I listened to a mom's radio interview this morning.
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Tuesday, August 31, 2021
The Horror in Afghanistan: If You Voted for Biden, You Own It!
Monday, August 30, 2021
Church Militant's Hate for the SSPX Part 5: Can You Trust Their Impartiality?
Sunday, August 29, 2021
How Many Will Die from the. COVID VAX?
From Shots to Clots
If you only consider statistics about the number of people benefitting from vaccines versus lower numbers experiencing bad side effects, you might dismiss the negatives in favor of the positives. But there is significant uncertainty about longer-term negative vaccine impacts that may affect a lot of vaccinated people.
Saturday, August 28, 2021
They're Baaaaaaaack! The Next Wave of Wuhan Fear-Mongering is Here!
My parish in Woodstock posted and sent out a message yesterday that the meeting for parents about the start of religious education was cancelled. Here's what appeared on our parish website:
Attention CCD Families:
The Parent Meeting scheduled for 8/29/2021
has been CANCELLED due to
COVID safety concerns.
For those families registered,
the program calendar will be sent by email next week.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Can't say I was surprised.COVID VAX: A Global Eugenics Experiment with Us as the Guinea Pigs!
Friday, August 27, 2021
Come and. See! Have You Ever Been to the Traditional Latin Mass?
Thanks to my friend Janet at Restore DC Catholicism for posting the FSSP's video explanation of the Mass. To watch that 30 minute video go to her site. I'm posting the first of three videos for training priests and seminarians learning the Latin Mass. It shows how seriously the priest should take preparation to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Everything in preparation emphasizes the seriousness and dignity of the liturgy.
Do you want to experience the Mass of the ages, the Mass of so many saints over the millennia?
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Church Militant Hatred for SSPX part 4: Liars Will Lie! And if they lie about small things, they'll lie about greater.
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Optional Memorial of St. Louis, King of France
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Feast of St. Bartholomew: Come and See!
I've always loved St. Nathaniel, (son of Tholomew, hence Bartholomew). After Philip invites Nathaniel to "Come and see," because he has found the Messiah, he takes him to Jesus. Nathaniel is a bit skeptical. "Can anything good come from Nazareth?"Jesus greets Nathaniel saying, "Here is a true Israelite; there is no duplicity in him." What a compliment. Wouldn't you want others to say that about you?
Monday, August 23, 2021
Church Militant’s Hatred for the SSPX Explained: Part 3 - Do Opus Dei and Church Militant Share a Nest?
Birds of a feather flock together….and sometimes nest together as well!
For 25 years I have published a quarterly newsletter in the Diocese of Arlington. I use my personal home address for mailing rather than a P.O. Box. Anyone who noticed that the address for the newsletter and my home address are the same could reasonably conclude that I am deeply involved and committed to the work. In fact, it would be unreasonable to conclude that I had nothing to do with it. My name is actually on the newsletter, but let’s presume for my point, that I published anonymously. It wouldn’t take much of a Sherlock to figure out my connection.
Which brings us back to the connections between Church Militant, Opus Dei, and Opus Dei supporters.
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Sunday Meditation: What Do You Really Need?
Saturday, August 21, 2021
Church Militant’s Hatred for the SSPX Explained - Part 2
The Opus Dei Connection…
In order to understand the Church Militant/Opus Dei connection, one needs to have at least a rudimentary understanding of the OD network. So let’s take a look at their background.
The story actually begins, not with Jose Maria Escriva, OD’s founder, but with another Spanish priest, Fr. Francois Vallet, a young Jesuit who developed an abbreviated version of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Most people don’t have the leisure to do the entire 30 days. Fr. Vallet’s vision was to develop a five day retreat based on the Exercises. (As someone who’s been making a five-day Ignatian retreat annually for almost 20 years, I consider myself a beneficiary of this holy priest’s activities.)
Friday, August 20, 2021
How short is Michael Voris' leash and to whom is it tethered?
Texas Fanboi JTC giving directions to Michael Voris |
One of those priests, Fr Stephen Lefort, after being dismissed by his bishop, became a sedevacantist and was conditionally re-ordained by a Thuc-line bishop.
What a double standard for Church Militant! Yet isn't this par for the course in Vorisland? Michael Voris and Christine Niles "constantly state that the SSPX are a bad group of untouchable schismatic victimizers, yet Fr Stephen Lefort, who has actually done schismatic acts and has put himself under a dubious bishop, is treated no differently than the good guys on the panel, nor are any of his schismatic acts disclosed by Church Militant."
Why would anyone believe the frenzied sensationalism and ranting screeds of Voris and Niles? We, as reasonable people, shouldn't believe them and the game of tetherball explains why. Tetherball is a game where two people strike a volleyball suspended from a stationary metal pole by a rope or tether. The pole is usually 10 feet high with the rope connecting the pole and tetherball being 8 feet long. The two players hit the ball clockwise or counterclockwise until one player manages to wind the ball all the way around the pole as far as it will go until it hits the pole. Of course the closer to the pole, the shorter the rope.
Michael Voris and Church Militant are like tetherball. The entity "Church Militant" and all its actions are the pole. Michael Voris is the ball, tethered to the pole. Connecting Church Militant (the pole) and Michael Voris (the ball) is the rope (MONEY).
John Vennari's pamphlet on Our Lady of Fatima
Thursday, August 19, 2021
Church Militant's Hatred for the SSPX Explained: Part I
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
The Mass of the Ages Documentary, Part I -- "It was overwhelming to me how beautiful it was!"
It takes time to get used to the Latin Mass because it's unfamiliar. Most people have never experienced the seriousness and God-centered reverence and the profound silence of the traditional Latin Mass.
Monday, August 16, 2021
And the Beat Goes On at Church Militant....But Can You Trust Crackerjack Investigator Christine Niles?
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Change the Narrative: Stop the Fear
Doctors' Roundtable on the Wuhan virus, it's treatment, and the gene therapy mislabeled as a "vaccine." Follow the science and not the lying hype being shoved down our throats every day!
Awareness Foundation: Covid Roundtable
In this time of extreme censorship and suppression of scientific debate, The Awareness Foundation COVID-19 Roundtable,1 hosted by Katherine Macbean of the Awareness Foundation, is a sign of wakefulness and hope. It includes honest opinions and expertise from 14 high-profile doctors, including myself, with a focus on the potential dangers being posed by the experimental mass COVID-19 vaccination campaign.
Saturday, August 14, 2021
Vigil of the Assumption: The Eucharist and Devotion to Mary
I expect many readers are familiar with St. John Bosco's famous vision of the Church in stormy seas being attacked on all sides by war ships trying to sink her. As the battle rages the barque of the Church anchors to two pillars. On top of the large pillar rests the Holy Eucharist. On the smaller pillar is Our Blessed Lady. Once the ship is anchored firmly, many smaller boats attach themselves to the the ship where the pope stands as its captain.
Friday, August 13, 2021
Lawyers and Libel and Lawsuits, OH MY!: The Soap Opera with Church Militant Continues!
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Hannah Merz, Carroll's "rising star" posted by "Yves Helory" |
Another month, another lawsuit threat....
I've already posted about Church Militant's July 27th threat to sue us. And now it's August. About ten days ago we got a second lawsuit threat -- this time from Rebecca Carroll's lawyer friend.
We must be doing something right. My experience is that when you start exposing lies, all hell (and I mean that literally) breaks loose. Every time I've been threatened with a lawsuit, it's been about something people want to hide.
Thursday, August 12, 2021
An Epiphany of Nothing
A picture of nothing |
When I was a child I could not see, that is, I could see, but just barely since my eyes were so damaged that they were unable to focus. Until I received the miracle of glasses I never knew that people were able to see individual leaves on trees or flowers in the fields and I had never before then seen stars in the sky.
Without the benefit of clear sight it was difficult to understand what was spoken to me since I couldn’t see facial expressions or word formations on people’s lips. In school, teachers seated me in the front row and thankfully I was intelligent enough to understand what was taught verbally even though I couldn’t see what was written on the blackboard. Of course if I held books close enough to my face I could see the words and read.
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
An Article Worth Reading and Meditating Upon: It Begins with a Scene from The Betrothed....
....a novel recommended by the saintly Fr. John Hardon, S.J. in his Catholic Lifetime Reading Plan.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Breaking News: Cuomo Resigns! Sometimes You Get to See Justice Done!
Gov. Cuomo Announces He Will Resign in Wake of Sexual Harassment Allegations
Let's not gloat, but it's really tempting when Democrats get caught up in their own mesh of lies and stung by the vipers with whom they share a nest. The Democrat rats have abandoned Cuomo's sinking ship and turned on him. Here's a bit from the article that I found sadly amusing that brought to mind the saying, "There's no honor among thieves," or loyalty either. The chickens rats have come home to roost nest. Poor Andy is getting the treatment he's often given to others:
Is History Repeating Itself? A Commentary on the Vendee and Church Militant
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Omigosh, She has the "SSPX banner" on her house! Duh...It's not the "SSPX banner!" Ignorance reigns on Christine Niles' Facebook page. |
Today is the feast of St. Lawrence, my husband's patron saint. It's also the anniversary of the day Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were arrested. The monarchy in France ended.
The sins of the fathers are visited on the children and thus it was with Louis XVI whose ancestor, Louis XIV failed to obey Our Lord's instruction, through St. Margaret Mary, to dedicate France to the. Sacred Heart of Jesus. One hundred years later, France was inflicted with the butchery of the French Revolution inspired by masonic hatred of the Church. The royal family was imprisoned and ultimately executed.
Medical Tyranny is Killing Our Kids and Robbing Us of Our Freedom
Monday, August 9, 2021
Doctors Under Attack if They Won't Tow the Party Line and Push the Jab
The shameless COVID Machine slanders every doctor who points out the danger of the gene therapy jab that has killed and injured thousands. The same Biden/Fauci machine continues to suppress the truth about effective therapies like ivermectin and hydroxychoroquine that could have saved a large percentage of those who unnecessarily died. Those promoting the government lies, use lawsuits and slander to attack the prominent physicians who won't jump on the snake oil bandwagon. Let's look at some of the slandered doctors, first Dr. Peter McCullough:
Lawsuit against Prominent Physician Sends Wrong Message, States the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)Sunday, August 8, 2021
Sunday Meditation: On the Power of the Eucharist to Sustain Us
What a psychologist Thomas a Kempis was. He understood mankind from the soles of our feet to the tops of our heads. And how well he knew Our Lord. What a spiritual director he would make!
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Dr. Peter McCullough: No "fully-recovered patient" should take the jab!
From the article:
- McCullough has directly managed the care of over a hundred COVID-19 patients, as well as advising on “many hundreds if not a thousand” cases worldwide.
Friday, August 6, 2021
Population Control and COVID Go Together Like the Acorn and the Oak
Depopulation? It's no accident!
Former Pfizer VP warns childbearing-age women: ‘Do not accept these vaccines’
95% of Severe COVID Cases and Hospitalization in Israel are among the Fully Vaxxed!
We know that many involved in COVID "vaccine" development are also deeply involved in population limitation. they want to reduce the world population drastically. It's satanic. The devil hates babies more than anything. Every baby conceived reminds him of the Incarnation of Jesus in the womb of the Virgin Mary. Every baby he prevents, every baby he kills feeds his blood lust. But he also hates every person on the planet and if he can kill you, he hits the jackpot.First Friday Thought for the Day: Win Heaven's Lottery - Guaranteed!

“I promise you, in the excessive mercy of my Heart that my all powerful love will grant to all those who receive Holy Communion on the first Friday for nine consecutive months, the grace of final repentance; they shall not die in my disgrace nor without receiving the sacraments; my divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in that last moment.” — Our Lord to St. Margaret Mary
Thursday, August 5, 2021
The Loaded Language Church Militant Uses Against the SSPX
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Do you read the dictionary? Look up calumny and slander! |
My mom loved words. She loved words so much she used to read the dictionary. I absorbed a large vocabulary and impeccable grammar at my mother's knee. When I took the SATs in high school I scored high on English, not because I knew all the rules, but because I knew what "sounded right." I also learned to use words properly -- the right word at the right time in the right context. My mom never used loaded language to manipulate others; she was too honest. Words were too important not to treat them with respect and use them with integrity.
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Praise God for an Olympic Gold Medalist Who Loves the USA!
Ya just gotta love the Babylon Bee that posted this yesterday.
When Adolescents Control the Culture: It's Not a Pretty Picture
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
Get to Know Archbishop Lefebvre, Enemy of Modernism, Faithful Son of the Church
Stop listening to all the attacks on this holy man. He deserves our thanks for saving the Traditional Latin Mass and defending the priesthood. One day I think he will be a canonized saint and a doctor of the Church. Watch the documentary, read his biography and study his writings. It may open your eyes. And if you want to watch a debate about the SSPX being in schism, go here. Jeff Cassman argues like an adult; his opponent, despite all his credentials, argues like a kid.
Sunday, August 1, 2021
Investigation of Church Militant's Hate-On for the SSPX
Sunday Meditation: Book 4 of the Imitation of Christ on the Eucharist
This morning I began Book 4 of The Imitation of Christ which is devoted to the Eucharist. Chapter 1 describes the great reverence we should have in approaching the Sacrament. My immediate thought was the prayer:
O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.