No doubt self-described "devout Catholics," Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, are delighted with Pope Francis' shocking elevation of Cardinal Robert McElroy to the episcopate of the nation's capitol. They need not fear any criticism or call to conversion from a man who enabled clergy sex abuse and covered it up. That Francis would do this fits with his enabling of sexual immorality, but, in view of the public exposure of McElroy's unfitness, it simply adds to the lack of respect for the Vatican and the office of the pope. Robert McElroy
But perhaps that's the idea. Looking at it from the perspective of those who hate the Church, anything that reduces respect for the the man who sits in the chair of Peter and the successors of the apostles may be seen as a big plus. Reduce the papacy and the episcopate to a dirty joke! McElroy certainly fills the bill in that regard.
The Archdiocese of Washington has suffered through a succession of terrible clerics of the 21st century: Theodore McCarrick (2001-2006), Donald Wuerl (2006-2018), Wilton Gregory (2019-2025), and now the latest abomination, Robert McElroy.
It's almost unbelievable that a diocese racked by the scandals of clergy sex abuse and their cover ups would have another scandalous man inflicted on them. No need to rehash the McCarrick situation. We've all heard about that ad nauseum. His successor, Donald Wuerl, resigned amid proof of his coverups in Pittsburgh. AP reported it in 2018:
Wuerl had submitted his resignation to Francis nearly three years ago, when he turned 75, the normal retirement age for bishops. But Francis kept him on, as popes tend to do with able-bodied bishops who share their pastoral priorities.
But a grand jury report issued in August on rampant sex abuse in six Pennsylvania dioceses accused Wuerl of helping to protect some child-molesting priests while he was bishop of Pittsburgh from 1988 to 2006. Simultaneously, Wuerl faced widespread skepticism over his insistence that he knew nothing about years of alleged sexual misconduct by McCarrick.
Wilton Gregory had his own scandalous heterodox and homosexual-enabling background. LifeSiteNews described his "long list of anti-life, anti-family abuses" when he was named to the see. One could have hoped when he resigned that the curse on D.C. would be lifted. But no, they have been assigned one of the worst bishops in the U.S.
The scandals are just beginning to come out about McElroy. I'll give you a taste of what this man covered up in San Diego with a few articles that exhibit the satanic nature of the abuse McElroy enabled. These articles describe the ritual sexual rape of a young virgin, Rachel Mastrogiacomo, in 2010 during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. She reported the abuse to the diocese in 2014. The priest involved, Fr. Jacob Bertrand, admitted guilt in such a way as to minimize and disguise the true nature of his actions.
When McElroy took over San Diego in 2015, as often happens, he transferred the priest keeping him in ministry. Only after the victim began criminal proceedings was Bertrand removed. McElroy covered up Bertrand's criminal actions as well as other sex abuses cases.
An interview with Janet Smith details Rachel Mastrogiacomo's satanic abuse. The young woman ended up working with an exorcist and, thankfully, retains her faith.
What the McElroy Appointment Says About the Church’s Commitment to Sex Abuse Victims by Janet Smith
On January 6th, Msgr. Gene Thomas Gomulka, a former Navy chaplain and advocate for sex abuse victims published the following article about the case.
McElroy began covering up for abusive priests as soon as he was installed as the Bishop of San Diego. Rachel Mastrogiacomo reported being satanically sexually abused by Father Jacob Bertrand to San Diego diocesan officials in 2014. Although Bertrand was removed from ministry in November 2014, he was allowed to return to ministry when McElroy assumed office on April 15, 2015. When Mastrogiacomo learned that McElroy returned Bertrand to ministry and that his dark deeds were being covered up, she filed a criminal complaint against Bertrand in Minnesota where it is illegal for clergy to engage in sexual acts with adults in certain pastoral contexts. Even though McElroy’s lawyers refused to cooperate with prosecutors, Bertrand pleaded guilty and was sentenced to ten years’ probation. Mastrogiacomo believes that had she not appealed to the criminal court and exposed Betrand’s felonious behavior and McElroy’s cover-up, Bertrand might still be in ministry today and preying on other vulnerable virgins.
Why would the pope make this man a cardinal and assign him to one of the major sees in the country? Francis claims to be irreversibly committed to supporting the victims of clergy sex abuse. As Catholics have come to realize, however, talk is cheap and the pope's actions frequently conflict with his words. Sad to say, it seems that clergy abuse and subsequent cover ups by bishops remains a major problem. Many bishops' miters could be replaced with Sergeant Schultz's helmet with ear muffs attached. They hear nothing; they know nothing. They happily cancel good men and hang innocent accused priests out to dry, priests like Fr. Gordon MacRae who writes at Beyond These Stone Walls. They enable the truly guilty and cover up their evil actions, moving them to new places where they often continue their predatory abuse! McElroy is the icon for this disgraceful situation.
I urge you to visit Rachel's website and to pray for her and other victims of clergy sex abuse. Her situation is one of the most extreme I've read about, but not the only one involving satanic rituals. The smoke of Satan has certainly invaded the Church, but the evil one will never prevail. The faith of this young woman who could so easily walk away after all the evil she's experienced, is a testimony to the healing power of the Holy Spirit and the intervention of Our Lady.
Let us all expose the unfitness of Robert McElroy to be the Cardinal Archbishop of Washington, D.C. May his reign be short for the sake of the good priests of D.C. and may he soon be among the disgracefully retired. To think of this man being involved in the next conclave should horrify every believing Catholic.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
St. Joseph, Guardian of the Church, pray for us.
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