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Monday, August 19, 2024

Here We Go Again...Be Scared; Be Very Scared!

Do you trust the World Health Organization? Information about monkeypox is that it is a generally mild disease and that most people have little risk of contracting it. That info comes from the National Health Service in the UK.
There is one group, however, that is at higher risk according to the Center for Disease Control. Guess who?

I'd say there's a moral to this story. Stay away from men who have sex with other men. 

Now what do you think of this new "health crisis" coming only two months before the election. Good timing, eh, for requiring mail in ballots. Let the cheating games begin! 


  1. Didn't they already try this one?

    I don't think this is going to resonate with people. Lol.

  2. if they'd stop making every month gay month maybe the gay pox would go away. what do you think?

  3. Are you ready to vandalize billboards and public posters declaring a “pandemic” and demanding you get vaxxed? Are you ready to laugh at and resist all the hysterical Karens and Kevins who will be ready to scream and snitch? Are you ready to get your loved ones out of public schools, nursing homes and other institutions where the door on you could slam shut? Are you willing to declare a tax strike?

    Be. Not. Afraid.

  4. If we weren't living in Thunderdome I'd say this is ridiculous, but what's ridiculous anymore.
    I see people wearing masks, it will work on them, but nobody else. Say no, screw you, not doing it.

  5. It sure is something how Covid went to every corner of the world within 48 hours back in 2020. Even the Seychelles and Fiji caught it despite their remote locations. Obviously the readers of this blog are educated and skeptical of the media but please folks, for the sake of your ignorant neighbors and family members, start the common sense dialog now.

  6. And another great opportunity for Big Pharma to use scare tactics to rake in big bucks vaccinating folks agains monkey pox. How many will fall for it? Check out the drug company prepared for the bonanza.
