What the so-called "Age of Reason" ushered into the world! |
"From 1789 onward the left has ushered a great and devouring hatred into the world, drawing from a bottomless well of implacable resentment and anger that produced the Terror in the final decade of the 18th century (the "Age of Reason," they call it), the many murderous totalitarian regimes in the 20th that killed hundreds of millons, and now in the early 21st century a mass mania supported by lies, unreason, hysteria, and the denial of objective human and metaphysical reality -- oddly, by people who idolize science and technology." [They are] "driven by metaphysical hatred",,,and have "created a wasteland and called it Paradise."
Chilton Williamson in Chronicles, November 2018
"To borrow from St. Augustine, God made us to make the times, not the times to make us. We're the subjects of history, not its objects. And unless we make the times better with the light of Jesus Christ, then the times will make us worse with their darkness."
Archbishop Charles Chaput
Pio Laghi Lecture March 27, 2019