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Saturday, January 4, 2025

From the "Will They Wake Up?" File the saying goes, "Where there's life there's hope." I've been intrigued to see people like Naomi Wolfe, J. K. Rowling, and other feminists modify their stands on certain things as they see the outcomes of the left's philosophy which were totally predictable. Men competing against women in sporting events? What's a woman? Who knows?

We can rejoice over the wake up call for anyone who wants women to have a chance at excelling in physical sports where strength, stamina, and body mass make a big difference. That's just about all of them isn't it? 

Yes, Virginia, there are only two sexes, male and female God created them. It's a little puzzling that many of the feminist groups have embraced the transgender madness so that Wolfe and Rowling, among others. are being castigated for speaking the truth by the same people who want women to break the glass ceiling. But if no one knows what a woman is.... 

It's laughable. And that's what those of us who love truth are doing. But I'm also hopeful, because to accept the truth, even just a little bit of the truth, is a pathway to God.

The most entertaining moment I've had lately on that journey is from Richard Dawkins, so-called scientist, who may be the most arrogant, rude, and obnoxious atheist on the planet. And yet, even he is having a wake-up moment.

Famous Atheist Richard Dawkins Leaves Atheist Foundation for Its Support of Transgender ‘Religion’

Breitbart News reported this and I urge you to read the entire article and get a good head-shaking laugh over the irony. Here's the beginning:

Celebrated atheist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins stepped down from the board of the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) on Saturday after the atheist group made clear its allegiance to transgenderism over biological reality.

Dawkins resigned after the foundation censored an article from a fellow scientist who pointed out that sex is, in fact, immutable and biological, and rejected the pseudo-spiritual claim that one can choose their “gender,” The Telegraph reported.

Dawkins accused the organization of caving to the “hysterical squeals” of cancel culture after FFRF pulled the article and called its publishing of it a “mistake.” Dawkins resigned after two other scientists, Jerry Coyne and Steven Pinker, left the organization over the ordeal. The pair accused the foundation of pushing an ideology with the “dogma, blasphemy, and heretics” of a religion, according to the report.

There's no indication that Dawkins is coming to his senses. The author of The God Delusion seems to embrace the delusion, not that there is no God, but that he is God. I find him incredibly ridiculous with his pompous posturing, and I've seen pathetic videos of his insulting answers to university students and others who challenge him and dare to suggest that he might be wrong. The sad thing is that so many young people fall for his claptrap as illustrated by the enthusiastic cheering after he fails to really answer the student's question, "What if you're wrong?" He never ponders a second over the possibility.

This video illustrates Dawkins' stock answer to anyone who questions his atheistic orthodoxy. I've seen him give a similar answer to others and telling those who've had religious experience that they are "hallucinating." One wonder if his religious commitment to atheism was because of the way he was brought up since that's his assumption about anyone who questions him. Who brainwashed him? 

But I find this latest situation funny. There is something amusing at seeing those on the left fighting with each other over the idiotic woke ideology. One hopes that it is a small hole in the dike that may lead some leftists to be surprised by truth. Let's pray for that.

If you really want to see Richard Dawkins make an absolute fool of himself watch Ben Stein's excellent documentary exploring intelligent design, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. You'll see Dawkins, who won't for a minute consider God as the author of life, talk about aliens with higher intelligence who may have seeded planet earth. You can't make this stuff up! Atheism is irrational. It's the philosophy that nothing created everything. What could be more ridiculous?

1 comment:

  1. It is a slippery slope, indeed. Remember - in their own ways, feminism and atheism each said a big, fat, childish "No!" to the natural and established hierarchy of God, man, woman and the morals therein. They are reaping the consequences of that - they've thought that their respective lie displaced the truth and became the new eternal truth, but all that happened was that they've shown all the lies still in waiting (transgenderism, pedophilia and all other horrid things that Christianity kept down) that there's an opportunity to claim the spot at the top. And, now, they are braying the like the donkeys they are as their pet lie is being displaced and a new set of lies goes forth to claim glory and worship at any cost - turns out, evil is also self-destructive. This will keep going on until those, who hold to the truth will get sick of it all and reinstate truth above lies again. Until reasoned philosophy and good religion displace the childish tantrums that are feminism and atheism for good.

    As for talking about aliens... Dawkins actually wishes to return to the daevic religion of his ancestors, he merely replaces the language used (daevas/demons become aliens). This is because, unlike God, demons/false gods sometimes act to realize unworthy and evil human desires (in the interest of damning humanity) - so, in Dawkins' (and all daevic) reasoning, he could theoretically become the "true deity" if he could find the right words (as if it were a puzzle to be solved) to prod the demons/"aliens" into acting on his desires and orders or giving him their abilities. Unfortunately, all those struck by hubris of this degree always think that they could outsmart and control a whole faction of hostile supernatural beings that each know more about humanity than humanity knows about itself, who had thousands of years' of practice of creating whole cultures that damned people in generational sin and who flee only at the name/power of God because that's literally the only thing that can threaten them at all.
