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Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Bizarro World of Modern Dystopia!

Last year about this time I did a post on living in a dystopian novel. Since then, bizarro world just keeps getting kinkier and more evil. It's hard to believe that so many people are on board with mutilating gender confused children, especially parents like those who take their little ones to drag queen story hours. 

Our family spent almost 40 years living in Fairfax County. The Fairfax County public schools have been corrupt and evil for decades. We saw the evil first hand and it continues today on steroids! The education "professionals" continually lower the bar to corrupt ever-younger little ones very deliberately. They put a wedge between them and their parents. The school board seems to actually hate parents and deny their right to be the primary educators. How dare parents interfere with whatever the "professionals" want to do to their children. The "educators" ignore the concerns of parents and treat them like the enemy. Check out the latest training for teachers in the county!

        New FCPS teacher training

I was fighting sex education back in the 80s when they used a film strip telling 12 year olds (Yes, 12 year olds!) that the way to avoid STDs was "not to change sexual partners too frequently." They were attacking parents then with a classroom movie called Hassles and Hangups featuring Kirk Douglas's son, Michael Douglas. Parents were portrayed as angry, screaming, emotional abusers. 

Who were portrayed as the heroes? Teachers, doctors, and counselors of course. They were the ones who really cared about kids. Today, they are the ones taking minors off for abortions without parental knowledge or consent and introducing them to the LGBTQ closet so they can change their clothes at school and keep parents in the dark about it. Hey, kid, you're uncomfortable in your body, no problem. We'll take you for puberty blockers and surgically molest you. 

If you aren't familiar with Chloe Coles story, she's an example of abuse by counselors and doctors. Her parents listened to the "professionals" and became the unwitting enablers of Chloe's gender confusion and the abuse she experienced. She has lots of company!

After the manipulator/teacher finished showing Hassles and Hangups, I overheard her telling someone, presumably a friend, that they showed the least controversial materials. I could only imagine what the more controversial materials were. 

At that time, the county had a revolving door for Planned Parenthood while keeping out pro-life witnesses. Our kids were in Catholic schools except for kindergarten, so we were mostly not directly affected, but the reality is that your kids associate with neighborhood kids who are sexualized at an early age. The boy next door, who was about eleven, tried to get our four-year-old to drop her drawers. We had another incident with a little girl, also young elementary age. I was babysitting and I caught her in our daughter's bed with her masturbating with a doll. When I told her mom she started to cry and indicated it wasn't the first time. Poor mom; poor child, poor daughter.

This is what the sex-crazed culture is doing to our children. 

Unfortunately some parents seriously enable the situation like those who take their kids to pride parades and pervert story hours. Our daughter had a neighborhood friend at the local public high school. It was a fad at the time to identify as bi-sexual. My daughter's friend was put on birth control by her mom when she was about thirteen. She ended up with aggressive breast cancer in her early twenties and a double mastectomy. She married but later divorced and now lives with her same-sex partner. They are raising twins together, but obviously only the mom who carried the children is a biological parent. I still pray for that dear young woman and her friend who, while Catholic, obviously doesn't practice the faith. 

Was her breast cancer related to the pill? The data is argued. Of course, Planned Parenthood disputes it, but there are plenty of studies that prove the risk is real. Big Pharma and the abortion network have a big stake in suppressing the data about the pill's carcinogenic dangers. When I had cancer at age 39, my doctor said if I had ever taken the pill I would probably have had it ten years earlier. 

Dystopia anyone? All the cultural insanity we're experiencing today makes the plot of Brave New World look tame.

Yes, the chapters of our modern, very real dystopian novel are getting more and more evil and bizarre. Even back in the 80s I could never imagine that we'd have Catholic priests willing and eager to "marry" two men or two women. I would never have believed a Supreme Court nominee would say that defining the word woman was "above (her) pay grade." 

The media's complicity is no surprise, since the dishonesty in journalism was already well advanced in the 80s, but headlining an assassination attempt as these media sources did is truly journalistic malfeasance:

“Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after popping noises heard at his Pennsylvania rally,” (NBC)

“Trump whisked off stage in Pennsylvania after loud noises rang through the crowd,” (LA Times)

“Trump removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noises startles former president, crowd.” (USA Today)

Fairfax County Public Schools are a cesspool! Are there good teachers? Of course, but how many have been browbeaten into silence about the abuses perpetrated by the school board and administrators. And it's happening everywhere. Loudoun parents exposed the poisonous books in school libraries and were berated as censors for wanting to protect their children from pornography. Parents are waking up and fighting back.

God help our kids and grandkids! Diligence is more needed than ever. Many Catholic schools are no better than the public schools. I have my own horror stories about the tens of thousands of dollars we spent sending our kids to Catholic high schools that scandalized them. I spent a lot of time fighting with teachers and principals. Many of those stories are recorded in back issues of the Les Femmes newsletter which I published for almost thirty years with the final issue going to press this summer.

What do you do when you live in Dystopia? You fight back. Read The Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia. Refuse to be silent and do nothing! Our battle begins with the rosary and the Eucharist as God showed St. John Bosco. 

It's a spiritual battle because the real enemy is not the guys in drag or the abortionists or liberals advancing their poisonous agenda. The enemy is the same liar and murderer who tempted Eve in the Garden. The solution begins with personal holiness. Let us all commit to frequent Confession, Communion, the daily rosary, prayer, and study of the faith. We have weapons in our arsenal that ensure the victory if we have the sense to use them. 

May God give us perseverance in this Valley of Tears and instill in us the hope and confidence that the victory is the Lord's. He can't lose!

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us.


  1. Late 70s-early 80s my mother became known as the woman to call if you wanted to know how to fight Planned Parenthood coming into the schools (This is was in Iowa. Joe Scheidler even called my mom to talk about what she was doing. He offered whatever assistance she might need.) She was successful most times in keeping them out. If not she or someone else went into the classroom and gave the pro-life side.

    I remember back in the 90s there were some mothers who put out a newsletter called Mother's Watch to report on the perverted sex programs in Catholic schools! I couldn't read the excerpts sometimes.

    The reality is that too many people don't have a problem with this garbage.

    A few years ago a slate of conservative parents ran for the local high school board. They were against the books used in the required summer reading programs. (I looked at some of the books. They were pornographic!) They lost (of course). Parents here were quoted as saying they had no problem with their kids reading this stuff because "they needed to learn about the real world"!

    Parents won't do for their kids what they won't do for themselves. And that is learn to avoid the vices and cultivate the virtues.

  2. Excellent comment, Margaret, to an important post.
    In the late 60s-70s, I was junior high or high school age. My mother had a radio program in our large NW city and so everyone knew what she thought about the school programs.
    After Mass one Sunday at our hibrid NO/trad church, a class mate of mine approached me. 'I guess your mom just doesn't want you to know anything about sex.' I laughed at her and said, 'who do you think helps supply her with information? My parents don't want me ignorant. They just don't want me to be perverse.'
    I often think the west coast was way ahead of the rest of the country in pushing the perversion. My parernts finally gave up the fight and took my little sister and I out of school. We were the youngest of eight children. We finished at the local community college where we could argue with the instructors and drop the class if necessary.

  3. You should consider blurring the children's faces. It is not necessary to publish this comment

  4. I don't know how to do that. Can you advise?
