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Thursday, June 15, 2023

Another Result of Modernism: Diminishing Reverence Toward the Blessed Sacrament

After reading that are you surprised so many no longer believe in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament? How many Catholics even know that the Mass is a PROPITIATORY SACRIFICE, i.e., an offering to make up for sin. Many Catholics believe it is nothing more than a memorial banquet as the Protestants believe. All the changes to the liturgy were a deliberate effort to dumb down the very elements that make it CATHOLIC. The architects of the new Mass said they wanted to make the Mass more acceptable to Protestants. They did a great job. We now have many Catholics with Protestant minds who see no difference among the various Christian religions. After all, the pope says we aren't supposed to "proselytize." And he seems to mean to encourage others to become Catholics. So what did Jesus mean when He said, "Go out and make disciples of all men baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?" He was just kidding right?


  1. Maybe you ought to send this off to the bishops' National Catholic Eucharistic Revival, the latest gimmick likely to fall flat on its face, a gimmick devised to counter previous failed post-Conciliar gimmicks.

    1. You seriously think that would help?! Pardon my cynicism but I think the bishops are driving this

  2. I am sure that the majority of Catholics are also unaware of the fact that communion in the hand was not mandated by Vatican II, is found nowhere in the documents. Some German priests, quelle surprise!, started the movement illicitly as part of the new Mass but were not reprimanded and allowed to continue. This led to the overwhelming majority of countries taking up the practice. Some practitioners of this irreverence like to claim that in the early church communion was received in the hand, but already at the synod of Rouen in 650 it was declared an abuse.

    1. Dutch and Belgian priests as act of protest or more likely subterfuge… 1970s…

  3. I've read as an excuse that Vatican II was responding to a genuine "need" to revitalize the Mass. And that the resulting changes were not what was wanted. But it seems to me that that need to revitalize was actually agitated into existence. And thus the changes were "needed". Haven't we seen that in current times? Solutions imposed for supposed problems?

    I don't know what to make of the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius. Their founder's mentor was an advocate of the Liturgical Movement that began in the early 20th century which agitated for changes to the Mass. And now the Canons advocate for preserving the sacred and yet celebrate NO along with TLM. So based on that chart, at a TLM Sunday Mass celebrated by the Canons what is required is then suppressed or optional in the NO Mass an hour later. Either something is important and sacred all the time or never. How can it be both?

  4. I came across this quote today. It is widely applicable, but especially so to those who think they can turn the One, Holy Apostolic Catholic Church of Jesus Christ Our Lord, whose future it is is to be raised by Christ our Lord at the Eschaton into ….. NuChurch, with NuMass, relevant to NuTimes, according to any individual’s NuThinking - Nu,Nu everything NEW!

    The quote: "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."
    - John Adams (1770)

    God came down from Heaven, became one of us, gave us what He gave us (perfection, redemption, salvation His presence), and raised us to Himself as brothers thereby - and the line is long and straight and true from Him, to us, to heaven. Fact above all facts - it cannot be changed and will remain, stubbornly until the end of time.
