parish say us old folks should just stay home, especially if we don't wear masks. There are no limits at the outdoor Mass and no mask shaming.

After weeks of daily stress and grief, the decision to remove myself from what feels like an alien land has been a good one. After five days in a row of being "on pilgrimage" going to Mass in other places I realized I needed to continue as often as possible. It makes me sad, but sometimes a little social distancing is not only justified, but necessary.


  1. A Pennsylvania friend just posted a link to the "rules and guidelines" in all of Pennsylvania dioceses. They are just beginning to open things liturgical up. They have EVERYTHING spelled out and in black and white. So disconcerting.

    Our grandson is having his postponed first communion this Saturday north of Baltimore. Masks required. Only 8 people allowed per communicant. That leaves 3 guests. I told the family that the godparents MUST be two of those people because their relationship to our grandson is a closer relationship than that of us grandparents. So, I will wait at the house while the ceremony is going on instead of being there to see this wonderful event.

    I am not going to St. John's for Mass because the only provision for celiacs for communion is AFTER the 7PM Saturday vigil Mass. AFTER, not during. Sunday is the Lord's Day, not Saturday. And then, nothing for any weekday Mass. I was told I would be welcome to come out to Christendom for weekday Masses so I have gone a few times since I got that word from the chaplain. Communion for celiacs is no big deal. They have a small ciborium kept in the tabernacle that has consecrated low gluten hosts. Every Mass, they take it out as a matter of course to distribute to celiacs who come up at the end of the communion line. No mask required though a few people wear them.

    And, I am planning to start going to St. Peter's to the TLM on Sundays that I hear is not well attended. TLM hasn't caught on there yet. I would not want to deprive Fr. Beres' parishioners of a place to sit at any of his Masses. I know other people who have gone down there since all this nonsense started and have been well received.

    Yes, we have worthless bishops. I ordered a mask, not to ever wear except for Liam's 1st communion if masks were still required. Now, I will NEVER wear it. It has printed on it "This mask is a useless as our governor". There was no option to substitute "bishop" for "governor" or I would have been very tempted to order one of those and wear it to St. John's for one of Fr. Fasano's Masses and sit in the front pew right in front of the pulpit. . Then, he would like me even less.

    Mary Fran (not Steve)

    1. Mary Fran - I used to attend Fr. Fasano's church when he was in Centreville. Are you saying that he is requiring masks at St John's?

  2. Vatican Council II and all of its subsequent Constitutions is the disease.

    False gods, Ecumenism, blasphemy and the New Mass are symptoms.

    To cure Church Militant and save souls, we must see the II Vatican Council for what it is: false, root and branch.

    It must be overturned and anathematized. It is the engine behind the revolution and ongoing collapse. The Council and its ever-present “spirit” must be acknowledged for what it is: revolutionary change agent.

  3. And now - there is no Pope in Rome.

    Jesus rarely spoke directly, never revealed deep secrets and wonders directly; rather in signs and parables did He speak - (Let he who has eyes see, and ears hear).

    The Eucharist is withheld. False religions are advanced. Christ is withdrawn. The Church has gone dark. And now ... the Pope.

    The visions of Blessed Catherine Emmerich

    October 1, 1820

    “The Church is in great danger. We must pray so that the Pope may not leave Rome; countless evils would result if he did. They are now demanding something from him. The Protestant doctrine and that of the schismatic Greeks are to spread everywhere. I now see that in this place (Rome) the (Catholic) Church is being so cleverly undermined, that there hardly remain a hundred or so priests who have not been deceived. They all work for destruction, even the clergy. A great devastation is now near at hand.”

    “In those days Faith will fall very low and it will be preserved in some places only.”

    “The Little Black Man in Rome, whom I see so often, has many working for him without their clearly knowing for what end. He has his agents in the New Black Church also. If the Pope leaves Rome, the enemies of the Church will get the upper hand. I see the Little Black Man in his own country committing many thefts and falsifying things generally. Religion is there so skillfully undermined and stifled that there are scarcely 100 faithful priests. I cannot say how it is, but I see fog and darkness increasing … All must be rebuilt soon; for everyone, even ecclesiastics, are laboring to destroy (and) ruin is at hand. The 2 enemies of the Church who have lost their accomplice are firmly resolved to destroy the pious and learned men that stand in their way…”

  4. Let us hope that the Ape Church has slit its own throat by shutting down. I hope there are hardly any people left who believe that the SSPX is "schismatic" and that attending the TLM WHEREVER it is offered is in any way questionable.

    More and more people are recognizing that Vatican II was not a real council, because it was not called to correct a heresy. And the papacy has relocated to Regensburg.

  5. Eventually, all those in the 'indult' institutes or affiliated with them will find there is no other option except to respect and/or affiliate with the SSPX.

    It, almost alone, in spite of imperfections individuals in it might have had, remains the sole viable option for the proximate future of the Church.
