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Saturday, August 24, 2024

Michelle Obama Speech Part 2: Selling "the same old con."

Is history repeating itself in Chicago? Harris/Walz are leftist extremists!
Where will they take the country if they no longer need to pretend to be moderates?

Part 1 here

The second half of Michelle's propaganda speech transitioned into "the same old con" the Democrats have been spouting since Trump steamrolled over them in 2016. 

Let me digress for a moment. While the claim that the 2020 election wasn't stolen has topped the mainstream media playlist for four years, more and more examples of fraud have surfaced. And the con goes on as the plans for doing whatever is necessary to win in November no doubt is a priority in backroom discussions. The convention provides the glitz; the ballot harvesters, illegals, and fraudsters will likely provide the means. 

Anyone who believes Joe Biden won a record-breaking number of legitimate votes in 2020 has to be as demented as he is. New information coming out indicates that 1 in 5 voters committed some type of election fraud in that year. The Heartland/Rasmussen survey revealed some troubling information. 28% of those answering said they would cheat to win. the survey was significant according to the Washington Examiner:

Rasmussen’s survey done with the Heartland Institute was unusually large. It had a sample of 2,466 U.S. likely voters, and 5,605 in the six battleground states.

Rasmussen pollster Mark Mitchell said that he has just begun to ask if voters are citizens or not. Non-citizens are not legally allowed to vote in federal elections.

With the answers he received, Mitchell said the Rasmussen-Heartland poll is the first to show evidence of the potential for massive illegal voting. “We’ve seen multiple polls that indicate illegal voting issues, but this is the first poll where we’ve captured illegal aliens telling us that they’re voting,” he said....

Most American, over 60%, believe that election fraud is real. There is no requirement on federal voting forms to show proof of citizenship. (Source) How many illegals and non-citizens will be voting in 2024. How many ballots will be harvested and how many unsupervised drop boxes will be stuffed? The con is on and many Americans know it. Again, according to the Examiner:

“The fact that more than 60% of likely voters are concerned about election integrity should be a massive wake-up call to all those who refuse to admit that potential cheating in elections is a major problem,” said Chris Talgo, editorial director of the Heartland Institute.

“As the 2020 election demonstrated, mass mailing of ballots based on outdated voter rolls, ballot harvesting, unattended drop boxes, and no excuse mail-in voting has made it easier than ever for those who are committed to breaking the law and illegally voting. The fact that nearly one-in-five likely voters received multiple ballots before the 2020 election cements the case for the urgent need for election integrity reform measures across the states,” Talgo added.

But let's get back to Michelle's speech. She spent the second half with a soft endorsement of homosexuality, abortion, in vitro fertilization, pornographic books in school libraries, and gender ideology. She used euphemisms to hide the reality of what she was saying, but it was there. Without mentioning Trump's name she talked about "unpresidential behavior" and "backward leadership." It was ironic to hear an enemy of the family talking about how, "Our parents taught us better than that." This is the party that drives wedges between parents and their children, who believe the state owns the kids, who think parents have no rights over what happens in the schoolroom. 

At about the 15 minute point, Michelle went into her attack on Americans, the ones who Hillary Clinton called "deplorables," those who haven't swallowed the Democrat kool-aid.

Remember, there are still so many people who are desperate for a different outcome, who are ready to question and criticize every move Kamala makes, who are eager to spread those lies, who don't want to vote for a woman, who will continue to prioritize building their wealth over ensuring that everyone has enough.

Wow! It's enough to make one vomit. Who has "prioritized building their wealth" as they made millions "serving" the country. Look at the wealth of the Obamas, the Clintons, the Bidens who all used their political "service" to "prioritize building their wealth." Remember Hillary's insider trading? Remember Biden, the big guy, and his kickbacks, not to mention Hunter selling his influence? The mountain of lies spread by this demonic party is breathtaking. History repeats itself; Chicago could be 1933 Nuremberg.

Michelle ended her speech saying it's time to stand up "not just for our basic freedoms but for decency and humanity, for basic respect, dignity and empathy, for the values at the very foundation of this democracy."


The values at the basis of our democracy were abandoned by the Democrat party years ago. Remember 2012 when Democrats booed putting God back into their platform? Remember when our values were God, country, Mom, and apple pie? Those values disappeared from the Democrat party decades ago. They've replaced Almighty God with the Almighty Dollar. They've replaced country with one world government. They've replaced mom with birthing person. And they've taken the entire pie to themselves while they bankrupt the taxpayers. They brainwash our children in the schools and take them for abortions and gender reassignment while they lie to parents.

In her final few minutes, Michelle rallied the troops to make sure when facts about Kamala's and Walz's positions and character come out they are perceived as lies. "If they lie about her, we've got to do something," she demanded. Of course, this is classic propaganda. Anything that challenges the Democrat narrative will be labeled a lie. Anyone who exposes the lies will be called a liar. Get ready for it!

I'll be honest. I'm not very optimistic about the outcome of this election. As Jesus said about the unjust steward, "the children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light." The Democrats are skilled at burrowing into the bureaucracy. We've seen the level of corruption they've accomplished very graphically at the FBI and DOJ. When you believe the end justifies the means, you can do anything you want.

Harris/Walz may win in November which I think will be a death knell for this country. But you know what? If it happens, it can only be because God willed it. We can do everything we can within the bounds of morality to prevent it; we still may fail. If we do, then God has a purpose in His Providence. Perhaps because of our sinfulness we have to suffer a modern captivity like the Israelite slaves in Egypt and those taken to Babylon in the captivity. If that happens, praise God, pray harder, and be prepared to suffer. There will be more pro-lifers in jail joined by others guilty of wrong-think and hate speech. 

In the meantime, though, I will do what I can to prevent two avowed Marxists from taking their agenda to the White House. I will do it for my children and grandchildren. But I won't worry too much about it because God's in charge; not me!

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry you see her this way. I admire her courage and fortitude. I do not see them as "Marxists." I see them as honest and caring of all. And standing up to ridicule and slander.
