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Monday, June 25, 2012

Bishop Cordileone Requires Fidelity Oath from Gay Ministry

Two thumbs up for Bishop Salvatore Cordileone who asked the Catholic Association for Lesbian and Gay Ministry (CALGM) to sign an "oath of personal integrity" to the Catholic faith. An article in the National Catholic Reporter reported:
In an April 12 letter to the association's board, Cordileone stated he would "take public action to clarify the status of CALGM with regard to authentic Catholic ministry" should they refuse to take an oath that requested that each member "strive to clearly present Catholic doctrine on homosexuality in its fullness" and "profess personally to hold and believe, and practice all that the holy Catholic church teaches, believes and proclaims to be true, whether from the natural moral law or by way revelation from God through Scripture and tradition."
The board has refused twice to comply. One can only presume that, like Dignity, another so-called Catholic gay group, they want to call themselves Catholic while promoting the gay lifestyle. Except for Courage, the ministry founded by Fr. John Harvey, a support group for those with same-sex attraction striving to live a chaste life, "gay" ministry in the Church has been characterized by dissent from teachings on the disordered nature of homosexuality.

Two thumbs up to Bishop Cordileone for reining in the lavendar mafia in the Church. Their refusal to personally affirm their fidelity to Church teaching says it all.

Read the NCR's article here.


  1. Isn't he terrific?! What a good shepherd.

  2. God bless Bishop Cordileone for taking this loyal stand to Church teaching. May we have more such bishops.
