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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Time to Flee Massachusetts!

Massachusetts Legislature unanimously passes radical LGBT “parentage equality” bill to redefine the family.

This article is incredibly depressing to read. It indicates that Massachusetts is truly lost to any morality or concern for marriage and the family, particularly children. They will be the ones most hurt by this odious bill. Sensible parents need to do everything they can to flee the state. Real parents are already the target of these fanatics. If they dare to try to raise their children with solid Christian values they are likely to have their children taken from them. If the radical pervert crowd can convince a child he/she is really in the wrong body, they will make sure they remove any objecting parent from the scene, kidnapping their children. 

Listen to Chloe Cole, a detransitioner who  tells her horrifying story. Listen to this video and the victimization of Chloe and her family!

Pray for all the poor children abused by the woke crowd who destroy lives. Pray for the parents who participate, not out of ignorance but for the money and attention that has followed people like the mother of Jazz Jenkins! Things are so bad that there is now a condition of Munchausen Syndrome by proxy (now called factitious disorders) where parents transition their children for attention. How many parents are encouraging trans behavior even in preschoolers with the goal of getting a million clicks on social media? 

It's clear from what has happened in Massachusetts that the mainstreaming of perversion is the goal. Where will it end? I knew a Catholic father who was on the board of education who told a radical that they would lose because we are the ones having children. The response? "We'll take your children." They mean it and they will serve them up to Baal and Molech. 

Despair is useless! Hiding under the bed is useless! Educating ourselves about what's happening is essential. Storming heaven and having the courage to speak the truth knowing that persecution is likely is essential. During times of great evil and heresy, God always raises up heroes to defend the truth. Let's all commit ourselves to being among those courageous heroes. We have powerful allies. 

Christ the King, have mercy on us.
Our Lady of Victory, pray for us.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle....

GOD WINS EVERY TIME! But sometimes he allows us to suffer the consequences of our rebellion and that's what's happening now. So go to Confession and then put on the armor of God and fight. 


  1. Fleeing got us where we are today.
    Maybe it is time to try something else?

  2. Massachusetts is 32% Catholic -- meaningless now, since the Church is so corrupt and cowardly and really apostate. And the same could be said of the Vatican. The corruption of the best is the worst; we are better off living in states with an active conservative Protestant population.

  3. One has to protect one’s family first and foremost. The powers of these leftist States are focused on compulsion of citizens’ behavior to comply with their perverse leftist programs. The variance between their world view and the traditional American world view, much less the traditional Catholic American world view is profound, such that to get to compliance, leftists require extreme measures to modify compelled behaviors. And that is not going to happen while I have breath left in me. Leaving to a safe haven is the first and necessary step.

    As always, conversion of sinners from death to Catholic life is ultimately the only true solution. The conflict noted in Massachusetts is the natural result of a thoroughly pagan culture, incompatible with all we’ve known in America and assumed we can expect. Change, therefor, is impossible absent individual and cultural spiritual conversion from the inside out - which is a multi-generational project, which is why success stories like that of your children and grandchildren give much hope.

  4. Some guy with funny hair and a bleeding ear used the F-word recently.
    I think he may be on to something.
    The war is spiritual but some of the battles have been physical in the past.
    It seems such times are drawing close again.

    1. Anonymous,
      Your post makes no sense except as a possible troll.

      Why not just call him Trump, instead of obliquely insulting him and making fun of his near assassination?

      What does his alleged use of the alleged “F-word” have to do with anything?

      And how does that word lead him or us “to be on to something”?

      Beyond that … what is your point?

    2. Aqua

      Anon spoke no disparaging words about Trump. He does indeed have funny hair.

      The F word he was referring to was the word fight. And his point was that he senses that the time when this struggle will become physical is close. Can you wrap your brain around that, Einstein?

      Maybe you should find an intelligent person to explain things you don’t understand. Are you concerned that it would deprive you of even just one opportunity to infect comment sections of blogs with your ramblings?

      Here an idea. Get your own blog. Find out for yourself if you have an original idea and then put it down. See if anyone else is interested. Start as many arguments as you do now, but do it in your own little corner. That way you won’t infect anyone but yourself.

    3. Wow, Mike! Talk about an ad hominem attack. You could have stopped your comment after the second sentence, a succinct explanation which I appreciated. Instead, you decided to "infect the comment section" with an ad hominem. I'm disappointed. I look forward to argument in the classical sense without personal attacks. I appreciate all those who take the time to comment with civil discourse. As St. John says, "Let us love one another."

  5. To MikeB, Anonymous, etc …
    To any I have given offense to by my comments, opinions, tone, sarcasm etc, I apologize.

    1. Allright. Ok. I am sorry for writing a flaming screed. It was out of line. I'll just leave it at that.

  6. The whole point of a commenting section is “argument in a classical sense”, which could be presenting various sides of an argument, observations, or responses to another.

    What I have found since dipping my toe back in the commenting pool is mostly just anger. I don’t want to be responsible for another’s anger. I don’t want to become an angry person myself. I’m taking my toe back out to focus on more profitable things.

    It’s the nature of this anonymous, faceless verbal exchange on a commenting board. It reminds of road rage in which people get mad at other people, but it’s not other people … it’s seemingly an inanimate faceless hunk of metal that is simply keeping one from doing and going where they want, when they want. You don’t see the person inside, just a car (a “stupid car”)

    Behind every screen name pumping out whatever words they please is a person. But it comes across as not a person because they are hidden behind a screen and anonymity - just words, detached from the person.

    As long as the person commenting is in general agreement with the other commenters in the peanut gallery then all is well - like a bunch of cars traveling down the freeway at the same speed. But to put in an alternate view, or point out argument flaws, contrary opinions … that is like the car that has to slow down, change lanes, exit, perhaps makes a stupid driving mistake (misinterpret a post, which perhaps wasn’t written all that well), that causes others to apply their brakes and adjust their speed and following distance, alter their course, perhaps give up a choice place in line, or miss a light. Anger is more natural in these cases because it is an anonymous “thing” and not an obvious person that is causing the disturbance within the lanes / the disagreement among the commenting cloud.

    And I think that is why these blog comments lead to a verbal form of road rage. I am aware of it personally and guilty of it myself more often than I’d like I am ashamed to say.

    I would love to engage in “argument in the classical sense”, but it just doesn’t seem possible, given the nature of the thing.

    Anyway, the specific and more general apology stands. I don’t want to be responsible for another’s anger - especially among fellow Catholics.

    All the best Mary Ann. I respect what you do here and the consistent time you set. Solid.

  7. I think a major temptation with comments is rash judgment. We misunderstand or misinterpret something someone says and reply without a moment of hesitation. On my last retirement with Fr. James Buckley, FSSP I made four resolution. Don't defend myself, don't do anything hasty, embrace silence, and be good to my husband (most important of all and something the other three resolutions relate to -- especially the silence part). May we all practice Mr. Rogers' prescription for relationships: "Be kind, be kind, be kind." I love all you dear ones and pray for you all -- even the trolls, maybe especially the trolls. LOL!

    1. My Priests have told me that anger is not a sin to the extent the anger is connected to “right reason”.

      Sinful anger, as with all sin, begins as a physical impulse. It is by our sinful, concupiscent fallen nature a sinful, selfish urge. But it is not always sinful. It depends.

      The key to righteous anger, as with all righteousness, is to connect the initial physical impulse to “right reason” and proceed with reason as the guide, rather than base emotional instinct as the guide. Even anger that involves physical violence of some kind may be righteous, if so guided by reason.

      So, as you say, the key to anger, (as with so many temptations), is to pause and connect the brain and the rightly formed conscience to the impulse and physical or emotional imperative and thereby guide them to proper uses.

      It should be a habit to say a Hail Mary prayer and have a quick conversation with one’s Guardian Angel, whenever temptation is recognized at the primal level.

    2. Just re-read my comment. had to laugh. I guess a retreat is a kind of temporary retirement from the world. I think I need another one.
