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The armies of Middle Earth approach Mordor. Everyone on the battlefield still alive, get up and fight! |
CFN Interview with Randy Engel on
“Homosexuality and the New
World Order”
Introduction – Have you ever wondered how the Homosexual Movement has
come to be such a powerful force in American life today? How the movement
appears to be able to bend government to its will? How the movement attracts
millions upon millions of dollars from Corporate America? These questions,
among others, have puzzled me for a long time, so I decided to ask Catholic
journalist Randy Engel, author of The
Rite of Sodomy (www.newengelpublishing.com)
and an authority on homosexuality in the Church and in Society, from whence
comes all this power and money and influence that the Homosexual Movement seems
to enjoys not only in the United States but abroad as well. – jv
John Vennari – For years, I have been unable to understand how and why
the Homosexual Movement in the United
States wields such great power and
influence? Can you enlighten me and our readers on this question?
Randy Engel – There is no doubt
that the Homosexual Movement, is currently at the vanguard of organized sexual
deviancy and that it has tremendous clout and resources of all kinds, far
beyond what its small numbers would logically dictate.
From a historical perspective, we
know that the advancement of homosexuality is part and parcel of the modern
Sexual Liberation Movement, started in the late 1920s and culminating in the
formation of the World League for Sex Reform in 1928. The main theme of the
League was clearly eugenic – “race
betterment through selective breeding,” –
but its platform also included the repeal of anti-sodomy laws and the
legitimization of sodomy as an alternative form of sexual expression. In
addition, the WLSR also promoted and lobbied for contraception, sterilization,
abortion, population control, sex instruction for the young, divorce and “open”
marriages, pornography, suicide, euthanasia, artificial reproduction, and
government operated and medically supervised brothels.
Pope Pius XI responded promptly
with his great encyclical Casti Connubii
(On Chaste Wedlock) in December 1930, thereby successfully defending the fort
of Christian morality for another generation.
As for the Homosexual Movement in
the United States ,
up until the late 1960s, it remained largely an underground leftist affair
organized by such men as Marxist Henry Hay. It was a loosely organized, fringe
network congregating in major port cities such as San
Francisco and New York
and was, in the public eye, mainly associated with avant garde occupations and sexual libertines. Its political clout,
financial resources, and influence on American sexual mores were very limited.
JV – And then came Stonewall?
RE – Yes, and then came the Stonewall Inn riots of June 1969 which,
we are told, became the “flash point” of the Homosexual Liberation Movement
worldwide. Seemingly overnight, “gay” leaders spontaneously organized
themselves into a well-oiled political machine; they staged press conferences
in major cities which were covered by the world media, millions of dollars
flowed into the movement’s heretofore empty coffers, and leading public figures
decried the injustices allegedly suffered by homosexuals. What had been
traditionally viewed as a vice to be suppressed by government became a virtue
and a civil right to be protected and advanced by the State.
JV – I take it you don’t buy this official version of Stonewall?
RE – Not for one moment. Events of this magnitude take careful
planning and coordination and a great deal of money. They do not occur by
spontaneous combustion. The Homosexual Revolution, like any revolution worth
its salt, started at the top, with the wealthy and powerful, and not with a
group of disgruntled clientele of transvestites, homosexuals, and young male
hustlers who frequented the small Greenwich Village
bar and who were later joined by sympathetic residents in a violent melee with
local police.
JV – Do you have any evidence to back up your claim?
RE – Yes. I have, for
example, the statement of Dr. Richard Day, a former Medical Director of Planned
Parenthood-World Population and a Rockefeller protégée, who, just months before
Stonewall publicly stated that “homosexuals will be given permission to be
JV – Permission from whom?
RE – From the elite of the “New
World System.”
JV – I think we need to back up for a moment. Can you explain the date
and context of Day’s statement?
RE – Dr. Day gave his historic speech describing the “New World
System” to the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society on March 20, 1969. Titled, “Family
Planning: Infant Mortality, Gene Frequency, Abortion and Other Considerations,”
Day’s speech described in broad strokes, the New World System which he said was
already in place and functioning. In his
lengthy discussion of population control, he stated that in the future there
would be “sex without reproduction” (aka contraception, sterilization,
abortion) and “reproduction without sex” (in vitro fertilization, artificial
insemination). Day’s comment on homosexuality followed on the heels of his
prediction that “Abortion will no longer be a crime,” – that it would be
accepted as normal and be paid for by taxes for those who could not pay for
their own abortions. This was four years before Roe vs. Wade.
JV – Can you cite another example?
RE– On March 11, 1969, just nine days before Day made his statement
on homosexuals being given permission to act out, Frederick S. Jaffe, Vice
President of Planned Parenthood-World Population sent a memorandum titled
“Activities Relevant to the Study of Population Policy for the U.S.” to Bernard
Berelson, President of John D. Rockefeller III’s Population Council. Listed
under the section on “Social Constraints” is “Encourage increased
It is a matter of public record,
of course, that the Rockefeller family and its many “charitable” fronts like
the aforementioned Population Council and Planned Parenthood have been promoting all kinds of sexual
deviancy for decades including sodomy. The reader may recall that it was the
philanthropoids of the Rockefeller Foundation that initially funded the
pro-homosexual and pro-pedophile research of sexual deviant, Alfred C. Kinsey,
at the University
of Indiana from 1941 to
1949 to the tune of $ 414,000.
– So what you are saying is that the source of the Homosexual Movement’s
power and influence was not generated from within the movement itself, but from
without – from the powerful foundations and other entities that rule from
behind the scenes?
RE – Exactly.
When discussing these powerful
U.S.-based philanthropic foundations, technically referred to as “privately
organized public institutions” there are a few things one must keep in mind.
First, there is nothing
“charitable” about these groups. They were, from the beginning, created by
Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller to be agents of social change and
control, and they have used their funds effectively to support a wide range of
anti-life and anti-family initiatives including “Gay Liberation.”
With their great prestige and
virtually unlimited and unrestricted financial resources, these foundations can
go where others fear to tread and pave the way for public acceptance of all
forms of sexual deviancy, until the time is ripe for the NWO elite to take over
and the particular deviancy in question is institutionalized as official public
policy, and the financial burden shifted to the shoulders of the American
taxpayer. They did it with eugenics. They did it with birth control including
abortion. And now they are doing it with homosexuality.
JV – Didn’t a group of billionaire insiders meet secretly late this
spring to discuss increasing their philanthropic output?
RE – You’re
probably referring to the May 5, 2009 meeting held at Rockefeller University
which was called by Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and David Rockefeller, Jr. Among
those in attendance were Oprah Winfrey, Ted Turner and George Soros and other anti-life
servants of the NWO. Not surprisingly, an increased commitment to population
control was at the top of the list. This means that Americans had better prepare themselves for a new wave of “population bomb” propaganda, as well as an
increase in “gay” and pro-abortion advocacy.
JV – What other groups besides these large foundations are supporting
the Gay Liberation Movement today?
RE – One of the largest sources of support for the Homosexual
Movement and Gay Agenda is Corporate
America – Coke-Cola, Pepsi, Ford
(Globe), General Motors, American
Express, Best Buy, Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae, Mellon Financial, Shell, Dell,
Avon, Estee Lauder, Coors, General Electric, General Mills, Kraft, Johnson &
Johnson, Eli Lilly, Hyatt, State farm, Avis, Starbucks, Subway, Gameboy, Ikea,
JC Penney, Sears, Sam’s Club, Target, Wal-Mart (Pride), Weight Watchers, IBM,
Intell, AT&T, and on and on.
I suspect, although I cannot
prove, that virtually all major U.S.
business corporations have an agreement with the NWO elite that requires them to
“donate” a portion of their profits to advance the various pet “charities” of
the New World Order. Pro-life groups are not on the list.
The Federal government, of course,
has done its part to advance the Homosexual agenda. Among the Federal Agencies
and programs that have supported the Homosexual Movement are the Center for
Disease Control, CETA (Comprehensive
Employment and Training Act), the National Institutes of Health,
Legal Services Corporation, National Park Service, National Public Radio
(funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting), to name but a few. The
Internal Revenue Service has awarded the 501 (c) (3) tax deductible status to
homosexual organizations that “foster an understanding and tolerance of
When you add the power of the
liberal mass media that has always backed the Homosexual Movement, you’re
looking at one powerful propaganda machine.
JV – Did the AIDS crisis hinder or help the Homosexual Movement?
RE – In terms of finances, government-sponsored AIDS programs
proved to be the goose that laid the golden egg, and millions of dollars of
“health” funds has made their way into homosexual political/activist
organizations. AIDS has the added “benefit” of helping to reduce the “surplus
population,” in keeping with the New World Order’s relentless campaign against the proliferation of people. Unfortunately,
the useful idiots that dominate the “gay” leadership have yet to figure that
out, or if they have, they are silent so as not to loose their salaries, or
possibly their lives.
JV – How about financial aid and support from churches?
RE – That question would require a book to answer, but yes, almost
all liberal mainline churches, synagogues, and religious orders contribute
financially and in other ways to promote and sustain the Homosexual Movement. That
would include the American Catholic Church especially the bishops’ bureaucracy,
the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Finally, I would like to mention the role that
Organized Crime, as a functionary of the NWO, plays in supporting the
Homosexual Movement. There is a symbiotic relationship between the two since
criminal syndicates own many homosexual-frequented establishments such as “gay”
bars and baths. Organized Crime also supplies drugs, pornography and young male
prostitutes which are staples of the homosexual anti-culture.
JV – I can understand why Organized Crime would have a vested interest
in promoting and funding the Homosexual Movement. I can also understand, given
the large amount of disposable income that many homosexual have, why the
movement would attract some support from Corporate America . But I don’t quite
understand what the elite of the New World
Order has to gain by promoting homosexuality?
RE – Again, John, I’d need a book to answer that question
thoroughly, but let me give you a simple response by referring back once again
to Dr. Richard Day’s speech on the New World System.
According to Day, the sine quo non of the New World Order is
population control. While we pro-lifers generally associate population control
with contraception, abortion, sterilization and the like, this is a very
limited view of the meaning of the term. Day makes it very clear that for the
Puppet Masters of the NWO, population control has a much broader meaning. It
means total control over every aspect of human life – education, economics and
finances, religion, entertainment, transportation, medicine, the arts, national
defense, politics, medicine, science and technology, sports, law enforcement,
agriculture and farming, and ultimately, who shall live and who shall die.
JV – So population control is, in fact, people control?
RE – Correct.
JV – Alright then,
how does homosexuality fit into the NWO scheme?
RE – Well, first let me state that there have always been two
natural enemies of totalitarianism of any stripe – the family and religion. The
advancement of homosexuality and other forms of deviant sexual behavior, as we
have seen from the current battle over “gay marriage,” is designed to undermine
both marriage and family, as well as the natural law and traditional morality. The
goal of the NWO is to create a generation of polymorphous perverts – narcissistic, isolated and
rootless individuals who, being enslaved by their own unnatural passions, will not
present any serious opposition to their new slave masters.
JV – Once this goal is achieved, will rank-and-file homosexuals
continue to play a special role in the NWO?
RE – No. This is highly unlikely. As Dr. Day made quite clear, the
NWO prides itself on stability and loyalty to the New Order and homosexuals are
notoriously unstable and unreliable. So, having served their purpose, when the
time comes, rank-and-file homosexuals will be systematically eliminated as
enemies of the state. Elite “gays” within the NWO will probably remain.
JV – Randy, you have painted a rather bleak scenario of life under the New World Order and the role of the Gay Liberation
Movement in helping to bring it about. Do you foresee any viable opposition
coming from the Catholic Church with regard to stemming the Homosexual
Movement’s advance and that of the NWO?
RE – As I document in my latest book, The Rite of Sodomy (www.newengelpublishing.com), thus far, the
Church has been unwilling or unable to stem the tide of homosexuality both
within its own ranks and in society at large. Resistance to so-called “gay
marriage” and other abominations has come from individual traditional Catholics,
from Evangelicals, and other concerned citizens.
As for leading an organized
opposition to the NWO, as Day stated in 1969, “You think the churches will
oppose us. I tell you they will help us.” And he did not make any exception for
the post-Conciliar Catholic Church.
JV – Recently, I read for the first time, the complete transcript of
“The New Order of Barbarians,” which contains the recollections of Dr. Lawrence
Dunegan, a Pittsburgh pro-life pediatrician who was in attendance at Day’s
infamous lecture in March 1979, as well as Dr. Dunegan’s interview with you on
the NWO. The accuracy of his predictions
chilled me to the bone. Is that transcript available to CFN readers on the
RE –
Yes, the U.S. Coalition for Life has just posted the official transcript of Dr.
Dunegan’s report on the Day talk, free of charge, on its Research Library
webpage at http://uscl.info/edoc/doc.php?doc_id=89&action=inline.
An audio boxed set of the text (CD or audio cassette) is also available from
the USCL, Box 315 , Export , PA 15632 for $24.95, postage included. I
guarantee your life will never be the same after you hear “The New Order of
Barbarians.” Mine certainly wasn’t.
JV – Are you discouraged by the fact that virtually every prediction
made by Dr. Day in 1969 concerning the NWO has come to past?
RE – I would be lying if I said that the anti-Christian agenda of
the NWO does not concern me. It should concern every Catholic, indeed every
human being on this planet. But I also know that God is still
in charge of the world. As we read in The
Imitation of Christ by Thomas à
Kempis, “… For man proposes, but God disposes; neither is the way of man in his own hands.”
I do not know what the future holds for us on this earth, but I firmly
believe that as a member of the Church Militant, if we put our faith in Our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother, humanity’s solitary boast,
we shall not be disappointed and the final victory will be ours. Alto
quien vive!!
JV – Which means?
RE – Loosely translated it means “Anyone on the battlefield who is still alive, stand up and fight!!”
- For ordering information and reviews on The Rite of Sodomy see www.newengelpublishing.com.
- The text of the “New Order of Barbarians” is available at http://uscl.info/edoc/doc.php?doc_id=89&action=inline. Tapes and CDs of the Dunegan interviews are also available by contacting the U.S. Coalition for Life at rvte61@comcast.net.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this chilling post; the pieces of jigsaw are joining up.
I would like to reproduce this on my blog within the next two or three weeks - with full attribution of course. Hope this is okay. Kind regards. Brian C.
Absolutely! Randy Wants this to get as wide a distribution as possible.
ReplyDeleteRandy Engel = A Courageous Catholic Truth teller ! Would that our Shepherds were all infused with her Christian zeal.
Mrs. K:
ReplyDeleteThank you very much!
God bless
Richard W Comerford
You're welcome, Richard. Let's all pray for Randy Engel. She is a real gift to the faith with her tireless efforts to speak the truth.
ReplyDeleteShe's a brave woman.