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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Getting things right from the bottom up!

Gerbrand van den Eeckhout, Hannah presenting Samuel to Eli

I've been reading the first book of Samuel in the Old Testament. What a gripping historical narrative beginning with Samuel's mother, Hannah, and her longing for a child. God grants her desire and she offers her son, Samuel, to the temple priests as God's servant. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Leading a Honeybee Life!

I think of myself as a honeybee. I flit from project to project, from book to book, from household task to household task like a little bee collecting nectar. Sometimes I start cleaning intending to do an entire floor and switch to something new after finishing one room. Often a distraction becomes the next project. Hey, that door is absolutely grimy; get out the soap and water and give it a good cleaning. And then there are the minor disasters like opening the refrigerator and having a jar of soup water fall out and shatter like last night while I was fixing dinner. (I don't waste anything including the water left from steaming vegetables or cooking potatoes. They make great soup stock.) Clean that up and move on to something else or just pick up the glass, cover the mess with towels and clean it up after dinner which is what I did.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Monday Morning Musing: Into the Great Loneliness

Jesus the Comforter by August Andreas Jerndorff (25 January 1846 – 28 July 1906)

More and more these days, I think about the great loneliness. That's my description of the time after the death of a spouse. I'll be 78 next month and Larry will turn 80 in May. None of our parents lived to be 90. My dad died at 67, my mom at 83. Larry's dad died just short of his 86th birthday, his mom at 79. My mom outlived my dad; Larry's dad outlived his mom. Of course, no one knows except God the length of our days, but for sure the great loneliness is coming for one of us. I confess it frightens me to think of being the surviving spouse in the desert of grief.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sunday Meditation: It's the Lord's Day; How Will You Keep It?

Every Sunday is a little Christmas and a little Easter. How will we keep it holy?

Do you remember the description of Scrooge at the end of A Christmas Carol? He was a man who "knew how to keep Christmas," something he learned from the three ghosts. Perhaps we need three ghosts today to help us "keep" Sunday: the Ghost of Sunday Past, the Ghost of Sunday Present, and the Ghost of Sunday Future. If those ghosts visited us today what would those visits look like?

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Question for the Day: Are You Lost in the Cosmos?

Currently I'm reading Walker Percy's Lost in the Cosmos: the Last Self Help Book. I was intrigued to find out that it's one of philosopher Peter Kreeft's favorite books. Percy is a favorite of mine as well. His novels, in my opinion, fit the description "southern writers weird" -- like Flannery O'Connor. Percy didn't like to think of himself as a southern writer and, in fact, parodied the tradition through the character, Sam Yerger, in The Moviegoer. Nevertheless, I can never separate him from the southern genre.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Well, well, well -- The USCCB is suing the Trump Administration because they cut off the gravy train!

You will never hear the term "illegal alien" from the U.S. bishops. Every law breaker violating our borders is a poor "refugee" and we must "welcome the stranger." But don't expect them to be welcomed into the bishops residence or the chancery. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Thought for the day: What a difference one letter makes!

Reading The Imitation of Christ this morning, I came across this:

My God and my all! What more can I have and what more can I desire than You? O sweet and delightful Word! Sweet to him who loves the Word and not the world, nor those things that are in the world.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

As Lent approaches, a meditation from Fr. Tom Collins


One of the most harsh yet central teachings of Christianity is that, in order to save us, Jesus had to undergo all the torments of His Passion and Death (Lk 24:26).

Over the centuries, many have pointed out that, since Jesus is God, He could have redeemed us merely by shedding one drop of His Precious Blood. According to this perspective, it could be asserted that we were actually saved the day of His circumcision, when the first drops of His Blood were shed. But this is not what the Gospel proclaims, but rather Christ crucified.

A similar misunderstanding is that Jesus had to endure His Passion and Death in order to appease the just wrath of His Father, Who was infinitely offended by human sinfulness. This requires viewing God the Father as one, who severely punishes his children when they disobey his commands.  But this is not in harmony with the fact that God the Father so loved the world, even before we repented, that He sent His only Son to live among us and to lay down His life for our salvation. Thus all who believe in Him and are born of water and the Spirit in Baptism are able to share in eternal life with Him (Jn 3:16).  Thus it is that Jesus did not lay down His life for us to appease the Father, but rather to please Him (cf., Matt 3:17, 17:5; Mk 1:11; Lk 3:22).

The Age of Unreason and Unruly Passions!

We live in an age of unreason. Even our language reflects it. People often express their "thoughts" by saying, "I feel that...." In fact, I once watched a street interview where a young woman said that only feelings are real. Gosh, what a statement! If you feel angry enough to murder someone, should you do it?

God gave us feelings. Why? From my perspective, feelings are an important part of being human. Think of a mother with her newborn nestled in her arms asleep. She is overwhelmed with feelings of love. Those feelings inspire her to nurture and protect that innocent bundle she's cuddling. Often feelings of attraction lead us to a dating situation. If our feelings take over, fornication or adultery may be the next step. If reason controls those feelings, the next step will be a journey of exploration. Who is this person that attracts me? Do we share the same faith, the same values? What obstacles are there to the relationship growing from attraction into love, courtship, and marriage? 

Monday, February 17, 2025

J.D. Vance Tells It Like It Is with Courtesy and Respect

Free speech is under assault. We saw it big time during COVID with anyone disagreeing with Dr. Science.  Reputable scientists who disagreed with Big Pharma and their shills were demonized and accused of spreading "misinformation." Of course, the ones actually doing that were Fauci and his allies. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sunday Meditation: I Choose Happiness and Gratitude!

If you're a regular reader, you know how much I like The Epoch Times. I think it's the best and most reliable newspaper on the market. I particularly like the Life and Tradition section. Two articles from the Jan 29-Feb 4th issue were not only worth reading, but worth passing on.

The first was "The Key to a Happy Life: Gratitude very quickly leads to joy." It began with the story of man with a medical condition that required a long stay in a nursing facility. When he was shown to his tiny, rather drab and cheerless room, very like a monk's cell, he didn't succumb to gloom but turned to the nurse and said, "I love it!" He chose happiness.

 The other article was Why We Still Need Mister Rogers. I think Fred Rogers was one of the happiest men to ever live. I have his quote about kindness (above) hanging in our family room, a gift from one of our children. Change the word "success" to "happiness" and you have an important part of the equation: gratitude + kindness = happiness!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Psychological Bioterrorism is being used to manipulate and control us! WAKE UP!

Take the red pill and stop letting the liars and fear mongers manipulate you!

I received an email today from Dr. Robert Malone promoting his book on psychological bioterrorism. It included chapter 3 of the book which I'm copying here for your information. It's pretty obvious that we've all been victims of the health fear-mongers. COVID provided a clear demonstration that the entire world can be manipulated using fear. It wasn't the first time, but it certainly was a widespread, hysteria-provoking operation!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Shining the Spotlight on the Media Where Liars Thrive and the Truth Suffers!

The mainstream drive-by media is, for the most part comatose and dying. The Pulitzer committee helped deliver assisted euthanasia in 2018 with its shared award to the Washington Post and New York Times for the 20-article scam-fantasy about Russiagate. Mostly based on anonymous sources, rumors, and innuendo from Trump-hating liberals, the articles lied and lied and lied again leaving wounded truth tellers in their wake like Michael Flynn. A 2022 article in the New York Post summarized the damage caused by the series:

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

You Are What You Eat and Big Ag and Big Pharma Are Killing Us!

We often hear about American exceptionalism. Well, there's one area that it would be better to be unexceptional -- health and life expectancy. In the USA, we are sicker, fatter, and live fewer years than those in every developed nation on the planet. Study the chart and read the article linked below. Big Agriculture and Big Pharma are killing us! Big Pharma did it fast with COVID and the jab. Big Ag is doing it slowly with the corruption of the food supply.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Looking for Something Fun To Do? Hat Tip to My Granddaughter for a Great Idea!

I'm enjoying my granddaughter's book bingo for 2025. One idea struck me as super fun and wonderful. 

"Read 3 historical plaques to learn a town's history."

Did you know that there is a historical marker database? It occurred to me to do a search and, sure enough, there is. I checked it for the markers in Woodstock and there are dozens here. If I expand the search to nearby counties, there are hundreds. Sounds like future dates!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Random Thoughts on Monday

  • In the traditional Catholic calendar, tomorrow is the Feast of the Apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes. Interesting coincidence: I'm readinga biography of Pio Nono, Pope Pius IX so I checked the shelf where I keep encyclicals of the popes. Among those in the rubber-banded stash for Pio Nono I found Ineffabilis Deus, the Apostolic Constitution defining the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. I happen to have two copies. While I was reading my Benedictus today, I noticed that the feast for tomorrow is Our Lady of Lourdes. Then when I came in to check out my email and news on the computer, I saw that I left both copies of the apostolic constitution front and center on the desk. What a great time to re-read the pope's declaration about Our Lady. So I will invite my dear husband to do an after dinner reading before we pray our daily rosary. It will be a gift to ourselves and to Mary, the Immaculate Conception. How I love that dear mother. I will use one of my mom's many rosaries. I think she had a rosary in every coat and jacket pocket she owned. Mom, please join me today in glorifying the Blessed Mother, whom you taught me to love so much. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sunday Meditation: Thinking About Faith

The women's day of reflection which I attended yesterday focused on the three theological virtues: faith, hope, and charity. Of all the virtues these three let us reach out and touch the hand of God. All the other virtues support these three which take the prominent place in the hierarchy of virtues.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

I Never Did Like Descartes!

I'm going to a women's day of reflection this morning. But I have a little time before I leave and this article caught my eye as I checked my email.
Descartes, Trumpian Thomism, and ‘Pronouns’

Descarte's statement, proof of being, "I think therefore I am," always seemed a bit silly to me. Why not, "I breathe, therefore I am?" Or "I speak, therefore I am." But no, like John M. Grondelski points out in the article, Descartes created a dualism and a rift between body and soul. Read the article and think about it. Have you. read 10 Books that Screwed Up the World? by Benjamin Wiker? Descartes is among the screw ups. Ideas have consequences and some ideas have really bad consequences. Just look at how gender ideology, an insane idea, has destroyed the lives of so many children.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Make Your Charity Dollars Count -- Our Lady of the Poor, Pray for Us!

USAID isn't the only government "welfare" organization targeted by the new administration. Catholic Charities (CC), a well-funded NGO, is also on the chopping block these days. No tears from me, that's for sure! I'll be happy to see them get the boot. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Blessed Mother was no "ordinary girl!"

Sad to say, there are many people who have no idea about Who the Blessed Mother was during her life on earth and is now in heaven. Not only is she often disrespected and even blasphemed by non Catholics, but by Catholic laity and clergy as well. After Vatican II, despite the council honoring Mary, many tried to knock her off her pedestal and grind her rosary and other Marian devotions into the mud. It was nothing new. Mary has been the target of Protestants and others for centuries. The disrespect was so great, that the Lord led the Church, through the witness of Lucia of Fatima, to promote the First Saturdays devotion in reparation for the outrages against Our Lady.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Do Virginia Parents Have Rights? Virginia Democrats Don't Think So!

It's time to turn Virginia red again and we have a chance to do that next year. There's only a one-seat Democrat majority in the House of Delegates. Sadly, the Democrats are a pathetic party who won't even protect a baby born alive after an attempted abortion and usurp the rights of parents over their minor children. I received an e-mail this morning from Sheriff Timothy Carter, who heads up the Shenandoah County Republican Committee:

Monday, February 3, 2025

Monday Musings: On David Deleiden, Climate Change, Lent, and Pio Nono

  • Good news indeed! I'm thankful for David Deleiden's victory against Planned 
    Parenthood and the state of California. It would not have happened with a Harris/Walz administration. And neither would the pro-life activists be free.  There is much for pro-lifers to cheer about in this brief beginning of Trump's 

California Settles with David Daleiden, Pro-Life Activist who Exposed Planned Parenthood:

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sunday Meditation: The Relationship Between Feelings and Sin

I've been reading selections from St. Claude de la Colombiere's writings: letters, retreat notes, diary entries, etc. He often writes about the correct approach to feelings and how to deal with them. In our age, when so many people have tossed reason to the wind and act mostly on their feelings, St. Claude's wisdom is much needed.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Some Truth and Common Sense about the California Wildfires

The big question I have is whether the woke residents will reelect these incompetent and corrupt politicians who are primarily responsible for the devastation of a once beautiful state.