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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday Meditation: Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus Christ to Fight Our Cultural Insanity!

God's Providence is impeccable! A two-year-old study of the Shroud of Turin recently published by the Daily Express presents us with the Holy Face of Christ. Using the negative image from the Shroud, the scientists have given us a recreation of the Holy Face of Jesus. Not only does the image reflect numerous icon images created throughout the centuries, but he looks almost identical to previous images from the Shroud circulating for years. 

For this new authentication to be revealed, not two years ago, but at a time when the face of evil is so front and center offers a holy opportunity to place our trust in Jesus and reject the lies of Satan. 

We are bombarded every day with icons of evil, those filled with murderous bloodlust for our children. And how many, like zombies, follow the mob like the Germans in 1933 saluting Hitler.

Sean Fitzpatrick at Crisis Magazine gives us a summary of the insanity afflicting us which was front and center this week at the Democrat convention.

We Are Out of Our Minds

Fitzpatrick described Kamala Harris in words that, no doubt, many will decry as extreme...oh and mean...poor Kamala with the little girl voice and the teenage dare anyone question her credentials. She's one of the most qualified candidates ever. Just ask Michelle Obama. No one better use word whips to overturn Kamala's party table scattering all the dismembered baby bodies for all to see. 

Kamala Harris attacks Trump before mentioning one policy item. not surprising!
Democrats have no record except destruction of the country to run on. 

Ah, but this columnist did shine the light on Kamala's bloodlust with his totally on-target assessment of the reality of what Kamala represents and our current cultural insanity:

Harris wore black, with square shoulders, wide lapels, and velvet bow, in a look that was far from the theme of joy shouted from the DNC rooftops. It was a somber suit, even a sinister one—which gets at the darkness of the political theater-of-the-bizarre unfolding in the United States. Harris’s suit was mournful, despite her now-signature “brat” grin. It was funereal, vampiric. And, yes, I just said vampiric, for this is a candidate and a campaign that is out for blood—and America has lost its collective mind to the point of voting for blood drinkers while hailing them as champions of freedom....
But if weird is a watchword of this election, let’s remember the etymological Anglo-Saxon origin of that word: “wyrd,” meaning, fate. There is something like fate in this, and we might also recall Thomas Jefferson’s adage, the government you elect is the government you deserve. While the mind-bending contradictions are flying fast and furiously, America is growing increasingly comfortable with the unaccountable and the irrational. Kamala Harris’s acceptance speech was just another piece in that scattered puzzle that threatens to be our national destiny.

Harris' speech was nauseating as she attacked Donald Trump with accusations that he would destroy the country. Of course, the Democrats, who have held the White House for twelve of the last sixteen years, can't point to a single positive thing they've done. Their only campaign strategy is to vilify Trump who kept us out of foreign wars, improved the economy, helped return abortion to the states saving the lives of God only knows how many babies, etc. Biden/Harris, on the other hand, decimated the middle class, spurred double-digit inflation, let drug cartels and sex traffickers overrun the country, encouraged the looting and burning of our cities, etc. And now Kamala claims she will fix all those problems Democrats caused on day one. Insanity indeed! Her speech illustrated Fitzpatrick's assessment that many in this country clearly are "out of their minds" 

...the cheers and applause thundered Thursday night, like an arena of demons, as Harris, draped in black with sharp shoulders and winged lapels and coffin velvet, painted promising pictures of America in the blood of children. A stark and grim representation, but it’s true—and this truth should not just be whispered in our choir stalls, but make its way into the ears of those whose voices are hoarse with cheering and whose hands are sore from clapping, that their eyes might be opened to the horror they are celebrating.

The convention made me think of the Israelites in the desert while Moses was on the mountain conversing with the Lord:

And the people seeing that Moses delayed to come down from the mount, gathering together against Aaron, said: Arise, make us gods, that may go before us.....2And Aaron said to them: Take the golden earrings from the ears of your wives, and your sons and daughters, and bring them to me. 3And the people did what he had commanded, bringing the earrings to Aaron. 4And when he had received them, he...made of them a molten calf. And they said: These are thy gods, O Israel, that have brought thee out of the land of Egypt. 5And when Aaron saw this, he built an altar before it, and made proclamation... saying: Tomorrow is the solemnity of the Lord. 6And rising in the morning, they offered holocausts, and peace victims, and the people sat down to eat, and drink, and they rose up to play.

In Scripture the terminology "rose up to play" is interpreted as lust, so we can imagine the orgy going on when Moses arrived at the camp. Doesn't that pretty much summarize the state of the Democrats' vision of "freedom" in America. Sodomy, lust, gender ideology, abortion, etc. Read or re-read Brave New World and 1984. They summarize exactly where the Democrats are taking us. 

But I don't want to paint a picture of gloom and doom because God is most present when things appear to be most evil. He only chastises us to raise up saints. Through the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary we vanquish the evil in our midst. 

Embrace devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus like St. Therese of Lisieux:  

St. Therese’s Sister’s Image of the Holy Face after the Shroud of Turin
One year after Saint Therese’s death in 1898, the photographer Secondo Pia took the first photos of the Holy Shroud of Turin and made an incredible discovery. The dark yellow shadows visible on the linen cloth turned out to be a photographic negative — when on the negatives the photographer developed, the “positive” image of a man who underwent incredible sufferings appeared. He realized that the image on the shroud was not a painting, not a forgery, but a supernatural photo, created in the moment of His glorious resurrection. Pia’s photos were published in newspapers worldwide, and a Frenchman, M. Guerin, wrote a book on the discovery: Le Linceul du Christ (The Linen of Christ). During this time of reading, Sister Genevieve of the Holy Face had a vision. She heard Saint Therese speak the following to her: “Paint Him, paint a new Holy Face, paint Him as He was!” Sister Genevieve was an excellent painter. She spent hours praying and meditating in front of the prints of Seconda Pia’s photos of the Holy Shroud. Then she started to paint. She decided to use the iconography of Veronica (or “Holy Face”) and just used a charcoal pencil. In 1904, she decided to print a limited number for visitors of the Carmel and other Carmels in France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Italy. They have the imprint “Carmel de Lisieux” and the year, 1904.

The new image of Christ from the Shroud invites us to increase our devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus in response to the demonic times in which we live. Let us join with St. Therese in praying through the Holy Face for all the demons to be sent back to hell:

O Jesus, Who in Thy bitter Passion didst become “the most abject of men, a man of sorrows,” I venerate Thy Sacred Face whereon there once did shine the beauty and sweetness of the Godhead … but now it has become for me as if it were the Face of a leper! Nevertheless, under those disfigured features, I recognize Thy Infinite Love and I am consumed with the desire to love Thee and make Thee loved by all men.

The tears which well up abundantly in Thy Sacred Eyes appear to me as so many precious pearls that I love to gather up, in order to purchase the souls of poor sinners by means of their infinite value. O Jesus, Whose adorable Face ravished my heart, I implore Thee to fix deep within me Thy Divine Image and to set me on fire with Thy Love, that I may be found worthy to come to the contemplation of Thy glorious Face in Heaven.           Amen

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