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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

When was the last time you made a retreat?

I love going on a silent retreat every year to recharge the batteries and allow the Holy Spirit to blow the worldly dust of cynicism and discouragement out of my soul.

Every Catholic should make a regular retreat to remember that we are pilgrims in a strange land here on earth, far from our true home. The only purpose of this life is to prepare for the next. If you aren't on the road to heaven, you are probably on the road to hell. Time for a U-Turn? It's never too late.


  1. What retreats would you recommend?

  2. Anything offered by the Priestly Frternity of St. Peter. Check the orthodoxy of the retreat master. It he's a Jesuit, he's likely to be bad, but there are a few good ones who haven't been silenced by the order...yet.

    Retreats using the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius, if they are faithful to the method can hardly go wrong.

  3. I'll keep those in mind. Some gals from the CCF board have talked about having a get together in the way of a retreat - which would be an excellent way to spend time with each other. :)
