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Thursday, January 2, 2025

Will the Next Terror Tactic be the Bird Flu?

Bird flu has been in the news a lot lately. Do a search and come up with dozens of hand-wringing articles in the mainstream media about its dangers.  And, of course, the powers that be are working on a vaccine. Monkey Pox was a flop, so we need a new terror tactic to stir up the Chicken Littles. The truly alarming thing about bird flu as the possible next pandemic is that, once again, it was deliberately engineered from an earlier strain to be more dangerous and spread more easily to humans. Talk about mad scientists!

Not the Wuhan lab this time, nope, a government lab operated by the USDA Poultry Research Center in Athens, Georgia. At present there is no human to human spread and only one serious case in Louisiana, no deaths, but just give our home-grown Dr. Mengeles a little more time and, like their leader Dr. Science himself, we can have another pandemic. Hey, we need to move the globe a little closer to one-world government starting with the World Health Organization. WHO's not on first, but at bat hoping to hit a home run and get global control over pandemic responses.

Yes, I'm wearing my tin hat. In fact it's the same one I wore when I refused to scream, "The sky is falling!" over COVID. I refused to wear the useless masks. I refused to get the dangerous gene therapy experimental jab. When I had to wear a mask to accompany my husband for a hospital stay, I wore one that read, "This mask is useless." That was an understatement since the medical evidence shows that masks are actually harmful. But who cares about science when it disagrees with the Dr. Faucis of the world? Just light your candle to the science god hoaxsters and offer homage. Really!...You can still buy a Fauci votive candle at Amazon.

Before you get taken in by another scamdemic, follow the research: 
Current Bird Flu Outbreak is Man Made
Watch the video. One way to control populations is through food control. Millions of healthy chickens have been killed for the 10,000 chickens with bird flu. No wonder eggs are so expensive! We haven't had to buy any for two years, thank God, -- ever since we got our own chickens. 

The answer to the bird flu virus is to let the animals develop natural immunity, not kill them. Same goes for any other virus, according to Dr. McCullough. Skip the testing which gives all kinds of false results. If you get a virus, treat it with nasal sprays, gargles, anti viral meds, etc. But even before that, build up you natural immunity with a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and supplements like Vitamin C and D. Healthy people handle viruses pretty well. Many of those who died during COVID died from dangerous protocols that killed them, like remdesivir with the ventilator.

Follow the money, folks. Vaccines bring the vaccine industry massive profits. Many Big Pharma CEOs went from being millionaires to billionaires. And ignore the mainstream media shills who are busy as usual hyping the fear. Please, folks, don't fall for it again. Have remedies on hand and be prepared, but don't panic. The best protection against viruses is a strong immune system!

And one more article for good measure:
Bird Flu ‘Fearmongering’ as CDC Finds ‘No Evidence’ of Human-to-Human Transmission

Remember, God is the author of life and death. Nothing can "just happne" to you. All is in God's Providence. Use your common sense and make the best and most prudent decisions you can about all things. Stay close to Jesus, Mary, St. Joseph, and your guardian angel and pray every day for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You will have nothing to worry about!

1 comment:

  1. 'The poisoned needle'
    ***Absolute mind-blowing historical documentation, graphs, records, photos etc that everyone should read and SHARE widely compiled by E. McBean PhD in 1957... Skim through the chapters of most interest.

    This link was posted LifeSite - in comments.
