What if someone predicted accurately what would happen next week or next month. If it was something common, "The sun will rise next Thursday at 5:30 a.m." of course you would not be impressed. We all know that, short of the end of the world, the sun will rise. [For those literally minded, we are well aware that the sun doesn't "rise" but the earth rotates giving the illusion of the sun rising as different parts of the earth are exposed to her rays.] But suppose the person told you something unusual, that seemed unlikely, and it came to pass. Perhaps they predicted a tragedy was about to take place, a train would be derailed or you would be diagnosed next week with a terminal disease despite the fact that you had no symptoms and seemed to be in the pink of health.
Such humanly unpredictable prophecies were made to a cloistered nun in the 17th century, Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres in Quito Ecuador. For 40 years, Our Lady and the Child Jesus appeared periodically and warned her about alarming events that would occur during the end of the 19th century and, particularly in the 20th. The Blessed Mother described a serious crisis because of the reign of Satan through freemasonry.
At the time, Pope Urban VIII ruled the. Church. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia:
It is related that, before allowing himself to be vested in the pontifical robes, he prostrated himself before the altar, praying that God might let him die if his pontificate would not be for the good of the Church.
Urban was a great supporter of the missions and established many dioceses in foreign, pagan countries. He reigned during a challenging time in the Church with the Thirty Years War in which he became entangled, but his personal life was above reproach.
So it seems that the predictions of the future crisis involving the assault on the faith, particularly by Church leaders, could not be foreseen from a purely human perspective. Freemasonry was not even on the radar screen during Mother Mariana's lifetime. While the Masons claim a history going back to biblical times, the Premier Grand Lodge of England was established in 1717, long after Mother Mariana's death. With the recent news that Joe Biden "joined" the freemasons [the situation is unclear], concern over the impact of this diabolical institution of Freemasonry is on the front burner.
What were the Blessed Mother's warnings to Mother Mariana? I'll mention just one apparition described by Kathleen Heckenkamp in her brochure, Our Lady of Good Success:
One of the most striking of the prophetic visions occurred on the Feast of the Purification, February 2, 1634, the 40th anniversary of the first appearance of Our Lady of Good Success to Mother Mariana. Mother Mariana was praying in the upper choir loft before the Blessed Sacrament, the Sanctuary lamp went out. Mother Mariana was left in complete darkness. The extinguishing of the Sancturay Light signified the dire straits the Church would be in during this future epoch.... Our Lady of Good Success went into great detail to explain what the five reasons werer for the extinguishing of the light.
The first reason...was because in the end of the 19th Century and during the 20th Century, heresies would prevail not only in Ecuador but universally. "As these heresies spread and dominate, the precious light of Faith will be extinguished in souls by the almost total corruption of customs."
The second reason was that in these times the Conceptionish Community [Mother Mariana's order] would shrink and even be infected with bad attitudes and false charity as a result of the pervading situation of the Church at the time. Many vocations would be lost as a direct result. (This was to be considered a reflection of a more universal condition during these times). However, "The faithful souls would suffer a continuous and slow martyrdom, weeping in secret and imploring that such dire times be shortened."
The third reason the lamp failed was due to the fact that during this century a worlwide campaign against the virtues of chastity and purity would succeed in ruining the youth. Our Lady of Good Success affirmed, "There will be almost no virgin souls in the world."
The fourth reason the lamp was put out was to demonstrate how the Masonic and other secret sects would have so much influence on society and even the Church. "During these unfortunate times," she foretold, "evil will invade childhood innocence. In this way, vocations to the priesthood will be lost, resulting in a true calamity."..."The secular clergy will leave much to be desired because priests will become careless in their sacred duties. Lacking the divine compass, they will stray from the road traced by God for the priestly ministry, and they will become attached to wealth and riches, which they will unduly strive to attain. How the Church will suffer during this dark night! Lacking a prelate and a father to guide them...many priest will lose their spirit placing their souls in great danger." The poor priestly souls that would be left to uphold the Church would suffer greatly.
Our Lady of Good Success implored that the people of this time should "clamor insistently" to the Heavenly Father for an end to "these ominous times sending to the the Church a prelate and father who would restore the spirit to the priests."
The fifth reason the lamp went out was due to those who have the financial means to help the Church but do nothig. Because of their uncaring attitude toward God and His Church, they would have allowed evil to seemingly triumph.
As if to emphasize the truth of the vision, the Child Jesus also appeared during this apparition and predicted that "The Dogma of the Immaculate Conception would be proclaimed during a time when the Church will be strongly attacked and my Vicar will find himself a prisoner. This will also be the case with the Dogma of the faith of the Transit or Assumption, body and soul into Heaven of my Most Holy Mother....I will preserve this Church, so beloved by Me until the consummation of time. It will be strongly but never conquered. For, if men are lacking, from Heaven will I send down legions of Angels for its conservation, defense and triumph."
Like Fatima, the approved messages of Quito are essential reading to understand the signs of the time. I urge readers to pray to Our Lady of Good Success and to learn more about her requests for prayer and penance. [See more here and here.] Please join the novena to Our Lady of Good Success which culminates with the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Mother on Candlemas Day. Today is day four of the novena. I'm praying it for the conversion of our country, the leaders of the Church, and all people that faith may be restored and God's will be embraced everywhere.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Our Lady of Good Success, intercede for us.
Great Angels of God, guide and protect us.
Thank you, Mary Ann, for posting about the apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success.
ReplyDeleteShe is not known to most Catholics, by design of His enemies. I have been privileged to go twice on the pilgrimage to Quito with the SSPX. We have prayed by the incorrupt body of Mother Mariana, we have prayed in the Upper Choir of the Convent of the Immaculate Conception in front of the Miraculous Statue, words cannot describe what we felt, and what we experienced individually.
The people of Quito are most humble, simple, and kind. I have personally, walked the streets alone in the early mornings in darkness to the Conception Church to pray, for there was always few people who rushed from different corners just like me, to fall on their knees in total silence, and awe.
Please, pass it to all, above all get the books, booklets, and pass it to your family and friends.
Our Lady of ‘Buen Suceso’ pray for His ‘consecrated’ and religious, lest many will perish! God forbid!
Is "Good Success" the name of a place?
ReplyDeleteNo. The appartions took place in Quito, Ecuador. I'm not sure whether the title comes from Our Lady herself or from the people. Perhaps some readers can answer that question.
DeleteMary of Good Success, Virgin of Good Success or Our Lady of Good Success was an invocation well known in Spain, which dates back to the time of wars of liberation from the Muslims. The meaning of ‘Buen Suceso’ or ‘Good Success’ is the miracle or supernatural intervention of the Mother of God in which she intercedes in favour of her children. In 1606, Brother Gabriel de Fontanet, along with Brother Guillermo de Rigosa went to Rome to ask the Pope for the approval for the extension of their jurisdiction from the city of Madrid to the entire country of Spain. They made the journey on foot, a terrible storm came upon them one night, praying to find a safe place to die, they behold a bright light, high in the mountain range. As they entered the cave, they discovered a Statue of a smiling Virgin Mary, with a Child Jesus in the left arm. The Statue was rather small, made of cypress wood. They placed the Statue in the basket and continued on their journey to Rome. Pope Paul V heard the story of the discovery of the Statue, he knelt down, put his pectoral cross around the neck of the Statue, embraced and kissed Her and said: ‘Look, She smiles! What a Good Success you have achieved with this trip……..may your wishes have a Good Success!