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Thursday, August 29, 2024

Will Our Interference in Ukraine and Elsewhere Bring World War III to Our Shores?

Since Ukraine invaded the Kursk region of Russia earlier this month, the drive-by media has cheered and advanced the on-going myth that Ukraine is winning the war. Any success up to now, of course, is because of the support of the West with billions of dollars and military equipment poured into a notoriously corrupt country with absolutely no accountability. How much of the contents of American taxpayers' raided wallets ended up in offshore accounts? Nobody knows! And the Biden/Harris administration doesn't seem to care. But that doesn't keep stupid politicians like Lindsey Graham from joining the Democrat war machine and demanding more and more and more. Graham acts like a ten-year-old playing cops and robbers. I used to respect him; but he's just a political hack who looks like a member of the Keystone Cops waving his gun and then shooting himself in the foot. As for the Democrats in general, represented by demented Biden, they oppose each escalation until they say yes. They pose a serious danger to every American. God help us if Harris wins. 

John Mearsheimer, a political scientists from the University of Chicago, calls the Kursk offensive "delusional" in his interview with retired Lt. Col. Danny Davis. The West's propaganda, he say, has created a "false narrative" about the "nonsensical Kursk offensive" that Ukraine will win the war. With about one third of the Ukraine army sent to Kursk, their inevitable defeat is a forgone conclusion. Putin may even be "licking his chops" over the invasion Mearsheimer believes: 

If I were playing Russia's hand and there was evidence that the Ukrainians were thinking about launching another offensive beyond the Kursk offensive, I would be licking my chops. I'd be welcoming the opportunity to deal with that offensive. The fact is that if the Ukrainians go on the offensive their troops are out in the open and they have no air cover. The Russians dominate the air and the Russians have lots of drones and the Russians have a huge advantage in artillery. So what's going to happen here is to destrooy huge numbers of Ukrainian armored vehicles which they're doing, by the way, in the Kursk offensive. They're going to end up killing lots of Ukrainian soldiers. Many more Ukrainian soldiers are going to die than Russian soldiers because the Ukrainians are out in the open and they're moving. They are fat targets for the Russians who, again, have control of the skies.

Imagine Kamala Harris as Commander-in-Chief as the war drums sound louder. The Democrats (with neo-con Republicans) love war. With their elitist view that America's role is to plant our form of government in every hamlet in the world, there is no conflict too small for our interference. (Not to mention the money to be made for the warmongers.) 

What exactly do Americans gain from all this? Our military preparedness is weak. The recruitment level is the lowest it's ever been. In a serious military buildup, the draft will likely be re-instituted and our daughters and granddaughters will not be exempt. The Obamas daughters will never serve, but the daughters of all us deplorables will be cannon fodder. Will mandatory abortion for women serving in the military become a policy? Or will pregnant women be sent to the front? Sounds crazy, eh? That just proves it's possible, since we live in insane times. 

Yesterday published an article titled

Russia Warns US Will Face ‘Much Harsher’ Consequences for Backing Kursk Invasion:

In a separate warning, Russia's foreign minister said the US should understand World War III wouldn't be confined to Europe

Lovely thought, eh. Russia has been building up its fleet of super submarines, sometimes described as "doomsday" subs equipped with long range nukes! Imagine one of them off the East or West coast capable of hitting any city in the country.

The real-life dangers bring to mind the apocalyptic movie, On the Beach. It made history in 1959 by premiering simultaneously all over the world with its message of a nuclear doomsday. The movie terrified me, a tween, as it predicted worldwide destruction from the bombs and nuclear fallout. That was the same period when we were having air raid drills climbing under our desks -- as if that would really protect anyone. 

I don't think even a nuclear war could end life on the planet. The cockroaches would certainly survive and so would some human beings. God, not man, will end the world. But man can certainly, and seems determined, to do his best to prove he's mightier than God. 

What would World War III look like today? Check out the bombed out cities of Ukraine and Gaza and imagine your own home town in rubble and your family as refugees fleeing to find a safe haven. Much of the destruction will come hurtling down from the skies, perhaps fulfilling the terrifying visions the Blessed Mother gave to Sr. Agnes of Akita who died on Mary's feast day August 15th.

Sr. Agnes is out of this vale of tears; we remain. But we have Mary's promise at Akita, that "those who place their confidence in me will be saved." That doesn't mean that we won't suffer. Mary also told Sr. Agnes:

As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son.

That "IF" offers us an invitation. We can minimize the punishment by turning back to God. Remember the sign in the desert, the pole with the serpent that foreshadowed the sign of the cross. The serpents were not removed and people were still bitten, but looking at the cross saved them from death.  

We have nothing to fear if we remain close to the hearts of Jesus and Our Lady. Fulfilling Mary's requests at Fatima to pray the rosary and make reparation remain in effect. The world and the prince of this world can never overcome the power and love of Almighty God for his children. Our challenge is to respond to that love with faith, hope and charity. 

If you aren't praying the rosary every day for peace, start today. If you won't pray the rosary now, at least pray the three Hail Marys devotion. It won't be long before you are eager to pray the whole rosary out of love for the Blessed Trinity and the most holy Mother of God.


  1. America has never lost a major war. We are going to find out, like all other once great civilizations, what defeat is like and the myriad consequences that go along with surrender to a greater, stronger and more confident power, a power *by definition* that is incompatible with our way of life, intent on destroying all we ever assumed about civic life and thereby took for granted … *unless* we change our current course, quickly and boldly.

    There is no room for decadence in a defeated power. Practical matters of survival assert themselves.

  2. No WW3 will happen, it's all fearmongering from Hitlerite apologists afraid that their beloved Muscovy will lose.
