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Friday, August 23, 2024

Hypocrisy on Steroids: Michelle Obama's Speech at the DNC (Part 1)

I watched Michelle Obama's speech out of curiosity well aware that "curiosity killed the cat." If one could die from an overdose of hypocrisy, I'd be dead now. The hypocrisy meter began rising from the first minute into her speech when when Michelle described the magic spreading across "this country we love."

Really? She loves our country? 

I have no doubt the Obamas love the power and wealth they've harvested from the taxpayers, but the country? From sea to shining sea with all those fly-over deplorables in middle America?

Remember when Michelle said this:

And then she and Barack spent the next eight years vilifying white Americans, attacking our boys in blue, demonizing conservatives, and inciting racism. And today what do we have thanks to their influence and behind the scenes manipulation?

  • Vilification of white America under the slogan of "white privilege"
  • Abortion extremism to the point a baby can be murdered up to birth (a higher percentage of black and Hispanic babies relative to their percentage in the population - racism on steroids)
  • a dual system of "justice" -- one standard for liberals like them and another for conservatives -- targeting pro-lifers and Christians
  • An unprecedented level of racial animosity
  • Growing poverty and looming economic bankruptcy
I could go on, but you get the idea.

She went on to talk about vanquishing the "fear, division, and hate that have consumed us." It made me shake my head to hear an author of division and hate claiming to bring hope. "Hope is making a comeback," she said. 

Wait a minute! The Dems have had control of the White House for twelve of the last 16 years. If hope needs "to make a comeback;" who killed it in the first place? Hey, they just gave Biden a five-minute standing ovation for decimating our country over the past four years! What hope did he offer as the economy collapsed and women in sports were cheated out of scholarships and awards by men in drag, etc.

Let's get this straight. The Democrats killed hope for twelve of the last sixteen years, but now that Kamala Harris is running for president, a failed VP I might add, they're offering her as the great, black "hope"? We can expect her to fix the problems she helped create?

Really? What exactly are those lemmings at the convention cheering for?

Michelle claimed that her parents were "suspicious of folks who took more than they needed." Maybe that's true, but Michelle obviously didn't adopt that part of the "moral compass" she claimed to inherit from her mom. The Obamas own three homes. In 2019 they bought their Martha's Vineyard extrava-mansion for 11.75 MILLION dollars. The Obama's net worth is $70 MILLION! But she obviously wasn't suspicious of herself and Barrack for their extravagant and selfish lifestyle. He wasn't refusing his salary as president.

Look! I don't care how much money anyone has. I don't envy anyone. But I do shake my head when rich hypocrites with multiple homes, private jets, etc. tell the middle class who can barely afford to pay the mortgage on a humble home, to tighten their belts so their taxes can go to buy the votes of illegal invaders of our country and pay off student loans.

And I'm only five minutes into Michelle's speech and the hypocrisy meter is already in the danger zone. How much worse will it get?

Plenty! I just shook my head as she eulogized Harris as one of the most qualified candidates ever to run for president who "showed her allegiance to this country, not by spewing anger and bitterness, but by living a life of service." No service to unborn babies or girls who want the privilege of being safe in the bathroom and locker room at school. The Democrat convention has been about selling lies to the American people. But one of the lessons of history is that propaganda works as long as those who spread it can silence the truth with a corrupt media and tyrannical suppression. 

When Michelle criticized the "affirmative action of generational wealth," she could have been talking about the Kennedys. There is no dearth of Democrats who rose through the ranks and made their millions "serving" the people.

When she said, "We don't get to change the rules so we always win," I almost fell off my chair. That's exactly what Obama and Biden both did with their phones and their pens. They signed executive orders that ignored the constitution and often even went ahead with actions declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. It's Democrats that destroyed law and order in this country encouraging riots in our cities. Remember Kamala's bail fund to get rioters out so they could continue looting and burning and attacking police with bricks and lasers? 

Michelle's speech could be used to illustrate a course on mob manipulation, propaganda, and mind control. As the cameras panned the audience it was clear that the crowd was in awe of her. It was almost a religious adoration on many faces. She's a great speaker and had the mob in the palm of her hand.

That's when she turned to the Donald Trump attack. But this post is long enough. I'll cover the second half of Michelle's speech in the next post. Til then, remember what the Democrats did to our country during 12 of the last 16 years and ask yourself if the country can survive four more years of Marxist ideology imposed on America. To take over a country, free speech goes and then suppression of dissent. We've experienced the "soft" suppression of free speech by the mainstream media with shadow-banning and giving low priority to wrong-think. We've seen the suppression of dissent by the corrupt system of injustice by the FBI, DOJ, Soros-funded DAs, etc. What can we look forward to in a Harris/Walz administration when they are unavowed Marxists? Check out these articles:
Walz is “Maoist to the core and should not be underestimated.”
...getting leftists elected requires fooling the American people into thinking their “moderate” campaign veneers will continue into their presidencies—even though they never do.

So, for now, Harris and her new vice presidential candidate, Tim Walz, will smother all their cherished left-wing positions—at least until November.

The two left-wing chameleons will assume the temporary identities and policies of “moderates.” That is a de facto admission that they know that the public does not want any of their true agendas.

The temporary metamorphosis means that the leftist nominees superficially feign agreement with what most Americans support—energy independence, low taxes, limited government, strong defense, deterrent foreign policy, secure borders, legal-only immigration, and assimilation rather than woke/DEI tribalism.

DNC Apporoved Patriotism:

Trump is speaking to the pains and difficulties of everyday people with his promise to “Make America Great Again.” The response of the Democratic Party and Vice President Kamala Harris is to accuse Trump of hating America by denigrating it and, in fact, that the problems in the country are easily addressed and the deep-rooted cynicism and distrust toward those in power by the masses is of little concern.

The DNC can chant “USA” and wave all of the American flags it wants, but until the party breaks its ties to elite academics and left-wing activists who have pushed the party to coastal and urban elites at the expense of the industrial middle class, its show of patriotism will ring hollow with millions of voters.


  1. The problem is that the system is corrupted to the root, unless maga republicans make something to avoid fraud in the swing states they will lose this election, the same way in 2020 and 2022

  2. Agreed! Individuals from both parties cheat, but the Democrats are committed to lying and fraud as a party standard. They will do anything, including murder, to win. Watch the documentary, The Mena Connection. The Clintons are up to their eyeballs in corruption.

  3. Oops - I posted about Michelle on the other posting.

    However now here - I am a Democrat. I do not think generalizing about "All" is wise. I find Trump to be "up to his eyeballs" in corruption and mendacity.

    There is a great deal of room for perception and perspective. How do we make room for the whole human race?
