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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Justice in this Country under the Corrupt Democrats is Dead!

89-year-old death camp survivor, 6 other pro-lifers face 10+ years in prison on FACE Act charges

How many January 6ers still languish in prison without trial? How many violent criminals are released on our streets without even paying bail under the corrupt system of injustice instituted by the Democrats? How many Antifa and BLM rioters who injured police and destroyed over a billion dollars worth of property set one toe in jail?

If you want to live in a corrupt, Democrat tyranny just vote for Harris/Walz. 


  1. AMEN to that! With each presidential election I am becoming appreciative of having one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. As our ICKSP canon once said from the pulpit "In the United States we have two political parties, one is not exactly the party of Jesus Christ but the other is pure Satanic evil in all their politices and any person voting for any of them is guilty of serious sin". Apparently to the Novus Ordo Catholics its no big deal as I have seen a group called "Catholics for Harris". It should of read apostate Catholics for Harris. The most alarming however is not the laity endorsing Harris but bishops and Cardinals as evidenced by Blase Cupich leading the opening of the DNC, mentioning God but not Christ praising the very same people railing against the Catholic faith with their "abortion on wheels murdering babies in front of the United center while Blase Cupich Panders to his Socialist keepers. I only hope that if Trump should win these half rate celebrities who tell us if Trump wins they will leave the county finally fufill their empty promises. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out.

    1. Al Schroeder,
      That is exactly my sentiment.
      I don’t see Trump as the Party of Christ, far from it. But Kamala is quantifiably of the Party of Satan.

      I would love to live in a country, ruled by a King, consecrated by the Pope, obedient and supportive of the laws of the Catholic Church, spreading the Gospel of Christ throughout his Kingdom and around the world. That is a dream that will never happen until the world is remade through war and revolution.

      What I hope for from this election is much more practical. A government that allows my family to thrive and does not put me in prison, destroys my family or take all that I have from me because of my Catholic belief. Support for my faith and the practical way I thereby live as an American citizen would be fantastic. The alternative, in this election, is total destruction of all that I hold dear and that of all orthodox faithful Catholics that I love whether I know them personally or not.

      To fail to do everything possible to drive a stake through the violent, black, poisonous heart of American Communism as it is on the verge of a bloodless takeover is not just a mistake - it is a crime against the Constitutional order of American things and a sin against the RC Faith which will see endless persecution and suffering of all that is good and just.

      This is indeed a crossroad in history, and not just American history either.

  2. Democrats are not against “law and order”. They are against laws, traditionally understood, within the context of our Christian civilization.
    They are for laws, redefined to reflect the satanic ethos of Marxist Communism.
    They support the destruction of “order” within Christian civilization, using anarchy as a weapon of war against it.
    They support “order” within their new Marxist Communist police-state (*not*
    a civilization) and will impose order, as in all Marxist communes with devastating, overwhelming power.

    Examples at the beginning of the end:

    Marxists will revel in the smell and sound and sights of cities and communities burning by the violence of their Antifa shock troops. But only when in the service if expunging the old order of things.

    Marxist Democrats are very much “law and order”, however, when their order of things is well established.

    Any Catholic who is still frivolously prepared to protest vote against Trump in the face of this full frontal attack against our bi-millennial Christian civilization is making a terrible mistake. We are truly at the edge of the Marxist abyss. We know how this ends.

    1. I came across this in my morning stack of stuff. It goes along with what I said above.

      I recommend this short thread that very well explains the current conditions we face.

      The people we are up against, across national platforms within our Christian civilization, are not playing by our rules. They are playing a different game, and we are pretending that the old rules still apply, because the implications of acknowledging the new reality is dire. If history gives any consistent example, it is that civilizations rise and fall and those who wish to maintain that which is good must, at times, defend that good from those Orcs who wish to take it and burn it all down so they can rule the ash-pile which reflects that which is in their soul - ashes and dust.

      Conversion, of course, is the solution. But firm resolve to also stand up and defend what is ours … part of any solution.

      I’m reading “Come Rack! Come Rope! (Msgr Robert Hugh Benson, 1912). It tells the compelling true tale of English persecution of Catholics in the immediate aftermath (40 + years after, 1580s) of his rebellion against the RCC and Her authority over his life and rule (~ 1536). Persecution was lethal and martyrdom was woven into the fabric of English life by then. Satan hates God, hates His children, hates His RC Bride. That conflict is upon us again, I think. Recommend highly the book, as a way to prepare.

    2. For context as to why these Marxists (Democrats) do what they do … Tucker

      who understands that this is not a normal political disagreement between friends over how best to get to a commonly shared destination aspiration. No. We are going to different destinations that are mutually exclusive to each other.

      One destination is Christian with a bi-millennial tradition of glorious civilization - God and His Church and infinite numbers of glorious traditions at the core. Dad is Dad, under God.

      The other destination is Marxist with a few hundred years of violence and chaos and depravity reflecting Satan at its core of fire, ashes and dust. The Party is “dad”, is god itself.

      Wisdom in that Tucker clip. One of the good things of this moment us that we are no longer blind. Eyes open, we choose sides. And our side is full of those, like Tucker, with wisdom, newly discovered.
