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Monday, August 26, 2024

Get Ready for the Death of Free Speech if Harris/Walz are Elected!

Harris/Walz, the most extreme ticket in U.S. history a clear and present danger to free speech!

Over and over again we've seen the Marxist left label a factual report as a hoax or a conspiracy theory or disinformation. Then of course, we find out it was all true all along and the disinformation was, in fact, a conspiracy coming from the Democrats enabled by their flying monkeys in the media.  All those "fact checkers?" They wouldn't know a fact from a flatworm. And now we know that those so-called "conspiracy theories" were true. When Democrats make a statement, you'd be wise to believe the opposite which is probably closer to the truth.

Remember Russiagate? It was a hoax perpetrated by the Dems who wanted to discredit and annihilate Trump. "He's a pawn of Putin!" they told us over and over and over again. Who was actually in the pockets of foreign powers? Joe Biden selling us out to China to line his own pockets! And, of course, the bribes and money laundering scheme in the Ukraine because of the Biden family's "reckless greed".

Hunter's laptop? Everything was fake to discredit Hunter who is as clean as the new driven snow. Except that it was all true. They tried to demonize the computer guy, but he just told the plain and simple truth. Hunter is a prostitute-using crackhead who gets hundreds of thousands of dollars for "paintings" that your kindergartener could do.

And, of course, the mainstream media (Google, Facebook, Twitter [before X], YouTube and the print prostitutes weren't shadow-banning anyone. Heaven forbid! All the Fact Checkers (including Snopes) are brilliant and unbiased. 

Did you ever notice when you do a search on Google of a controversial issue that you get page after page linking to CNN, MSNBC, NPR, the mainstream networks, the New York Times, the Atlantic, etc. -- all mouthpieces for the Marxist left. Unless you know where to look specifically, you'll be drowned in Marxism before you find that needle of truth in the field of hay.

What did they tell us? COVID didn't come from a Chinese lab. You can trust Dr. Science Fauci, a man with a shrine candle bearing his face. Wait a minute! COVID did, in fact, originate in a Chinese lab with funding for "gain of function research" to make the virus more deadly and more easily transmitted to humans. Thank you, Dr. Fauci or should we call you Dr. Mengele.

As Kim Iversen says, "Many of the narratives pushed by those in power [in 2022] were lies."

And nothing has changed except the cost of telling the truth. Remember the lady in the UK arrested outside an abortuary for walking up and down thinking the wrong thoughts and praying. Fortunately she was vindicated. Telegram's CEO, Pavel Durov, was recently arrested in France for "lack of moderation" on his platform. What the government really wants is control over the information the masses consume. Tucker Carlson interviewed Durov before he was jailed, not in a banana republic or a regime known for repression, but in France. Yes, Virginia, the West is increasingly oppressive against those who refuse to comply with government determination to control and manipulate actions by controlling thought. Durov's channel allows users to message millions of people with their positions. Is it any wonder that government tyrants would want to control this? Elon Musk posted this on X:

POV: It’s 2030 in Europe and you’re being executed for liking a meme
Pavel Durov, the Russian-Born Emirati Founder of the Messaging App, Telegram has reportedly been Arrested at Le Bourget Airport near Paris, France due to his Refusal to Cooperate with French Authorities, who claim he is Complicit in Drug Trafficking and other Serious Crimes.

Have we forgotten Julian Assange who spent years in confinement at an embassy and then in jail for leaking information, "something journalists do every day." The American Prospect published this about Assange's "crime":

Here is the real crime in this case: The government of the United States is punishing people for their journalism and speech, threatening our most fundamental freedoms and making a mockery of the rule of law. Yet millions of Americans will only see the official narrative of this case, that Julian Assange has committed crimes and has arranged a plea deal based on time served in prison.

Think about the thousands of Americans swept into the Marxist left's net on "January 6th", not for any criminal activity, but for daring to oppose the woke agenda. 

We all know now that the media moguls conspired with government to interfere in the 2020 election. Zuckerberg (Facebook) funneled over $400 million into local activities in key places to spur get-out-the-vote activities for the Marxist left. How much of that money was used to buy votes or encourage illegal vote harvesting and ballot box stuffing? Jack Dorsey (formerly of Twitter) was another liberal flunky manipulating the truth to vilify Trump and interfere in the election. How many lower profile biased bigots participated?

If you think that this won't continue in a Harris/Walz controlled bureaucracy, you need to be red-pilled! They are both avowed Marxists, the most extreme candidates to ever appear on the presidential ballot. 

The attacks on free speech and Christian activity are increasing Check out the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) to see some of the cases they're fighting. The Thomas More Society has numerous cases defending the free speech of pro-life pregnancy centers and others. Check out their case pageLife Legal Defense has an eye-opening article about Planned Parenthood's abortion van at the Democrat Convention. It was real, but ChatGPT called it "fabricated" and part of a "disinformation campaign". 

Do everything you can now to speak the truth in love and try to open the eyes of all those swallowing the blue pills being peddled by the Marxist left. The days for the truth may be numbered like they have been so many times in history. Remember the past or be condemned to repeat it!

And of course, follow the advice of Padre Pio, "Pray, hope, and don't worry."

1 comment:

  1. There are conservative Catholics who won’t vote for Trump because he is less than perfect against abortion.

    But the alternative is not just perfect in favor of every evil … they are the Party of compulsory evil.

    That is what conservatives frequently don’t understand. The walls are closing in, it is almost at an end while we’ve been asleep, and we are decadently withholding our support from the only choice we’ve got - because of relatively minor disagreements - before the lights go out (forever) on Western Christian-based civilization.

    This is your Marxist future.

    Law and Order with Satan as king.
