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Will the Pan-Amazon Synod October October 6-27 lead the Church to "a point of no return?" |
I just started reading the working document for the latest synod. At 45,000 words it is not a job for
the timid. Frankly, I'd rather go to the dentist, but I think we all need to know what the pope and his minions are up to. The synods on youth and the family did not advance or defend the faith at all. Vatican correspondent Edward Pentin pointed out some "areas of concern" from the youth document including ambiguous language about homosexuality, the role of women in the Church, and the sex abuse crisis. The two synods on the family created more ambiguity and revealed, according to George Weigel:
...what has been known, if rarely spoken of publicly, for some years: Much of the Church in northern Europe is in a de facto state of schism, not formally detached from Rome and the rest of the world Church, but thinking and living its own ecclesial reality. Some northern European bishops manifestly do not believe and teach what the Catholic Church believes and teaches.And so it continues with the upcoming synod featuring a working document and preparations that flash red for faithful Catholics. But are many faithful Catholics paying attention? Most are busy with work and family. Do they really have time to get into the nitty-gritty of Church politics? And who, after all, will actually read a 45,000 word prep doc or pay any attention to the synod when it takes place in October?
How many even know about the private pre-Amazonian "study meeting" that featured a cabal of the very bishops Weigel described as in "de facto schism?" Among the group are those who promote Communion for the divorced in invalid second marriages, married priests, women deacons, women's ordination, etc.
Just to name a few of the prelates involved in the secret meeting:
Cardinal Walter Kasper, liar extraordinaire, who accused Vatican journalist Edward Pentin of making up an interview where he insulted the African bishops. Kasper, a close advisor to the pope has little respect for the faith of our Fathers.
A large number of other German prelates/theologians (nearly a third) who have little to do with any expertise on the Amazon leading to this commentary in the National Catholic Register:
a source close to the Church in Germany said the upcoming synod is “not about rethinking things” as some have wished to portray it, but largely German theologians “activating old material.” The organizers, he said, “are getting old folders out of the cupboard and trying to implement the 1970s thinking within them.”
And despite a strong emphasis on listening to the “voice of the Amazon” in the working document, a significant and common factor in this meeting is the large number of European and particularly German prelates and theologians taking part, and the seemingly few or absent Amazonian voices.Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, the notorious lying prelate who intercepted the book, Remaining in the Truth of Christ, mailed to all the bishops attending the synod on the family. Interfering with the mail is a CRIME! but canon lawyer Ed Peters opined that what Baldisseri did "was worse than a crime; it was a blunder," lending credence to Catholics in the pew believing nothing they say or do matters to Church leaders. Those who disagree with them will make sure their bishops never hear about it!
Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck, bishop of Essen, Germany who said the synod will lead the Church to a "point of no return" which is exactly what faithful Catholics fear. According to the UK's Tablet:
Lord Jesus, have mercy on us.
Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, pray for us.
St. Joseph, patron of the Universal Church, pray for us.
To be continued.....
Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck of Essen has called for a new “image of priest” in light of the fact that, in the Amazon region, there are often women religious who are influential in the local parishes.
“The face of the local church is female,” said Overbeck, who is the head of the German bishops' Latin America commission, which provides financial and pastoral support to Latin America.
Overbeck said that the Amazon Synod will lead the Catholic Church to a “point of no return” and that, thereafter, “nothing will be the same as it was”. Bishop Erwin Kräutler, a proponent of married and female priests, is the author of the working document for the upcoming Synod.No wonder Jesus said, "When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" Individual priests and laity better make sure the answer is yes, even if the pope and the hierarchy have all abandoned Him. Pray, study the faith, know the doctrine, and reject cafeteria belief. The future destination of your soul depends on it!
Lord Jesus, have mercy on us.
Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, pray for us.
St. Joseph, patron of the Universal Church, pray for us.
To be continued.....
Are many faithful Catholics paying attention? They had better start, for this sin-nod, and many other things, WILL threaten and maybe destroy their families if they don't wake up.
ReplyDeleteHow do we wake them up?
ReplyDeleteI pray. I don't know what else to do.
ReplyDeleteAmazing isn't it, how very few Catholics care about any issue beyond their own parish parking lot.
ReplyDeletePriests are too afraid to wake them up, bishops are too focused on the money flow and their next promotion, and the majority of cardinals too old or corrupt to bother, including our emeritus pope Benedict.
Where are the shepherds? Save us, Lord, from this pending catastrophe.
Follow the money trail to the Amazonian Synod: http://eponymosflower.blogspot.com/2019/brazils-president warns-of-violation-of.html
ReplyDeleteAll of this is a culmination of decades of modernism. When you have pervert "catholic" writers cashing in on the Theology of the Body gravy train you know you're in trouble. Seriously have you read and listen to any of the perverted writings of West, Popcak et al? It's crazy and creepy
ReplyDeleteAlice, I sense your frustration. Prayer is fundamental. Then we start in our own families trying to educate our children. I often send my kids articles that I clip out of The Wanderer and other papers. I talk to my older grandchidren about what they're seeing at school and always tell them to remember where they came from and that not every professor will tell them the truth. We can try to hold the ground in our own families to the degree that we can and then give the best example possible.
ReplyDeleteEverytime I read something else about where the pope and his minions are leading us, I hear a Laurel and Hardy clip in my head,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0srO4LTzVTE<iframe width="560" height="315"